Your ability to help others will win you points. You can put in some overtime and make extra cash. Your added discipline will enable you to complete some of those unfinished projects. Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. Be careful what you consume today. You can make excellent career moves if you are open to the opportunities that exist. Romance is likely to be the bright glimmer in an otherwise rather challenging day! You certainly wonÂ’t be feeling very adventurous when it comes to sorting out a key area of your life, but in order to inject some fun into what will feel like a very stagnant day youÂ’ll need to think outside the box!
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Daily Horoscope
Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. Travel will be enjoyable but could be expensive. Spend time with youngsters today. You may have problems with those you live with. Don't let the moods of those you live with get you down. Be careful of the groups you join or the people you associate with. As a Leo you love to be in charge and today will present you with an ideal opportunity to indulge yourself to the full! People around you will seem even more lacking in direction than usual from your perspective and you will be only too happy to take a lead.
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Daily Horoscope
You can expect to have a passionate time if you go out with someone you are romantically interested in. You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren't already committed to someone else. Make sure that you have all the pertinent facts before taking action. This will not be the best day to make changes or renovations to your residence. Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Learn some new skills that will increase your in come. Your ruling planet is the Sun and today it is in conjunction with a trio of powerful planets that indicate an exciting day for you. Your passion will be at its highest today and there is every chance that someone special is about to be drawn to your abundant charisma, so anything could happen!
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Someone may be trying to damage your reputation. Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well. Be careful not to take on other people's problems. You may find yourself in a financial bind. Don't let criticism upset you. Hassles will delay your plans. You may be in love today, but who knows what tomorrow may bring. Use your charm, but don't sign or agree to anything. You may be feeling a little out of sorts today and this is partly because the energies of the day are overwhelmingly Water focused. This will dampen down your natural fiery approach to the world. The best way to manage the day is to see it as a rare chance to recharge your batteries!
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Daily Horoscope
Short trips will prove to be more fruitful than you imagined. You may find travel to be most rewarding. Try not to at tempt to do something unless you are fully intent on following through with the plans. Try to stay calm, and whatever you do, don't nag. Do something constructive outside. You may have difficulties finishing projects you start. All Leos love a little drama in their lives, which may be why they are more likely than any other sign to go into acting as a career. You are in an exceptionally dramatic mood today and will have great fun indulging this tendency. However, do be careful that you donÂ’t get too carried away!
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Daily Horoscope
You may be in love today, but who knows what tomorrow may bring. Catch up on correspondence. Use your creative talent in order to accomplish your goals. You can make money through your creative efforts. Someone you live with is ready to play emotional games. Trips will be exciting. YouÂ’re in an unusually patient mood today thanks to the combined influence of Mercury and Venus on your ruling planet the Sun. There is one friend in particular who is going through a difficult time right now. Today you will be very well placed to be the shoulder that they need to cry on.
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Daily Horoscope
Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. You will be erratic and quite likely to make personal mistakes. Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business. Too many opportunities and too many changes going on. There will be hidden matters that you may find disturbing. Don't be too eager to give a piece of your mind or even your opinion today. The Moon moves into your sign today and as a result your thoughts will turn to love! Usually for Leo this means planning an evening of passion and excitement. However, the arrival of the Moon means that you are in much more sensitive mood and will be looking forward to an evening of cuddles and close conversation.
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Daily Horoscope
Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. A better diet, exercise, or a change to a relaxed atmosphere could be ways to soothe your nerves. A residential move may be necessary to get a better job. Your interest in religion and philosophy may lead you to specific destinations. Romantic encounters will be full of excitement. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. Resist the urge to go with the flow today, because sometimes the easiest route is not necessarily the best route! It’s possible that you’re gazing at the world through rose-tinted spectacles – take them off, Leo, because it’s time that you looked at someone with a slightly more objective eye!
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Daily Horoscope
Small business ventures can earn you extra cash. Do whatever your mate wants; it really doesn't matter as long as you're together. Throw yourself into your profession. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love. Don't give your heart too readily. You can get the attention of important individuals but it might not be the time to get them to help or to back your ideas. Your ruling planet is telling you that today is a day to throw caution to the winds and take a chance on love, or even on simple attraction! Fortune is smiling on you right now and no matter how you approach romantic issues the result will be one that puts a smile on your face for the rest of the day.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You can expect opposition at work. Don't let your competition be privy to information that could be in criminating. Don't trust others with private in formation that could be used against you. You can enjoy short trips. It would be in your best interest to stay away from any intimate involvement with a client or coworker. Educational pursuits should help you develop your hobbies. Pleasure trips will turn out to be better than anticipated. Oh dear: your cash flow situation looks less than promising today! This blip could come in the form of a forgotten bill or invoice! Regard this as a useful wake-up call to get your finances in order, because the moon in Virgo will help you deal with this quickly and efficiently!
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Daily Horoscope
Sudden romantic encounters will set your head spinning. You will be able to get to the bottom of things today. Don't let your stubborn nature get the better of you. You may want to make changes in your home environment. You must be sure not to be frivolous, because as the saying goes, easy come, easy go. Emotional upset may prevail on the domestic scene if you have neglected your duties or your mate. It is more than possible, thanks to Pluto, that youÂ’ll have the chance to either take up a new and interesting hobby today, or youÂ’ll be invited into pursuing something that youÂ’ve always wanted to do! This opportunity will inject some much needed fun into your routine, so take it, Leo!
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Daily Horoscope
Be prepared for an active but rewarding day. Someone important may be watching you from afar. Mingle with those who have similar interests, and you should be able to start something. You may find yourself in the limelight for the wrong reasons. You will get upset over trivial matters. Don't be afraid to make additions to your house. A long overdue burst of fiery energy combined with more of a laid back attitude will be down to the transit of Venus into Sagittarius. Starting from today you are likely to be a little more inclined to chill. If your daily routine has been a little punishing of late then you can finally relax as things start to ease!
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Daily Horoscope
You will be full of good ideas, and your choice of activities may bring you enrichment far beyond your expectations. Sudden changes regarding colleagues may surprise you. You are best to concentrate on your professional endeavors. Your health may have suffered due to neglect or abuse. Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. You can make rewarding connections through the organized groups you associate with. A little bit of high-brow culture should appeal to you today, especially if you can persuade a couple of friends to join you. Anything from a craft fair to a modern art museum will light your fire and provide plenty of inspiration if youÂ’re coping with a bit of a creative block at the moment!
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Daily Horoscope
Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement. There may be opportunities to attend social functions that are linked to work. Take the time to help old friends or relatives who have had a stroke of bad luck. Be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions. Be careful not to lead someone on if you truly have no interest. You need time to make things better. YouÂ’ll continue to make the most of the opportunities for fun and romance, and the position of the sun in Scorpio indicates that youÂ’ll continue to have lots of energy. However, youÂ’ll be in something of a secretive frame of mind, which you will need to overcome in order to make any headway with someone!
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Daily Horoscope
Older members of your family may try to take advantage of you. Question your mate if you must. Your emotional partner may make you angry today. Go over your finances and figure out a solid budget. Ignore colleagues who appear to be going in circles. Don't be disappointed if you don't get your way emotionally. There are several wonderfully harmonious aspects exerting some excellent influence today! You may have work or school, but there will be no Monday morning blues for you, as youÂ’ll find that youÂ’re on the receiving end of an invitation out or two! This sudden boost to your social life will prove to be a great start to the week, Leo!
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Daily Horoscope
You will feel so much better about yourself if you can control your addictions. Do your own thing without drawing attention to it. Don't make accusations unless you are completely sure that you are correct. Offers of joint ventures are likely. You can easily wrap up overdue personal legal matters that have caused problems for you. Be careful not to show your temper when dealing with the boss. You might be tempted to splash out on something a little unusual today, whether thatÂ’s an outfit, or a set of accessories for your house. However, to rid yourself of that nagging inner tension youÂ’d be best pursuing a more artistic method of expressing your individuality, which you feel is being a little constrained at the moment!
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Daily Horoscope
You must be extremely careful not to let relatives or friends interfere in your personal life. Real estate investments could be prosperous. Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs. Expressing yourself in novel ways should lead you down new avenues. You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. Join a choir or a drama club. You may be considering moving to larger quarters. Thanks to the transit of the sun, your ruling planet, into fiery Sagittarius, you are likely to be a larger than life presence today. Bluntness will be your main problem, as you wonÂ’t be able to help blurting things out! Great if your friends ask for an honest opinion, but watch how you are with your boss or your teachers!
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Daily Horoscope
You will also encounter individuals who can help you further your goals. Plan to get together with someone special later in the day. Opposition is present and you should be prepared to counteract it as best you can. Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. Be careful not to hurt someone's feelings. Older relatives may make unreasonable demands. Thanks to Jupiter moving into fiery Sagittarius you should experience a feeling of unstoppable vigor and energy, while the transit of the moon will be enough to keep your feet on the ground. This, therefore, would be a perfect day to take on a new and challenging interest or hobby!
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Daily Horoscope
Look for something entertaining to do. You've got that competitive edge. You may find acquaintances being deceptive. A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air. Sign up for courses or join fitness clubs. A change is as good as a rest. Don't go looking for change. Matters pertaining to your home environment will be favorable if you are direct. You will be back to your outgoing and confident self today and will be keen to make the most of your positive energy. Your friends are likely to be in the mood for simply relaxing quietly, but your contagious enthusiasm will soon have everyone agreeing to hit the town in the evening.
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Daily Horoscope
You are best to put your efforts into redecorating or inviting friends over. Don't avoid your true feelings. One-sided relationships are likely. Be prepared to make compensations and adjustments. Consider selling your homemade crafts at the flea market. Your ability to stand out in a crowd will bring you the recognition you desire. A positive aspect between your ruling planet and Venus indicates a fun start to the week for you. YouÂ’ll be in the mood for socializing and being the center of attention. A word of warning, though: the influence of Saturn could mean that you blurt something out, so watch what you say!
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Daily Horoscope
You have a real need to be vocal. New romantic partners may attend a function that puts you in the limelight. You may want to tell someone how you really feel. You will be a real chatterbox today. Be honest if you wish to solve the problem. Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence. The challenging aspect between the sun and the moon suggests that youÂ’ll be feeling a little more sensitive and emotional than usual, and a predictable, boring routine could grate on your nerves! If you can, then incorporate a little pick-me-up into the day, such as a visit to the pizza house with a couple of friends!
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions. You should put your efforts into creative projects. Relatives may play an important role in your personal life. You might be overly emotional concerning situations at work. Don't overspend to impress someone who interests you. You have to feel free to come and go as you please to achieve happiness. Try to curb that sense of impulsiveness, which will seem stronger today when the influence of Venus shifts. You will need to bend a little over a work or school matter, and if you bear in mind the old saying about swings and roundabouts youÂ’ll realize that a more laid back attitude will stand you in good stead!
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Daily Horoscope
You are best not to confide in anyone right now. Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable and should lead to new and lasting friendships. Lend an ear to children; it can make a difference. Your devotion will be persuasive. Make money using your ingenuity and creative talent. Ignore colleagues who appear to be going in circles. Your day will be similar to CancerÂ’s day, thanks to the fiery influences of the sun and moon, but the softening effect of Chiron will mean that youÂ’ll have the opportunity to put this burst of energy to good use today, when someone looks to you for some guidance and support.
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Daily Horoscope
You are best to concentrate on your professional endeavors. Problems with gas, oil, or water in your home may disrupt your routine. I Don't let siblings put pressure on you. Problems with financial investments could make you nervous. Put your efforts into moneymaking ventures. Go over your finances and figure out a solid budget. A trip or journey is looking very likely for the weekend, so donÂ’t be surprised if you receive an invitation to somewhere special or exciting! A sense of celebration is definitely in the air with a party on the horizon; maybe itÂ’s a friendÂ’s birthday, or a relativeÂ’s anniversary, but youÂ’re certain to have a fabulous time!