Daily Horoscope
You could be drawn to events that concern children. You can elaborate on your creative ideas and get involved in groups that relate to the arts. Opportunities to make advancements through good business sense are evident.
Be wary of those who have overly strong convictions. This will not be the best day to initiate change. New hair, new outfit, new you.
Don't push your luck with business or personal partners. Problems at home are likely to escalate if you aren't accommodating. Get out and do something that will allow you to be competitive. You need a challenge that will keep you out of trouble.
Daily Horoscope
Curb your mood swings; they could result in loneliness. You mustn't give too much to your children. Try to find another time to present work or ideas today.
You will have to be careful not to let others find out about your intentions. Elders may need your help. Social activity should be on your agenda.
You'll be a little boisterous today. Be aware of other people's feelings if you don't want to offend someone you encounter today. Putting yourself in the limelight at someone else's expense will backfire.
Daily Horoscope
You can get ahead if you are willing to take a partner. You will easily capture the interest of those you talk to. You can easily wrap up overdue personal legal matters that have caused problems for you.
Things at home may be somewhat rocky. Changes in your residence may be financially favorable. Make career changes that may increase your income.
Don't let little things depress you. Everything is OK, even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ignore the negative and you will see some good possibilities to work toward.
Daily Horoscope
You may meet that special person if you attend fundraising functions. Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership. Clear up domestic chores that have remained undone for some time.
Try to put your money away for a rainy day. It will do you some good. Acceptance is the key.
Take on a challenge that will help ease your anxiety. Plan a fun-filled day and an entertaining evening. Don't spend time with people who are negative, but rather those who are supportive.
Daily Horoscope
Any contributions you make to organizations will enhance your reputation and bring you offers. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish. Don't overspend on friends or children.
You can make progress professionally. Don't vacillate about asking for assistance if you need it. You have made an accurate assessment of the situation and have come up with ideas that will save money.
Focus on what to do next to make money. It may be the weekend but, with your entertaining ability, you can put your attributes to work for you. An idea you have could very well turn into a great new investment.
Daily Horoscope
Don't try to get even without having all the facts. Efforts made to improve yourself will turn out to your satisfaction. Entertainment could be pleasing if it is of an energetic nature.
You may be overreacting to personal problems. You need to do something energetic and different. Changes regarding your image will bring you greater confidence.
You may find yourself thinking more about someone you met through work. Don't miss out on an opportunity because you don't know how to approach this person. Your determination will bring good results.
Daily Horoscope
You must not lead someone on or show interest in them for the wrong reasons. Take time to do something nice for yourself. You may have difficulties finishing projects you start.
Chronic health problems are likely to surface if you are keeping your problems locked up inside. You can stabilize your personal relationship if you're willing to communicate honestly. Your childlike quality may get you into big trouble today if you neglect your responsibilities.
You may be a little confused in emotional matters or affairs of the heart. Don't let that stop your generous Leo personality from helping others. Don't overspend or take on more than you can handle.
Daily Horoscope
Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. Don't hold yourself back because you think you're too old. Stubborn about making changes around your home.
You may need to lend an ear to an old friend. Take time to find out if anyone has a better suggestion before you make arrangements for the whole family. Make changes to your living quarters that will please the whole family.
Daily Horoscope
Romantic encounters will develop through group activity. Be sure to pay attention to your financial status. Try and avoid getting involved in idle chatter or gossip that might get you in trouble.
You may have a problem with someone you live with if you don't include them in your gathering. Travel will initiate new friendships or love connections. Don't avoid your true feelings.
Money is where it's at today. Do whatever you must to get things off the ground. Investments, rebates, winnings are all looking very favorable. Set your mind on your own personal gain and you will succeed.
Daily Horoscope
Your lover may feel rejected. Do not jump to conclusions concerning your romantic partner. Learn some new skills that will increase your in come.
Keep your wits about you and be sure that you can trust those you confide i Alienation may be the result of a misunderstanding. You can make money through your creative efforts.
Slow down. It is better to be safe than sorry today. Arguments will flare up if you jump to conclusions. Give others a chance to explain and you will spare yourself grief.
Daily Horoscope
You will be up and down emotionally. Travel will also entice you. You can get ahead if you are willing to take a partner.
Chances are you could get stuck with a colleague's job unexpectedly. You can learn from those who have had similar experiences. You need more time to think this whole situation through.
Someone you feel is special will want to participate in a project you are getting involved in. You will have the discipline to follow through with whatever plans you make. Make your move -- do something that you've wanted to do for a long time.
Daily Horoscope
Take the time to help those less fortunate. You can't live your life for others. Compromise will be necessary.
Travel will turn out to be far more exciting than you imagined. You may want to plan physical activities that will help burn off some of their excess energy. You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted.
You can expect to face some personal problems, especially if you forgot to do something or you have been taking advantage of someone. Do your best to make amends. A little thoughtfulness will go a long way.
Daily Horoscope
Situations could easily get blown out of proportion if you have made unreasonable promises. Be professional, and you will advance much more quickly. You may divulge private information without realizing it today.
Don't allow your personal problems to interfere with your professionalism. Use your head and do things to your liking. Don't let relatives make demands of you.
You have the strength to carry out your plans. Your charismatic appeal will be at an all-time high. Use it to your advantage. It won't be easy, but you will find a way to achieve what you set out to do.
Daily Horoscope
You're best not to get involved in joint financial ventures. Financial gains can be made through wise investments. Focus on forming business partnerships.
You can find solutions if you are willing to communicate. You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect. You hard work and dedication will payoff, so stick to your guns and do your job well.
Someone you are close to will not interpret things the same way you do. Focus on a creative project or getting out of the house and away from family turmoil. Not everyone will be telling you the truth.
Daily Horoscope
Let them know what your intentions are. Take some time to change your house around. Unfortunately, your personal life may suffer from a lack spare time.
Uncertainties about your living arrangements may be unnerving. You need to challenge yourself. You will be well looked upon due to your compassionate and giving nature.
As long as you keep things in perspective, you can have it all. Love, money and even a stab at a professional opportunity can all be yours. The only glitch will be if you get an overrated opinion of yourself. Be humble.
Daily Horoscope
You may want to get a little extra rest. You are prone to infections and fevers. Your emotions may get the better of you. You may not get your facts correct today; double-check before making any statements.
Attend to things that you should have done yesterday. Watch for empty promises that may give you false hope. Try to keep to yourself; work diligently on domestic chores and responsibilities.
Today is all about you. Do a little shopping -- you are likely to find something spectacular. An unusual happening will make you even more interested in the person you are closest to.
Daily Horoscope
Not everything you hear will be legitimate. Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you aren't well organized. Put your time and energy into travel, philosophy, and soul-searching.
Be sure to get involved in self improvement programs that will bring you in contact with interesting people. Physical limitations are possible if you aren't careful. Spend some time on yourself.
Uncertainties about your living arrangements or anything to do with your personal relationship will make you think about your future. Get out with friends you trust and discuss your dilemma. You will get great support and alternatives.
Daily Horoscope
Today will be rather hectic on the domestic scene. Spend time getting into physical activities with your lover. Don't let them blame you.
You can expect changes in your financial situation as well as in your status. You may have difficulties at an emotional level with mates. Plan your social events carefully.
You will want to be the center of attention, and if anyone tries to steal your thunder, you will have a hard time containing your discontent. Charm and quick wit will be the way to handle this dilemma. Avoid discord with family members.
Daily Horoscope
Avoid boredom by being creative in your endeavors. Don't take your frustrations out on the ones you love. Sign up for courses that will bring you more skills.
Avoid any intimate involvement's with coworkers or employers. Don't let jealous friends put you down, making you insecure about your capabilities. Don't let relatives make demands of you.
You will be disappointed by someone's actions, but if you really stop and think about what happened, you'll realize that you are overreacting. Go visit a friend who will be empathetic.
Daily Horoscope
Heart to heart talks will clear up vague issues. Go out with friends. It's time to reevaluate your motives.
Sudden romance could end just as quickly. Colleagues may try to undermine you. Much knowledge can be obtained through the experiences you have.
A chance to mix business with pleasure will turn out superbly. Putting things you want to do into play will be much easier now. Someone who wanted more of your time will be a little upset. Refuse to get angry.
Daily Horoscope
You may jump from the frying pan into the fire if you make a move today. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent. Your obviously unique way of doing things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position.
Children may be less than honest with you. Sudden romantic encounters are quite likely, but discretion will be a must. Your creative ability will surface, giving you good ideas for ways of making money.
You will find everything you are looking for if you shop today. You can tie up loose ends and pick up something special. Getting together with friends or your lover late in the day will lead to some interesting plans.
Daily Horoscope
You will be popular and will easily attract members of the opposite sex. Uncertainty regarding your direction is likely. Uncertainties about your personal life are probable.
You will impress new friends and acquaintances with your intellectual wit. Don't let peers distract you or push their work your way. Think about your priorities.
leasure trips will turn out to be better than expected. You can meet exciting individuals today. Don't jump to conclusions, especially about financial deals. Friends and relatives will be happy to help you out.
Daily Horoscope
Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. Don't jump as quickly as you usually do. Sit back and observe, regardless of how hard that might be.
Put your energy into self-improvement programs that promise to make you into a better you. For best results get out of the office and do your job en route. Your concern with older family members and those less fortunate than yourself will only add to your attractiveness.
Don't forget about all the people in your life who love you and want to spend a couple of days catching up. If you neglect your roots, you will be starting off the holiday season, not to mention the New Year, on the wrong foot.
Daily Horoscope
Try to curb your tongue and let others at least get a word in. Sooner or later your partner will have had enough. You have a real need to be vocal.
Take a close look at contracts and agreements that have been offered to you. Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate. Don't bother trying to make someone you live with see your point of view.
Someone will be overindulgent and best avoided. You don't want to ruin the day by arguing about something that really doesn't matter. Diplomacy will make you look good in the eyes of those who count.
Daily Horoscope
You may be sensitive concerning friends and their situations. Problems with your partner are apparent. Try to concentrate on research and acquiring information that will be of value in your chosen field.
Don't overdo it. You need to enjoy yourself. Your ability to work with detail could help you achieve your goals. Be confident in your endeavors and others will believe in your efforts.
Not everyone will understand your position or your intentions. Take today off to think through your plans. You may end up rethinking your strategy for the new year.