Try to channel your energy into physical work. Added knowledge will give you the edge when dealing with peers. Minor health problems may lower your vitality. Refrain from arguing with your mate. Don't let your family put demands on you. Don't involve yourself in the emotional problems of those you work with. Don't bother trying to hide the way you feel -- it's important that you keep things honest and out in the open. It may cause changes to take place in your life, but those alterations are probably overdue. It's a new day -- move forward.
Daily Horoscope
Make creative changes to your living quarters. Mingle with those who can further your goals. New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events. Take part in stimulating debates that will allow you to show off your intelligence. Think twice before you volunteer information. Try to calm down and listen to your partner's complaints. Work-related events will open your eyes to the possibilities in front of you. Your ability to delegate work will be put to good use. Don't overindulge.
Daily Horoscope
Don't jump the gun; you may find yourself getting angry at the wrong person. You can make alterations to your appearance that everyone will admire. You can't lose today unless you get involved in gossip or overwork to the point of exhaustion. Eliminate situations that are no longer to your advantage. Friends and relatives may be hard to take today. Set your goals and stick to your guns. It's a good day to network. Mixing a little business with pleasure certainly can't hurt your chance for advancement. You will impress the people around you if you use your Leo charm and outgoing nature.
Daily Horoscope
You'll be too busy with business and domestic concerns. Renovations or purchases made for your home will payoff. Organize your day to avoid any setbacks that might ignite temper flare-ups. Don't put off the things that they have asked you to do. Don't let them blame you. Use the day to think about domestic concerns. There is plenty happening in the romance department as well as where your work is concerned. It won't take much to be in the spotlight. Complete deals and make promises or commitments that you are passionate about.
fire & ice
so LEO or VIRGO better?
Originally posted by fire & ice:
so LEO or VIRGO better?
huh wat u mean? u can read the 1st page to know more abt them.
Daily Horoscope
Romance can surface if you get into some of those fitness programs you've been putting off. Stick to your own projects and by the end of the day you'll shine. Travel will be in your best interest regardless of whether it is business or pleasure. Deception and doubts may surround your involvement with friends and relatives. Lovers will be less than accommodating, and decisions regarding personal direction a necessity. You can make excellent purchases today. Everything will get to you today. Your emotions will be close to the surface and you will have trouble controlling your temper. Don't nag or criticize or you'll end up creating more trouble than you bargained for.
Daily Horoscope
Minor health problems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself or have been burning the candle at both ends. Use your intellectual approach to get the best results. Family trips or projects should be on your mind. Major new ideas come to light. Your outgoing nature might work against you today. You can make money through solid investment plans. Lady Luck is in your corner, just waiting for you to try something different. You can make some extra cash or even open up possibilities for interesting new career options. Investment opportunities will turn out favorably.
Daily Horoscope
You can win if you're open and up front with your boss. You are best to be accommodating for the time being. You can anger others quickly today. You can make extra cash if you act on a hunch. Your questions will help you ferret out secret information. Don't press your luck with your loved ones. An investment will pay off. The more confident you are, the better you will do. You can sell anyone your idea by being enthusiastic and sure of yourself. Make changes to your residence.
Daily Horoscope
You should expect to have changes in your home. Changes in your home may be alarming at first. Satisfy your passionate mood. You're best to channel your energy into work. Do not jump to conclusions concerning your romantic partner. Don't think the worst if you hear something negative about your partner. A partnership looks promising and should turn out to be even better than you imagined. Talk about your expectations and concerns. You will meet new and exciting people through an industry event you attend.
Daily Horoscope
You're likely to find a real bargain. Uncertainty regarding your mate may emerge; reevaluate what you see in each other. There may be opportunities to attend social functions that are linked to work. There might be one who is quite willing to take the credit for your work. One sided attractions are likely. Take time to explain your intentions to loved ones. You may want to take care of everyone, but you mustn't do so by taking on a financial burden you can't handle. Cut back, learn to budget and offer your time and advice -- not your cash. Focus on love, romance and passion.
Daily Horoscope
Attend seminars that will bring you in contact with the right people. You are better off visiting friends or relatives than entertaining at home. Put aside any decisions concerning your position at work. You need to concentrate on your business ventures more than on your relationship today. The personal problems you may be having are interfering with your productivity. Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts. If you are quick to step up to the plate at any function or event you attend, you will be able to take a leadership position and shine. Your ability to initiate new projects will spark enthusiasm in others and attract a love interest.
Daily Horoscope
Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your mate. Don't back down but don't ignite the situation. You won't be able to keep a secret. Passion should be redirected positively. Use your creative talent in order to accomplish your goals. Talk to someone you trust in order to see the whole picture. Upgrade your look or find a way to recapture your youth. Today is all about getting back into shape or changing your hairstyle or image. Socializing should be on your agenda.
Daily Horoscope
You can't lock your partner up and if you keep restricting their freedom you may be left out in the cold. Educational matters and dealings with agents and advisers are on tap now. Your dynamic, determined approach will win favors as well as a helping hand. Listen to the advice given by others. You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly, rather than doling everything in a half baked way. Consider a trial separation if you and your mate just can't come to terms. Don't get sidetracked today. This can be a very productive day if you work toward your dream goal. You have that little extra zing that will help you finish what you start.
Daily Horoscope
Someone you work with may be emotional. Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems. You should get into programs that will enhance your appearance and help you to be the best that you can. You can expect to face opposition on the home front. Do what's best for the people you love most. Don't avoid situations that may deteriorate; try to mend them. Lots can happen on the professional front if you play your cards right. Your attitude will play a big part in convincing people that you know what you are doing. Love is in a high cycle, so don't neglect the person you care about most.
Daily Horoscope
It won't take much to upset your lover. I Don't let siblings put pressure on you. Sit tight. Don't let friends or relatives rule your life. Older family members may try to put unreasonable demands on you. You may not be as well received in group endeavors if you try to force your will on others. You'd better start to realize that there are things going on behind your back. Make yourself aware of the competition if you want to strategize a way to win. Keep an open mind and don't underestimate anyone.
Daily Horoscope
You will have an inaccurate assessment of your status in society. You will find it easy to learn and excel. Be discreet and don't present your ideas until you're certain that they're foolproof.Career changes may not be your choice right now, but in the long run they will be to your advantage. You will have to face each issue separately and in person. Be sure to sidestep those who are eccentric or unpredictable. Slow down and double-check everything today. Don't make a decision if you aren't sure which way to go. Focus on physical work that will bring instant results.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Disappointments regarding partners will be subject to the way you react to their personal comments. Your mate may not be too sure about your intentions. You will meet new and exciting people if you attend social activities or sporting events.
Spend time getting into physical activities with your lover. Money can be made if you use your ingenuity. You could be quite erratic regarding your personal relationship.
Time is money, so start checking out financial opportunities. A property investment may turn out to be a moneymaker. Nothing is out of reach if you are steadfast in your approach and quick to act.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made. Your stability will aid you in getting support from your fellow workers. There is not much you can do to alleviate the problem, but consider putting some extra work into your house.
You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex. You probably aren't getting straight answers to your questions. You need to spend some time pampering yourself.
Don't bring it upon yourself to take on the task someone else should be doing. You may be kind and generous, but don't let someone take advantage of you. Secret affairs are likely to develop.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Take your time; do not make any decisions in haste. Go out with friends who are positive and supportive. Travel will initiate new friendships or love connections.
You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren't already committed to someone else. Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. Don't deny yourself today.
Something may catch your eye that will lead you in a new direction today. Personal advances can be made if there is someone you want to get to know better. A secret affair may be exciting.
Babylover too busy to post?
from the laz 2 posts... Leo's in for some secret affairs...
poon cho tang
stand in for a few days nia
*knock knock*
How's Leo today?
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Moneymaking ventures may just turn your life around. Your problem-solving abilities are so good, you'll be proud of what you accomplish at work today. If possible, rely on coworkers to back your objectives, and talk to superiors in order to get approval.
Plan to get out and do a bit of travel. Someone you live with could be frustrated and upset. Think twice before you agree to take on any new projects.
Your communication skills will be required today. You may have to defend your actions. Leave a little time for romance, pampering and doing things you find stimulating.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Direct your energy into physical entertainment. Your devotion will be persuasive. You could easily lose your temper at work.
If you're single, get out there and you'll meet someone new. Don't let others know about your private affairs. Don't spend more than is necessary on travel or friends.
Talk to the masters or those with knowledge you can use to get ahead. Equip yourself with all the information you can to start or try something new. A relationship based on creative input will turn into something deep and meaningful.