Daily Horoscope
Listen to a good friend who is truly looking out for your best interests. It won't take much to upset your lover. Spend some quality time with the one you love. Your talents will shine at work.
Try to channel your energy into physical work. You are best to look into investments that will grow in value over an extended period of time. You are apt to meet someone special on your journey.
You might feel that someone lets you down in a big way today, but pause before you say anything. ItÂ’s possible that you will be overreacting. Thanks to the influences of Neptune you are likely to be more sensitive than usual and easily hurt. DonÂ’t be afraid to ask your friends more their more objective opinions.
Daily Horoscope
Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. It will do you some good. Opportunities will come through behind the scenes activities.
Your pilgrimage may end up being fruitless. Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes. Don't be too eager to cut those who have disappointed you from your life.
You could be in line for a lucky day today: a small cash win or an act of someoneÂ’s generosity could mean that youÂ’ll feel a little richer today! Why not use your newfound wealth and look for a glamorous outfit to spice up your wardrobe that you can wear this weekend!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities to get involved in investment groups will payoff. You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Loans will be attainable and legal matters easily taken care of.
Don't allow personal problems to conflict with professional duties. Take the time to do your job correctly or you may find yourself looking for a new one. Don't let your mate bully you into thinking that you owe them your time and your life.
An aspect that highlights a certain amount of inflexibility on your part will move in to influence your ruling planet today. This doesnÂ’t bode well for romance! It could make you feel rather negative and pessimistic about your love life. Hematite or Citrine crystals will help absorb much of that negativity.
Daily Horoscope
Sudden good fortune will help you cover your debts. If you take on too much of a financial burden you may make yourself ill. Be sure to use your charm and diplomacy when dealing with potential new clients.
Think before you act. Entertainment should include sports events or physical activities. Your honesty will not only win you points but also respect.
With five planets in your sign youÂ’re likely to be reflecting on your relationships quite a lot today (and tomorrow!) If things arenÂ’t quite right, or if there are improvements to be made youÂ’ll be in a strong position to make the changes needed. It may not sound like much fun, but youÂ’ll be clearing the way for better things, Leo!
Daily Horoscope
Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business.
Check your personal papers and make sure everything is in order. You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group. Try to make your lover understand that you need to do things with your friends.
It is likely that romance will once again be the focus of your thoughts, but this time itÂ’s likely to be you who is expecting too much! Take a step back for a moment to consider whether youÂ’re being reasonable; a family member will have some useful insights on the matter!
Daily Horoscope
Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business.
Jealous attitudes may lead you astray. Rest and relaxation will be more favorable than you think. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way.
With your ruling planet, the sun, moving into Virgo you are likely to find that today brings about a whole new phase to your life. The aspect between the sun and the new moon suggests a small and opportune windfall; never has there been a better time to get yourself to the mall, Leo!
Daily Horoscope
Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business.
Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts. Don't let others know about your private affairs. You would be best to work late in order to avoid such disharmony.
You are likely to be in an ultra sunny mood, thanks to Mercury, which suggests that you’ll want to be the absolute center of attention today. There’s nothing wrong with that, but a shy friend could be in need of your shoulder to cry on – make sure you’re available for them, Leo.
Daily Horoscope
Stretch the truth, and you may get blamed for something you didn't do. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business.
You will find it easy to learn and excel. Don't hesitate to look for alternatives that will enable you to raise the kind of donations you need to do the job right. Don't let coworkers get wind of your ideas or they might try to take credit for your hard work.
With Mercury and the sun, your ruling planet, in perfect harmony today, expect the day to be full of warm feelings of contentment and happiness in all aspects of your life, from family to work. But as wonderful as this is try to keep that smoldering energy under control with some physical activity!
Daily Horoscope
Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. You will have opportunities to advance, but you may have to be willing to make some changes and possibly a residential move. Expect problems with settlements that you are trying to resolve.
Trying to deal with your mate will be unproductive and possibly hurtful. You can expect the fur to fly on the home front. Overindulgence may be a problem.
YouÂ’re likely to be feeling very sociable today, thanks to the aspect of the moon influencing your ruling planet. Romance could bode well too, as long as youÂ’re not too domineering. You are more than capable of being charming and attentive in order to get what you want.
Daily Horoscope
You should sign up for creative courses. Concentrate on your work. Take positive action. A long, quiet walk alone may help you sort out your thoughts.
Joint ventures might prove to be unfavorable. Work quietly behind the scenes. You can write beautiful love letters today.
The influence of Chiron suggests that a matter from the past or an unresolved issue is likely to resurface today. A helpful, supportive friend will be on hand, and although you might not like what they have to say on the problem be assured that they will be talking pure common sense!
Daily Horoscope
You may be sensitive concerning friends and their situations. Stick to your own projects and by the end of the day you'll shine. You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect.
Discord may arise with someone you're close to. You can receive recognition for the work you've done. You may want to make drastic changes concerning your personal partner.
Cash matters are looking excellent today; with some very helpful aspects boosting your finances there will be no Monday morning blues for you. If you can get yourself to the mall and search for that perfect outfit, or those fabulous accessories: muted, earthy colors will suit right now!
Daily Horoscope
You can expect to experience delays or additional red tape if you deal with institutions. Home improvement projects will enhance your residence and bring the family closer together. Don't let your friends talk you into taking time off.
Don't reveal anything about your personal life to those who may use such information against you. Your greatest gains will come through your creative ideas. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion.
If it feels as though someone is taking over and redirecting attention from you a little too much it could be because youÂ’ll be feeling particularly sensitive today. DonÂ’t take too much to heart; everyone will be feeling in need of a pick-me-up, and who better to provide that than an outgoing Leo!
Daily Horoscope
The locks, stove, gas, or electric wires may not be secure. You can finish projects early, which will bring you praise from superiors. Past partners may try to come back into your life.
Spend some quality time with the one you love. Your talents will shine at work. Your anger may be impossible to contain if you get into debates with family members. You may not be able to help, but your support will be favorable.
Keep an eye on your cash reserves today Leo and close your ears to any suggestions that might lead you to the mall. This is not a day for spending, because youÂ’re likely to blow your budget. Arrange a fun evening in with friends instead: a stash of potato chips, some ice-cream and a couple of rented movies wonÂ’t break the bank!
Daily Horoscope
You will have to be sure not to burn the candle at both ends. You may have difficulties with someone close to you. You need to focus on yourself, not on others.
You can have quite the romantic ad venture if you take time to get to know your mate all over again. Don't be afraid to push your beliefs and attitudes. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves.
An excellent aspect between your ruling planet and Jupiter means that you are more than ready to enjoy out of the ordinary fun you have hopefully planned. Make sure that you have one or two adventurous friends to keep you company and just put everything else on hold while you let your hair down!
Daily Horoscope
Be careful if a friend asks you for advice. You can develop your creative talents if you take the time to practice your art. Unstable relationships are likely.
Spend time getting to know each other. Rethink your motives and make the necessary changes to yourself. You may want to get involved in financial investments presented to you.
Thanks to the positive aspect between the sun and the moon there will be a wonderful chance to boost your cash reserves today as long as youÂ’re happy to do the work! You may not be looking at one of the most relaxed Sundays youÂ’ve ever had but it will be one of the most rewarding!
Daily Horoscope
Sit tight. Things aren't as bad as they appear. Don't go hog wild when it comes to entertainment or you could find yourself short of funds at the end of the month. Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes.
Travel may change your attitudes with regard to your philosophy. This will not be the time to give too much to your children. Someone you like may be receptive and actively seeking your company.
Avoid the mall today. Your cash flow isnÂ’t a problem, but a couple of frustrating and time-consuming influences suggest that shopping expeditions will only result in disappointment. ItÂ’s more than likely that you wonÂ’t be able to find what youÂ’re looking for, so hold on to your money for now!
Daily Horoscope
You won't have much time for your mate today. You mustn't take on other people's responsibilities or you may find yourself irritable and exhausted. Be sure not to reveal private information to the wrong individuals.
If you have treated them equitably, you might be able to count on their loyalty. You can utilize your versa tile mind and dazzle others with your speed and accuracy. Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with.
Romance is highlighted for you today but with some give and take required. Minor stresses can be avoided if you are willing to compromise over a certain matter, even though you know you are in the right! Just be prepared to be forgiving and watch the mood lift!
Daily Horoscope
You will profit from home improvement projects and real estate deals. You have the stamina and determination to succeed. You can ask for favors but don't take them for granted.
You'll find it difficult to control your emotions. Sudden changes of heart may cause disruptions in your domestic scene. Romance will be yours if you get out and do things in large groups.
A whole new image change is likely to absorb your thoughts today, thanks to the transit of Venus into Virgo. You will want to look stunning, but in a way that appears effortless. Changes to your hair, your make-up, and to your wardrobe are all on the agenda!
Daily Horoscope
Invite friends or relatives into your home. You'll be tempted to spend extravagantly today. You will be able to get to the bottom of things today.
You may have difficulties with someone close to you. You may want to make drastic changes concerning your personal partner. Relationships will become stronger.
It could be that youÂ’ll find it difficult to express your thoughts today; it is possible that youÂ’ll feel as though no one is listening or that youÂ’re not being taken seriously enough. DonÂ’t worry, Leo; write your thoughts and ideas down and wait for this block to pass, which it will tomorrow!
Daily Horoscope
Don't expect others to live up to their promises and you won't be disappointed or find yourself stuck with delays. Be careful when dealing with superiors. Problems with fire, gas, or oil may cause disruptions and annoyances.
You could make extra cash through creative hobbies. Take a close look at documents be fore signing on the dotted line. Entertainment should include the whole family or a lot of your friends.
You are likely to be bitten by the home-improvement bug today, thanks to the transit of Mars into Libra. Anything messy or unsightly in your room or your home will only irritate you, while anything that creates a light and airy atmosphere will make you feel more settled!
Daily Horoscope
Your uncanny insight will help you make the right choices. You might be overly emotional when dealing with your partner. Don't trust others with private in formation that could be used against you.
You can discuss your intentions and ideas with your colleagues or friends today. Problems with skin, bones, or teeth may mess up your schedule. One-sided relationships are likely.
The trio of aspects in the three fire-signs indicates a much needed boost to your confidence levels today. If there is something that youÂ’ve always wanted to try your hand at but have never had the courage now is the time to take the challenge; from kayaking to writing that novel!
Daily Horoscope
You will enjoy the interaction with youngsters and take great pride in the projects you've completed. You must avoid gossip and focus on what you have to do. You should be setting up interviews or sending out your resume today.
Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues. Use your creative talent in order to accomplish your goals. Be aware that you don't get anything for nothing.
The influences of Pluto will be making themselves felt today, as people start deciding to speak their minds! For you those influences are suggesting that you contain your more competitive streak. If someone is rash enough to goad or challenge you just smile serenely and let it go!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems. You should be traveling to that exotic destination you've been dreaming about. Limitations will set in if you haven't followed the rules.
Show what a dedicated person you can be. Your family needs to spend some time with you, too. Use your innovative mind to surprise youngsters.
Thanks to the Grand Square formation in the planets you may find that you need to backtrack a little in terms of romance. Your high expectations or slightly pessimistic reactions may be what are blocking your route to contentment. If you can celebrate the differences that make everyone so unique youÂ’ll feel a lot happier.
Daily Horoscope
Plan a day of enjoyment with them. Social events held in your home will be successful and entertaining for all. Don't cause a scene, but when you get home let your partner know how you feel and why.
You should be able to get involved in an interesting proposition today. Try to be considerate in your personal obligations. You may be ill-treated if you have to deal with institutional environments.
A challenging aspect between your ruling planet and Pluto in your fifth house will have you obsessing about something today. ItÂ’s likely to involve a project or an interest. Your sense of self discipline will be admirable, but do take some time to chill out and relax today!
Daily Horoscope
Rest and relaxation may be required; minor health problems will prevail if you don't watch your diet. There's a good chance that they won't come back. You'll only hurt your lover if you don't.
You can find solutions if you are willing to communicate. Sudden changes regarding colleagues may surprise you. Take positive action.
Your leadership skills will be coming to the fore today as some kind of organizational crisis looks set to hit your personal environment. While you will relish the chance to take charge and put everything back to normal, this is also an opportunity for you to develop your listening skills.