Daily Horoscope
You can enhance your reputation by making contributions to worthwhile causes. You can't always have your own way. You can get a great deal accomplished if you bring work home.
Be careful not to upset someone you live with or are close to. You may have trouble figuring out what someone really wants from you. Don't let anyone know how upset or concerned you really are.
Daily Horoscope
Try and avoid getting involved in idle chatter or gossip that might get you in trouble. If they want help that's great, but if they try to take credit for your work, you will have to set them straight. Don't be afraid to talk to close friends or relatives about pressing personal problems.
Your ability to ferret out secret information will lead you to an inside scoop on an amazing financial deal. Be careful not to get roped into uncertain joint financial deals. Physical activity will help defuse your frustration.
You'll be in such great demand that you won't know where to begin. You can make some personal changes, get involved in a new partnership or even do something that will make other people take note. Promote and sell yourself and your ideas.
Daily Horoscope
You can expect your mate to get fed up and make the choices for you or back off completely. Don't get involved in other people's private doings. Romantic opportunities are evident.
Don't let others know about your private affairs. You will do best to entertain those you wish to close deals with. Make a point of working on yourself.
Plan to do something social with your friends today. Partnerships will be strained if you are too pushy or demanding. Something you are responsible for may cause you problems. Take care of these matters yourself.
Daily Horoscope
You can make a serious attempt at quitting those bad habits that you've picked up over the years. You can make a serious attempt at quitting those bad habits that you've picked up over the years. Don't let friends or relatives make you feel guilty if you're not able to attend one of their affairs.
You will do well with clients today. Small business ventures can earn you extra cash. Don't push your luck with your boss.
You can play the role of a troubleshooter today if you mix business with pleasure. Don't show the way you feel about someone you are doing business with. Entertain but don't go over-budget.
Daily Horoscope
Some relatives will be extremely perplexing. You may end up being blamed if anything goes wrong. Don't blow situations out of proportion.
You must refrain from overspending on entertainment. This may not be the day to get involved in risky joint financial ventures. Your mate may not be too sure about your intentions.
Take a powerful position and everyone will bend to your way of thinking. Stand your ground and stick by your beliefs. Anger will not solve any problems but a good debate or intellectual discussion will.
Daily Horoscope
Changes in your home will be positive. Property in vestments should payoff. Be cautious and use your head wisely in situations that deal with the use of machinery or vehicles. You will not be able to trust someone you work with.
You will be extremely receptive to new and progressive methods at work. Favors will be offered readily. Keep your eyes and ears alert for any evasive or deceptive statements.
You can easily be the center of attention but it may not be a wise idea for you to jump into the spotlight too quickly. You will also put yourself in the line of fire for complaints, criticism and arguments. Work quietly on your own for now.
Daily Horoscope
Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at work. Romance will be on your mind, and chances for ideal connections are in the works. Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy.
Home improvement projects will run smoothly. Join a choir or a drama club. You may be considering moving to larger quarters. Frustrations and limitations could cause anxiety today.
Everything may be up in the air today. Consider where you see yourself headed in the future. If the people around you don't fit into that picture, reevaluate your relationships but, if they do, now is the perfect time to talk about your future plans.
Daily Horoscope
Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. Don't hesitate to visit someone who hasn't been well. You will communicate easily and should be able to accomplish all that you set out to do.
You must be sure not to be frivolous, because as the saying goes, easy come, easy go. Don't let any money slip through your fingers today. Use discretion in your dealings and refrain from making verbal promises of any kind.
Be careful how you react toward someone who is getting more attention than you are. Let this person have his or her time in the spotlight instead of muscling your way in. There is a time and place for everything.
Daily Horoscope
You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. You'll be dropping friends for no apparent reason. Put your energy into behind the scenes activities.
If you can put some work into home improvements, you should. You can expect your mate to get fed up and make the choices for you or back off completely. Don't let your partner get away with spending too much of your money.
Travel, trying new things and expanding your interests should all be penciled in today. A partnership will take on a new flavor but be sure it's going in a direction suitable to your future plans. Anger will get you nowhere.
Daily Horoscope
Delve into your work if you can't make amends at home. You will have splendid suggestions for fund raising events. You may want to plan physical activities that will help burn off some of their excess energy.
You're best to avoid disputes. Opportunities to get involved in self improvement projects will be rewarding. Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well.
YouÂ’ll have a mixed day today: a clash with an older person or authority figure at work or school is likely. However romance is looking positive, as youÂ’ll be full of charm and wit and able to impress anyone! DonÂ’t give too much away if you do go on a date though: a little bit of mystery is not a bad thing!
Daily Horoscope
You can ask for favors and get sound advice from close friends or relatives. Don't be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist. You may want to make changes that will turn your entertainment room into a real family affair.
You may want to get involved in financial investments presented to you. Romance is quite possible if you are willing to approach someone who interests you. Partnerships could prove to be lucrative.
Romance features again today, but with the focus on someone who is incredibly shy and not exactly brimming with confidence. You, being a strong and sometimes overwhelming character, will need to tone down your extrovert nature just a touch if you want to get to know this person.
Daily Horoscope
You can expect changes in your living arrangements. A friendship might suffer if money becomes an issue. Deception is apparent.
Don't be too eager to start any debates. A need to be in love may fool you. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations.
You might be feeling a little bit aimless today and the lack of direction could irritate you. You might be tempted to veer from one extreme to another in order to figure out what it is you want to do, but this will not make you feel any more content. It will be a friend who provides the calming influence.
Daily Horoscope
Secret affairs will only lead to heartache. This is probably causing upset and confusion on the home front. Be careful not to confuse issues when discussing the matters at hand.
Don't divulge secret information. Renovations to your domestic scene will pay high rewards. You may be tired of working for someone else.
For your sign too the aspect between the sun and the moon indicates anything but a restful day, although happily it modifies another strong aspect. This suggests that youÂ’ll find the balance that you need in your life to cement relationships and clear the air: an opportune time which you should use wisely.
Daily Horoscope
Talk to others about your plans. Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future. Sudden changes regarding colleagues may surprise you.
Take special care in any home improvement project you work on today, you'll be glad you did. Things are looking up. Empty promises are evident.
Thanks to a couple of strong and challenging aspects influencing your ruling planet your Leo tendencies will be somewhat amplified today! However, people around you are likely to wilt in your smoldering fiery presence, so take yourself to the local gym to burn off some of that surplus energy!
Daily Horoscope
Tempers may flare if you haven't been completely honest about your intentions or your whereabouts. You can get good solid advice from relatives or close friends you trust. Opportunities to get involved in self improvement projects will be rewarding.
Try to include friends and relatives in your activities. Control your anger. Watch your weight gain due to water retention.
Gone are the strong influences affecting your ruling planet that turned you into a super Leo; in their place is a calming aspect that will leave you feeling rather lethargic and easy going. However, donÂ’t become too laid back. Balance your day with an even spread of social and work based events and activities. Keep yourself occupied.
Daily Horoscope
Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable. New romantic relationships will develop through group activity related to sports events. Do not invest in ventures that only appear to be lucrative.
Disappointments regarding partners will be subject to the way you react to their personal comments. You will enjoy getting together with friends. Emotional disputes will only end in sorrow.
You will quite probably feel the need to be utterly different today: standing out from the crowd and being noticed for your efforts will be important to you, but make sure that you do this gently. Investing your artistic talents into a rewarding activity will draw those admiring glances.
Daily Horoscope
Do your own research and be prepared. Think before you act if you wish to avoid friction. Unpleasant situations concerning family members will be unnerving.
Offer consolation, but don't give them any direction. You are best to avoid confrontations. Reevaluate your situation.
You will find that youÂ’re in a very sunny mood today, but there is a danger that you will be inclined to boss your friends around a little too much. But remember that youÂ’re a natural leader, and one of the few power signs of the Zodiac, so relax; you can afford to take a back seat from time to time.
Daily Horoscope
Travel if it's needed to start the ball rolling. Join groups of a humanitarian nature. You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending.
Changes regarding family members will set you off. Do not invest in joint ventures. Don't overreact to someone's advances.
It could be that you will have some difficulty relating to the people around you today. The problem will be twofold: trying to express your thoughts and feelings will be hampered by your tendency to slip into daydreaming mode. DonÂ’t allow yourself to get frustrated with this; it will pass.
Daily Horoscope
Now the moon is in Leo you will be imbued with a great deal of fiery energy. On the up side this means youÂ’ll be full of optimism and fun to be around. On the down side youÂ’ll be inclined towards bossiness. A physical but fun activity will help bring out the positive traits and quash the more negative ones.
You will do well in social settings, and new and interesting individuals may spark a romantic curiosity. You mustn't make promises that you won't be able to keep. Moves will be hectic but favorable in the end.
The moon in your sign means that youÂ’ll be feeling more emotional today, which will translate as a need to be the center of attention and for lots of praise from your loved ones. Fortunately the presence of Neptune mellows this tendency a little, as does the prospect for a romantic encounter.
Daily Horoscope
Everything is moving quickly, just the way you like it. Try out for a local sports team such as volleyball, tennis, lawn bowling, or whatever interests you. You need to spend some time getting to know this person all over again.
Sign up for courses that will help you understand yourself better. Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well. Don't hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home.
Thanks to the aspects influencing your ruling planet youÂ’ll be feeling particularly energetic and ready to live life to the full. YouÂ’re likely to take some kind of risk today, but with your sunny optimism it is likely to pay off. Beware of being tactless though.
Daily Horoscope
Spend time with youngsters today. Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes. You may meet that special person if you attend fundraising functions.
You can make personal changes that will enhance your appearance and bring about greater social activity. You are best to be discreet. You need an outlet that will help take your mind off any troubles at work.
Once in a while you get a string of aspects that provide one of those challenging days, and for you that day is today! It will seem almost impossible to strike the right note in almost anything you do, but a strong positive influence from Pluto means youÂ’ll radiate charm and power, so youÂ’ll get through it!
Daily Horoscope
Sudden changes in your financial situation are likely. You can expect to have some problems with skin, bones, or teeth if you haven't taken proper care of them. Your bankbook will suffer and your restrictions will put a damper on your relationship.
Your lover will be annoyed with your participation. Sudden good fortune will help you cover your debts. You may find that romance will unfold through business connections.
Not only will today be a much improved day, but youÂ’ll be brimming with energy and charisma. In terms of romance it there might be a commitment issue, most likely yours, but if youÂ’re after an evening of fun and sparkling conversation then donÂ’t let yourself get too bogged down with serious matters tonight.
Daily Horoscope
Channel your energy into passionate interludes with your lover. Joining organizations will provide you with stimulating romantic contacts. You can help sort out problems that friends are facing.
You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren't already committed to someone else. You can make changes to your living quarters that should please family members. Consider the source before you believe what you hear.
Today is looking good for you both in terms of romance and work or school. Just be careful how you express yourself: you may think that youÂ’re being perfectly reasonable, but those who are ultra sensitive are likely to take it the wrong way. A sweet smile can go a long way.
Daily Horoscope
Talk to your emotional partner about your intentions. Don't give your heart too readily. You can make favorable real estate offers today.
Involvement in groups will be favorable and lead to valuable information. Make plans to do something special with the one you love. Trying to deal with your mate will be unproductive and possibly hurtful.
A certain frame of mind that will govern your actions today will be primarily thanks to the influence of Mars! YouÂ’ll be ready to top everyone else at work or school as your ambitions kick into overdrive, and in terms of romance you wonÂ’t settle for second best.
Daily Horoscope
Be careful not to divulge secret information today. You can pick up some overtime today. They may cost you dearly.
You may need a physical outlet that will help you relieve your tension. Social activities or travel should be in your plans. Be careful; you may upset someone you live with if you don't consult with them.
Something at work or school will almost certainly distract you too much today. Turning your numerous talents to some creative outlet will almost definitely turn your mood around and help you get things back in perspective. Embarking on a joint venture with a friend will make it more fun too.