Daily Horoscope
Feeling under the weather may be a result of overindulgence. Don't bend to the pressure. Your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire.
Evasion is likely if you aren't direct about your feelings. Social functions will bring you in touch with new lovers. Don't be too quick to voice your opinion. Listen to others carefully.
While youÂ’ll be in the mood to do your own sweet thing today the planets are suggesting that youÂ’ll need to be a little more accommodating when it comes to group work or team effort. A piece of rose quartz will help quell that underlying sense of irritation with other peopleÂ’s less dynamic approach!
Daily Horoscope
You can increase the value of your dwelling. Look into residential moves that will give you more space. Take a trip or just spend some quality time with your mate. You will have problems with coworkers if you are too extreme about doing things perfectly.
Romance will develop through work. You can get ready to celebrate your new direction. Problems with large corporations or institutions are apparent.
As with Cancer the Crab thereÂ’s a certain imbalance in the air that could actually mislead you if youÂ’re not careful! Single Leos are likely to try too hard to impress someone, while attached Leos could become a little too image-conscious! However, the feeling that things are a little stale is only temporary!
Daily Horoscope
Don't trust coworkers with important or personal information. Your passionate mood will be well received by your mate. Stress may cause minor health ailments.
Your personal life will still be experiencing difficulties and you are best to avoid the issues for the time being. Empty promises are evident. Your temper could be short if someone criticizes your efforts.
Leos can be very proud people who like to project quite a strong, capable and independent image; but today, thanks to the planets, you might be in need of a helping hand. DonÂ’t be afraid to ask for help, especially when it comes to romantic matters, and remember that no one will hold it against you!
Daily Horoscope
You may find yourself in an opportune position if you are willing to take a bit of a risk. Don't overlook that fact that someone you care about may be hiding something. There might be one who is quite willing to take the credit for your work.
Don't believe everything you hear. Get some sound advice and help setting up a workable budget. Don't turn down an invitation or a challenge that could enhance your chances of meeting someone special.
It looks as though youÂ’re due yet another fabulous day, thanks to the sun/moon aspect, which bodes well for friendships and romance! The only thing that could possibly dent your sunny mood is a surplus of work or school related duties eating into the start of the weekend. Tackle it straightaway to free up the rest of your time!
Daily Horoscope
Family members may want you at home, when your heart is telling you to spend time with someone you recently met. Your charm will mesmerize members of the opposite sex today. Secret affairs may be brought out in the open.
Don't get intimately involved with a coworker. Your intellectual charm will entice new love interests. You will be able to close any deals successfully.
With the transit of Venus out of your seventh house youÂ’ll find that romance hits a more even keel. Although things will still be pretty good it wonÂ’t be quite so up and down. However, life is about to take on a new flavor in the most unexpected way! Be open to the possibilities today, Leo!
Daily Horoscope
Don't delay; go to your physician or dentist and get to the bottom of the discomfort. You can't help everyone. Your involvement with groups will raise your self esteem.
Consider selling your homemade crafts at the flea market. Pleasure trips will be a form of healing for your emotional state of mind. You may find yourself in a predicament with family members.
Just as your love-life is supposed to be settling down an aspect from dreamy Neptune appears to stir things up again! Singles are likely to notice someone for the first time today, while attached Leos are likely to have one of those rather intense and cozy heart-to-hearts with their partners!