Daily Horoscope
You'll be able to break bad habits if you put your mind to it. Trying to deal with your mate will be unproductive and possibly hurtful. Be cautious who you deal with financially.
You are best not to confide in anyone right now. You might find it difficult to control your emotions. You may want to make changes that will turn your entertainment room into a real family affair.
With the sun in Aries and the moon moving into Capricorn you are likely to feel divided today. Your intention to knuckle down and concentrate at work or school will be at odds with your desire to spread your wings a little. DonÂ’t despair though because this is only a temporary restlessness.
Daily Horoscope
Be honest in your communication and don't lose your cool if someone backs you into a corner. Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance. However, you should be concerned about what they want in return.
Put some energy into getting back into shape. Listen to reason. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals. You don't need to pay out in order to have fun.
The challenges you coped with yesterday should disappear completely today, leaving you feeling calmer and more focused in terms of work or school. However, the obstacle to romantic happiness is you, because itÂ’s more than possible that youÂ’re expecting way too much!
Daily Horoscope
Use your quick wit to win points and friends. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of. You can easily wrap up overdue personal legal matters that have caused problems for you.
Your attitudes at work will open new avenues for you. Opportunities to make financial gains through investments look promising. Help others solve their dilemmas.
The day is likely to start slowly but by the afternoon an excellent aspect between the sun and the moon will improve your mood. However, the effect of Aquarius in your seventh house means youÂ’ll be keeping your distance in romantic matters, so keep things simple and light today!
Daily Horoscope
Get out and experience the spice of life. Try to join groups of interest such as ballroom dance classes or perhaps an internet organization. Don't forget to read the fine print.
You can open up to your mate and let them know what you expect out of this relationship. Accomplishment is yours if you direct yourself accordingly. Travel will be in your best interest.
A friend in need is a friend indeed! Someone is likely to turn to you for some support and guidance today. YouÂ’ll probably be able to offer little more than a shoulder to cry on, but your ability to remain fair will come into its own when you put forward a fresh perspective on the matter.
Daily Horoscope
You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it, including yourself. Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result. You will be able to work with fine detail today.
Find ways to make extra cash. Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made. Travel for business or pleasure will be enlightening. Emotionally you won't see things accurately.
Doing a good deed for the day could actually lead you towards some positive developments in your love life today, but not in an obvious way. Sometimes things happen for a reason, which we canÂ’t see until long after the event, so just be true to yourself, and see what happens!
Daily Horoscope
You might want to spend some time by yourself in order to decide exactly how you feel. Travel for business or pleasure. You can surprise members of your family, which in turn will bring you a pat on the back.
Verbal abuse could lead to carelessness. Read between the lines before you sign your name. Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions.
You are likely to be ultra fiery today with Saturn in Leo and the sun and moon in Aries! The aspects are generally positive but you would do well to channel those energies into something creative or artistic in order to satisfy your need to shine with your original and innovative ideas.
Daily Horoscope
You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been feeling up to par. You can expect changes at your work place. Be ready to explain your actions.
New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events. You can be sure that any dealing with large institutions should go well. You are best not to nag or criticize.
As the sun is your ruling planet you can guarantee that the solar eclipse will have a big effect on your sign. Studies come under the microscope, as does a fresh interest in traveling and taking in foreign cultures. Changes to your appearance are likely to appeal: try a new hair color, new accessories or a makeover.
Daily Horoscope
Problems with relatives and friends could surface. You will need to take a look at the renovations that are necessary and try to find the cheapest way to get things done. You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request.
Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Equilibrium in your romantic life is likely if you treat your partner well. Deal with the needs of children and get into groups that deal with self awareness.
The presence of Saturn in your sign could make today a little tricky for you. One aspect is undermining your sunny nature and another aspect is distracting you from fun! If you can arrange an evening out with friends to dine and dance, which will help replenish those flagging energy levels.
Daily Horoscope
Don't make those you live with feel unloved or unworthy. Put your time and energy into home improvement. Be sure to get involved with those who can introduce you to unusual forms of entertainment.
A minor but negative aspect between your ruling planet, the sun, and Venus is likely to have a beneficial effect on your day. It is possible that an agreement will be broken, which may not seem like good news, but youÂ’ll be glad that it happened when you realize that you can invest your energies elsewhere.
Daily Horoscope
Accept the inevitable. You must make sure that all your personal documents are in order. Make love, not war, and all will be fine.
Get involved in groups that can offer intellectual stimulation. Do not get upset over trivial matters. You are best to deal with those outside your family.
Something looks set to fire your imagination today, something out of the ordinary that has you exploring the more mystical side of life. YouÂ’ll certainly feel ready to shake off all the demands of the week and let your hair down and youÂ’ll certainly have enough energy to do so.
Daily Horoscope
Too much talk will lead to disputes. Spend some quality time with your lover. Put in some extra hours and finish those careful jobs before you move on to some fun and games.
Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. You are best to look into investments that will grow in value over an extended period of time. If you can, make phone calls instead of going out.
With a very positive aspect between the sun and the moon you are likely to feel on top of the world today, but donÂ’t get too despondent if tensions develop between two of your friends. With the influence of Venus you will be able to restore peace in no time, as long as you remain diplomatic!
Daily Horoscope
Communication will be your strong point and you should be able to persuade others to see things your way. Travel will be fun and entertaining. Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal.
Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. You need a day to rest and relax with the ones you love. Don't hesitate to voice your ideas and opinions.
If you wake to the unmistakable feelings of those Monday morning blues today then blame the sun! You more than any other sign are likely to feel suddenly bored and constricted today, which you can overcome, simply by planning an exciting adventure, if not for now, then for the weekend.
Daily Horoscope
You can deal with large institutions or government agencies successfully today. If you've been under stress and worrying about older members of the family, it's time to come to terms with the situation. You should put in some extra hours developing that creative idea you have.
Try not to spend too much on children or entertainment. Toning, fitness, pampering should all be scheduled. Spend time getting to know each other.
You are likely to be too hard on yourself today and if you will need to take a step back in order to regain some objectivity. However, a sensitive and intuitive friend is likely to help you realize that it is impossible to try and please all of the people all of the time.
Daily Horoscope
A need to express yourself may come out in creative ways. Be sure to take care of the needs of youngsters. Try to bend but by no means should you give in completely.
You will be in the mood for competition, and your ability to lead a group will bring you popularity. You may be the recipient of false information. Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones.
The sun and moon are at odds in more ways than one. The conflict between fire and water will affect you today, but with Saturn no longer moving backwards you should start feeling more grounded and more certain of yourself overall. Things from work or school to relationships will just seem that little bit easier!
Daily Horoscope
Communicate with relatives who may need advice in order to find solutions to their existing problems. Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures. Short trips may be tiring but rewarding.
Those you care about may oppose your ideas. Things may not be as harmonious as you would like with colleagues or employers today. You should make special plans for you and your lover.
You are likely to have one of those days where you feel unappreciated! The moon moving into your sign is likely to increase these feelings today, so have a couple of good friends on standby for the evening, stock up on your favorite ice-cream and have a good old moan! YouÂ’ll feel much better!
Daily Horoscope
Think about starting your own small business, Go out with friends. You can continue to forge ahead if you make a few long distance calls pertinent to closing pending deals.
Voice your opinions and contribute to the de bate. Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result. You can travel for business or pleasure.
The continuing and positive influence between the sun and the moon will guarantee you a harmonious start to the weekend. With both fun and romance on the cards today youÂ’re unlikely to have a moment to spare. This could become a tricky balancing act if someone going through a mini crisis needs your help!
Daily Horoscope
Set the ball in motion and be relentless until you complete the project. Money can be made if you use your ingenuity. Hidden matters are likely to surface.
Opportunities to travel will develop through peers. You must not let fellow workers take advantage of your fine talents. Children may be less than honest with you.
It is likely that you have made some grand plans for the day; unfortunately, a negative aspect between the sun and the moon, which is in your house of money, means that you will need to be careful with your spending! Try turning your energies to something that doesnÂ’t put so much pressure on your finances.
Daily Horoscope
Don't let criticism upset you. Hassles will delay your plans. You can come into money; however, perhaps not under the best circumstances. Be considerate and avoid being overly opinionated, or arguments will ensue.
You must make sure that all your personal documents are in order. Be careful how you deal with colleagues. Monitor your budget carefully to avoid unnecessary stress.
The troublesome aspect between the sun and the moon will affect your day today. For you itÂ’s likely to become apparent in money related matters, so now will be a good time to curb the spending. Put off any major purchases; the signs indicate that youÂ’ll quickly regret whatever you end up with!
Daily Horoscope
You need time to make things better. You may find yourself in a predicament with family members. Reevaluate your position and make decisions about your future goals.
Your passionate mood will be well received by your mate. Your ability to deal with others will help you accomplish your goals. Make sure all of your travel and driver's documents are in proper order.
In your efforts to ensure a peaceful and harmonious day you are likely to overstretch yourself today, thanks to the negative aspect between the sun, and the moon, which is in Libra. Attempts to be too diplomatic are likely to backfire. Just remember that you canÂ’t please everyone all the time!
Daily Horoscope
Your partner may make you feel jealous and unloved. Real estate ventures will be to your ad vantage. Situations in your personal life are moving a little fast lately.
Don't let friends or relatives rule your life. Do not get involved in joint financial ventures. Coworkers may not be completely honest with you; try not to rely on help from others.
The transit of Mars into your twelfth house is likely to tone down your leonine tendencies, but this wonÂ’t necessarily be a good thing. You might find that your confidence could be more easily dented over the next few weeks so make sure that youÂ’re carrying a piece of Tiger Eye for that extra boost!
Daily Horoscope
Your high energy will help you through this rather hectic day. Self-improvement projects will payoff in more ways than one. Socializing will be more than just entertaining.
Don't be too quick to judge your loved ones. You should be doing something special with children. Find out more, if you want to start your own business.
Thanks to certain aspects influencing your ruling planet you might find that youÂ’re feeling listless and bored! DonÂ’t give in to it! Instead arrange a fun day out with friends, whether itÂ’s shopping and bowling, or the movies or theatre. Leos are the fun- loving sign and a packed day will revive your mood!
Daily Horoscope
Someone around you may not be trustworthy. Romance can surface if you get into some of those fitness programs you've been putting off. You might be overly emotional concerning situations at work.
Talk to someone you trust if you need advice about broaching the subject. Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. You may be uncertain about some of your coworkers and your boss.
You of all the signs are most likely to enjoy a more traditional Easter Sunday. Whatever form that tradition might take itÂ’s more than possible that youÂ’ll be spending a considerable amount of time with your family, which will turn out to be a hugely enjoyable day for you!
Daily Horoscope
If you are not already, think about going into business for yourself. Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. Look to a close friend for advice.
Pleasure trips will ease the tension between you and your mate. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. You should be putting in some overtime.
The Monday morning blues are likely to hit your sign the hardest! YouÂ’ll feel in the mood to do all those things normally reserved for the weekend even though work or school demands your attention. However, thereÂ’s nothing stopping you from enjoying a fun evening with some like-minded friends!
Daily Horoscope
Leave things as they are for the moment and focus on reaching your highest potential at work. Social activity should be on your agenda today. You are apt to meet someone special on your journey.
You can make favorable real estate offers today. Pleasure trips should be on your agenda. Your high energy will enable you to take the role of leader in group functions.
The harmonious aspect between the sun and the moon will brighten your day considerably today, although a negative aspect from Saturn might hold you back a little! But by grasping the bull by the horns and pushing away those nagging doubts you will still be able to enjoy yourself.
Daily Horoscope
Your positive attitude and intellectual outlook will draw others to you. Try to stay calm and do the best you can. Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs.
Relationships will be erratic today. Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals. Deception and confusion regarding your status in society is likely.
ItÂ’s more than likely that youÂ’ll be longing for a little more zest and zing in your life at the moment, but SaturnÂ’s continuing firm grip will keep you working hard. So if it seems like everything you want is just out of reach just hang in there, because this will pass within a few days.