Daily Horoscope
You may have difficulties with family members if you get involved in petty arguments. Hard work will bring rewards. Your lover probably won't put up with your behavior.
Don't let your health suffer because of worry. Talk to someone you trust. It's time to reevaluate your own motives and make changes to yourself first. You can come up with ways of earning extra cash.
With the sun moving into Pisces today you should experience a sudden serenity of mood around mid afternoon. This will be helped by a calming influence that will see you just kicking back and letting the day drift by. Plan to do something that taps into your imagination: writing a short play, perhaps.
Daily Horoscope
This will not be the best day to initiate change. You may find yourself interested in more than one person. You should focus on moneymaking matters and stay away from emotional disputes.
Social activity should be on your agenda today. Don't overspend on entertainment, on children, or make poor investments. Entertainment could cost you more than you expect.
Not for you a lazy day idling in front of the TV. With several planets in your eighth house and given the positive aspects affecting them youÂ’ll be looking to learn about the deeper things in life. Try turning your hand to some meditation exercises and consider learning about the art of tarot.
Daily Horoscope
Your ability to talk circles around your colleagues will help you forge ahead in the workforce. Your emotional state could leave you vulnerable and confused. People who try to persuade you to do things their way will annoy you.
Don't be shy; if you want to spend more time with a special person, make a commitment. Your ability to deal with others will help you in getting the support you need. Don't argue with family.
Two negative aspects affecting both your home life and work or school will impact on your day today. Quite simply you are likely to try and take over. Believing that you know best is one thing; standing back and letting people make their own mistakes is another, but how else will they learn?
Daily Horoscope
Secret affairs may be brought out in the open. Don't make promises. Offer love and affection instead of conflict and rejection.
You may have taken on a little too much, but you will enjoy every minute of it. Don't count on your friends to be loyal when it comes to doing things. You can accomplish a great deal.
Oh dear; as one challenging aspect moves out another one moves in. This time it affects your ability to stick to the rules! Whether itÂ’s school or work that brings out the rebellion in you the effects will be the same. Slow down and consider what other people are saying today; above all, listen!
Daily Horoscope
Let go of the past in order to progress. Frustrations and limitations could cause anxiety today. Romance will unfold if you take trips or get together with friends.
You have been going through a period of change that no doubt caused problems with your loved ones. Acknowledge your lover's needs. Overindulgence will mean poor health.
Your headstrong mood will continue today, perhaps even more than yesterday. Thanks to the balance of elements fire will remain strong throughout the day, which indicates a need for some vigorous exercise to absorb some of that surplus energy. If an army assault course isnÂ’t available then a long session down the gym should help!
Daily Horoscope
Overstatement will be your downfall. You can make changes to your home that will be pleasing to all concerned. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation.
Do not hesitate to help elders with legal documents that are too confusing for them. It will be important that you have your priorities straight. You may be looking through rose colored glasses.
Romance is looking very positive for you today, with a couple of strong positive aspects affecting your ruling planet. So make sure you have your sexiest outfit ready because someone special might want to take you out for a cozy dinner for two this evening.
Daily Horoscope
You must not let fellow workers take advantage of your fine talents. Travel will be in your best interest. You must be extremely careful not to let relatives or friends interfere in your personal life.
You will be able to pick up on future trends if you keep your eyes peeled for unique ideas. Investments are best left alone today. The answers can only come from within.
You might find that youÂ’ll be feeling a little limited by your environment today, thanks to a negative aspect between Venus and your ruling planet. This can easily be overcome, given your extrovert and lively nature, so look to the great outdoors to find both the freedom and the thrills you seek.
Daily Horoscope
Be prepared to meet new lovers through colleagues. Be discreet and don't reveal any personal information. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services that will make domestic chores easier.
Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations. You can make extra money. Rewards will be yours if you put in the overtime required. You should sign up for creative courses. Concentrate on your work.
The excellent aspect between the moon and your ruling planet, the sun, guarantees you a glowing day too. Emotionally youÂ’ll be in touch with your close friends and any relationships are likely to go from strength to strength today. If there is a minor problem at work youÂ’ll soon overcome it!
Daily Horoscope
You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex. Try not to be too lavish with your lover. Spend time with youngsters today.
Your personal life will be under the gun and you may want to avoid the questions your lover is going to want to ask you. You could meet potential new mates if you go out with friends or take pleasure trips. You need more time to think this whole situation through.
The need to do what you want to do is likely to cause a minor clash with someone today, especially with school mates or work colleagues. Try to see the wider picture, Leo, and if you can appreciate other peopleÂ’s views you will find that things run much more smoothly.
Daily Horoscope
You have to believe in yourself and your talents. Friends and relatives may not understand your needs. Romance will develop if you get involved in social events that deal with children.
If you can't get away, make plans to do something special with friends or relatives. You might be a tad overindulgent today. Be firm when dealing with matters pertaining to your environment.
The element of fire will be particularly strong today, and given that youÂ’re a fire sign you should expect things to go your way. In terms of romance, however, you are likely to sit back and let them do all the chasing, but be warned: playing it too cool could be misinterpreted as disinterest.
Daily Horoscope
Sudden romantic infatuations could lead to a significant and prosperous connection. Hard work will not go unnoticed. Jealousy may be a contributing factor to your emotional ups and downs.
Professionalism will be of utmost importance. You can't help everyone. You must act quickly.
Thanks to the presence of Mars you might be feeling that you need a little space and independence today. But because of the effects of Jupiter you might find that what you really need is some good old-fashioned pampering; a hot bath, a massage, and scented candles to set the mood will appeal today.
Daily Horoscope
Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership. Take time to do some writing, whether it's correspondence, poetry, or keeping a journal. Do something that will be stimulating and creative.
Speak of your future goals, intentions, and commitments. Travel is evident, but be cautious while in transit. Try to visit a country that excites you.
It seems that youÂ’ll have some great ideas, but if youÂ’re too assertive about them it could lead to conflict with your work colleagues or your school mates. The best policy for you to follow is to let off some steam in some high energy sports activity, like squash or running!
Daily Horoscope
You may want to stay in the background today. Do not let others exhaust you financially. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love.
Arguments will flare up if you get backed into an emotional corner. Go out with friends or family. You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do.
You might find that you are particularly charming today in terms of romance, but youÂ’ll still be inclined to let things pass you by! Things look more promising for the evening, as long as youÂ’re prepared to do a little groundwork. Remember that saying: no pain, no gain, Leo!
Daily Horoscope
You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today. Things at work have been moving quickly and you may be feeling a little uncertain about the changes taking place. Satisfy your passionate mood.
Don't let your work and your personal life interfere with each other. You will find your vitality is lowered. You can expect to have a problem with your lover. Don't put off the things that they have asked you to do.
Thank goodness itÂ’s Sunday, because Jupiter will continue to affect they way that you behave today and now that the aspect that made you too assertive has gone youÂ’ll be even more inclined to kick back and chill. Doing something out of the ordinary will lift you from your lethargic mood!
Daily Horoscope
Avoid lending or borrowing. You should take good care of your health; get lots of rest. You may make someone else look bad.
It might be best to spend time fixing up your premises and making changes that will be appreciated. Emotionally you won't see things accurately. Take your time.
You should expect a few hiccups through the course of the day, particularly if youÂ’re looking for the facts over a certain matter. ItÂ’s possible youÂ’ll feel that someone is not being entirely honest with you, but they will prove their integrity, if not today, then by tomorrow!
Daily Horoscope
Have some fun, but draw the line if someone tries to fast talk their way into your heart. A quiet restful day just staying in bed or catching up on reading will be your best bet. You will have some wonderful ideas that should bring you extra money.
Investments may be misrepresented today. Camping, swimming, and biking expeditions should all be considered. Put your thoughts into some trendy new ideas.
You are likely to have a much more positive day than yesterday, and by the evening, thanks to the transit of the moon into Cancer, youÂ’ll be showing your softer, more approachable side to your friends and family. This bodes well for all relationships, particularly romantic ones.
Daily Horoscope
Unrealistic promises will only get you in trouble. You can accomplish a lot if you work out of your home today. Passion is about the best way for you to relieve tension.
Don't bang your head against a wall. You will be a bit of a spendthrift today. Do your chores and get on with the things you enjoy doing.
The rather calming effect of the moon in Cancer will offset your more fiery ways today, but in an altogether positive way. This is the day to get your own way by being charming, attentive and gentle. YouÂ’ll be amazed how far these temperate qualities will take you.
Daily Horoscope
Coworkers may not be giving you all the pertinent information. You may find yourself mixed up in a triangle of sorts. You will have a problem with your boss if you haven't done your job.
Take a long look at your present direction and consider your professional options. Don't overspend on luxury items. The great outdoors will allow you to teach youngsters some of the things you learned when growing up.
You can look forward to a generally good day, but for the one or two obstacles that are standing in the way of your happiness in matters of the heart. Maybe you need to rethink the way you approach this. Being more flexible will certainly help you overcome the problem.
Daily Horoscope
Make plans to do something special with the one you love. Don't make large purchases unless you have discussed your choices with your mate. Try to be considerate in your personal obligations.
Don't overload your plate. Don't invest too much of your own money. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery.
With the moon in your sign and thanks to the influence of Pluto you are likely to be in need of controlling your ultra fiery side. Your need for praise and approval could test other peopleÂ’s patience today so try to give praise when itÂ’s due instead, which will moderate that Leonine ego!
Daily Horoscope
Make changes in your domestic scene. Do not allow colleagues to hinder your ambitions. Get involved in physical activities that will stimulate you.
Any difficulties with peers could be unnerving. Try to be patient and understanding. Avoid letting family get involved in your personal life.
The moon will move out of your sign this evening, calming things a little. However, a negative aspect with Pluto means that youÂ’ll be easily rattled, especially during the day. ItÂ’s possible that you wonÂ’t be feeling very sociable, so use the day to burn off some of that fire energy down the gym.
Daily Horoscope
Older family members may try to make demands that are impossible for you to handle. You will do best to entertain those you wish to close deals with. Helping children may be rewarding and challenging.
You may find that you're being used. You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues. Money may slip through your fingers.
While you will be happy to accommodate your close friends with your generous and happy nature you are likely to be less giving in matters of the heart today. The influence of Mercury is making you that little bit inflexible, which could cause some mixed messages and confusion.
Daily Horoscope
You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Don't allow colleagues to stand in your way. You'll find you're detail oriented today.
Get ready to do some fancy footwork when it comes to taking care of your financial situation. Changes in your home will be positive. You're on the right track and you can make money if you are willing to go out on a limb.
You will be feeling the influence of the moon today as a negative aspect affects your ruling planet. This aspect may mean that there are some financial issues that you need to deal with today. On the positive side though youÂ’ll be fun to be around and will exert a generally positive influence on others!
Daily Horoscope
Take care of any paperwork concerning institutional or governmental agencies. Work on legitimate financial deals that may enable you to bring in some extra cash. If you are in the midst of a financial deal, this is your lucky day.
Don't invest too much of your own money. You will find it easy finalizing personal papers if you make an effort. A lack of support and negativity have been the main problems.
With the negative aspect of the moon moving away today expect those financial concerns of yesterday to become less significant. You could be called upon to act as a peacemaker today, possibly between two friends and youÂ’ll find that your intuition serves you well!
Daily Horoscope
You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. Minor health problems will cause setbacks if you haven't taken proper care of yourself. Minor accidents could cause trauma and major setbacks.
Your time, not your cash, will do a lot more for your relationship. Be careful that you aren't saddled with the responsibilities of others. Deception regarding joint finances or investments will cause upsets between family members.
The presence of Pluto is likely to make itself felt today. Whether itÂ’s a positive or negative effect will be down to you, but you should take the opportunity to plan some much needed changes that will introduce more variety to your life, especially if youÂ’re feeling in a rut right now.
Daily Horoscope
You may find acquaintances being deceptive. You may have more people on your domestic scene than anticipated. Your ability to add a sophisticated touch will help you capture the look you're after.
If you can't trust someone, question the connection. Your personal life is going through a state of confusion. Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind.
With your ruling planet now in Aries those fiery qualities of yours will be strengthened, so expect the best, and the worst, of those traits to emerge, starting today. Confident, impulsive, energetic and decisive are the positives, but watch out for being irritable, impatient and being too direct.