You may have ignored or neglected your mate lately. Make plans for your future. Make some notes regarding the changes that you should make. This will be a relaxing day when you'll be spending quality time with your family. Don't be shy; if you want to spend more time with a special person, make a commitment. Opportunities to pamper yourself may unfold. Do something special for the person in your life that you love the most. Update your look and you will receive plenty of compliments. A creative approach to a project will be a step in the right direction.
Daily Horoscope
Social get-together will bring you in contact with intelligent new friends. Don't forget that your budget is limited right now. Be careful when dealing with investments. Guard against mix-ups in plans and double-check costs in connection with travel. You'll find it easy to meet new people. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Take part in anything that can further your career. A course or a project that offers an opportunity to show your worth and talent should be considered. You will impress people with your versatility.
Daily Horoscope
You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. The key to feeling good about yourself will be to do something about it. Try to be reasonable. Opportunities for travel and communication are evident. Burn the midnight candle of romance. Avoid friends or acquaintances who drink too much. You'll have conflict over what you should be doing vs. what you want to do. If you organize well, you can take care of both needs. Put career objectives first so you can enjoy more pleasurable events without worry.
Daily Horoscope
You could be cornered, so be prepared to tell the truth. Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident. Let them know what your intentions are. If contemplating a change in residence, this is a fine day for meeting with realtors and buying or selling property. You can make new friends by taking part in social events involving colleagues. Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate. A chance to take a partnership to the next level will be totally dependent on how you handle it. Confidence will be what works. You have the savvy to pull off whatever you set your mind to.
Daily Horoscope
Look out for those wanting to push you into a disagreement. You can accomplish a lot if you work out of your home today. You may want to get a little extra rest. Question your mate if you must. You will do your best work on your own. You may think gifts will win their heart, but it could add stress from lack of funds. Don't sit at home waiting for the phone to ring. Make your own plans and present yourself with a confident and fun approach to life and love. Romantic opportunities are evident.
Daily Horoscope
Expect to have more people on your domestic scene. Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence. Look into the cost factor, but don't try to get backing yet. Take care of matters involving institutions or government agencies. Curb the impulse to make lavish purchases and maybe spend some time with good friends. Your emotional partner may make you angry today. Do odd jobs around home that are long overdue. A chance to socialize with friends will lead to a new interest. Love is in a high cycle and your passionate mood will be reciprocated.
Daily Horoscope
Concentrate on work and on making money. Try to concentrate on research and acquiring information that will be of value in your chosen field. Children may be less than honest with you. Take a close look at contracts and agreements that have been offered to you. Get together with friends and catch up on reading and letter writing. You can make money if you are wise in your choices. Someone will withhold information that you really need. Don't put up with anyone who gives you the runaround. Dealing with large companies, institutions or authority figures will prove to be difficult if you don't have all the facts.
Daily Horoscope
Don't be angry, but be on your guard. Your courage and willpower will enable you to get rid of destructive habits as well. Take a day trip away or enjoy a favorite pleasure on this day for fun. You'll be more magnetic than ever now. You may not be happy if members of your family are not pulling their weight. Opportunities for financial gains through investments and games of chance are likely. Anger and frustration can be your demise. Ignore the people and situations that are causing you to make detours. Stay calm, cool and collected and you will surpass what everyone expects of you.
Daily Horoscope
Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made. You may get drawn into a personal situation that will not be to your liking. You can make adjustments in your domestic scene today. You may be left smarting inside because of someone's insensitive remark. Go over their important documents and take the time to suggest alternatives. Don't let emotional matters escalate. Stay calm; don't believe everything you hear. Don't make a decision based on half-truths and innuendos. Focus on your own advancement.
Daily Horoscope
Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable. Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over. Romance will be on your mind, and chances for ideal connections are in the works. This is a great day to beautify your living quarters or to entertain at home. Try spending the day catching up on any responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Disharmony in the home will be extremely stressful. Pull out all the stops and do your best to surprise everyone with your thoughtfulness and ability to get things done. Pick a quiet but appropriate place for meetings. You will not impress everyone.
Daily Horoscope
Expect to pay more than anticipated for entertainment or other purchases. Be firm when dealing with matters pertaining to your environment. You can become obsessed with detail and must be sure to divide your time appropriately. Avoid any petty ego confrontations; they could lead to estrangement if you aren't careful. You will be in a high cycle regarding work. You can make new connections if you play your cards right. You can make heads turn if you push your ideas and follow through with your plans. This is not the time to hold back or to rely on someone else. Focus on professional gains, and don't let personal issues hold you back.
Daily Horoscope
You need to focus on yourself, not on others. Friends or groups that you're affiliated with may want you to contribute more cash than you can really afford. Friends will be loyal and caring. Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts. Be sure to organize events that will keep the children busy. Involvement in financial schemes will be followed by losses. Problems at home will leave you feeling down. Getting involved in someone else's dilemma will bring bad results. Put in extra hours at work -- you will do far better there than you will at home.
Daily Horoscope
Lovely heart-to-heart talks are possible all day. You can make career moves that will bring you a much higher income. An adviser will give you the right guidance about a concern that's been bothering you. A lack of support and negativity have been the main problems. Get more involved in group efforts at work. This will be a good day for research and for sitting down with some good, informative reading material. Friends and family will offer you support. Experience will be your best teacher, so don't be afraid to try something new. Minor accidents are likely if you are tired or preoccupied.
Daily Horoscope
You won't be well received by superiors or by your spouse. You may have a problem dealing with elders. Sign up for courses that will bring you more skills. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation. You can meet new and exciting friends who will provide mental stimulation. You may have some difficulties with someone you live with. Everything will depend on how you get along with other people today. A love relationship will be a little deceptive. Keep your eyes wide open so you don't miss any underlying signals.
Daily Horoscope
Talk about your intentions and confirm that you both feel the same way. A relative may harp about the past, but otherwise it's full-speed-ahead in financial matters. Your competitive nature will enable you to win any contest you enter. You can take advantage of opportunities if you are quick to make a move. Coworkers may not be completely honest with you; try not to rely on help from others. Think twice before eating spicy foods; you may have problems with your stomach. You will have difficulty getting things off the ground as your emotions lead you down the wrong path. A problem with a personal relationship will be deceiving. Don't get angry; instead, work hard.
Daily Horoscope
You mustn't make promises that you won't be able to keep. Try not to get upset or angry without having all the facts. You'll get a backlog of tasks out of the way and you'll be pleased with your progress. You will find that friends or relatives may not understand your needs. You could be attracting individuals who are anything but good for you. Exercise is always a good way to relieve stress. A greater interest in your home and family may cause you some difficulties. A nice gesture could bring unwanted results. Consult with family members before making a decision.
Daily Horoscope
You will be able to make favorable changes in your living quarters. You're on the right track in career matters and new opportunities. Involvement in groups of interest will bring you in touch with important individuals. Property investments should payoff. Your magnetic, outgoing personality will capture hearts. You may be tom between two possibilities. Concentrate on what you can do to get ahead at work. An older relative may require more assistance than you can provide.
Daily Horoscope
Listen to your dream tonight, as you will find a lot of the ability to control yourself lies buried in the messages you receive. Travel will be fun, but expect it to cost you. Moody aren't we today! More success in you career today. You will be quite excitable today. It may be hard to find enthusiasm for work today. Think twice before eating spicy foods; you may have problems with your stomach. You will be energetic, but if you don't have your day laid out, you may get frustrated if things don't fall into place. Give a partner a little leeway and you'll avoid an argument.
Daily Horoscope
Uncertainties regarding your love life will surface if you have neglected your mate. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive. Actions speak louder than words, so get busy. A need to express yourself may come out in creative ways. Get together with friends for some competitive physical activities. Be sure to pay attention to your financial status. You will have to make a few choices today about what you are willing to do to update your looks. Be current if you want to attract the right kind of attention. Someone you are close to may have a problem with overindulgence.
Daily Horoscope
Mingle with those who have similar interests, and you should be able to start something. You can accomplish the most if you travel for business purposes. Property deals will pay big dividends. Overindulgence could lead to problems with digestion. Your need to use emotional blackmail will only cause more conflict. Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. Everything will depend on how well you take care of yourself. A problem you face at work may baffle you. Do a little research and you will be prepared to take care of it early next week.
Roger that~!
Originally posted by Danisdead101times:
Roger that~!
everyday come bk n chk!
Daily Horoscope
It might be best not to spend your money on luxuries today. Property deals look good. You will be viewed as a sensitive, compassionate individual and others will ask you for advice. Property investments will payoff. Don't let yourself get rundown. In your rush to get things accomplished, don't overlook some important details. Get busy managing any difficult matters at work. You can make a jump from one job to another if you strategically manipulate your move. A unique approach to whatever you do will bring support.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Business talks are serious, productive, and rewarding. Deceit around you is evident. Ferret out information that will hold them responsible. You can make financial gains through your unique and creative approach to business. You will gain new friends if you get involved in environmental issues. You have to clear up all the loose ends that are getting in the way of your progress. Once you have, you will be free to start something new. An interesting change will occur, so take part in an organized event.
Daily Horoscope
Curl up with a good book or go for a drive in the country. Put your plans into motion by presenting your intentions to those who should be able to give you financial support. You will have no problem getting your point across to those in a position to help you. Try to satisfy both of your needs. Don't turn down offers that include sports activities or children. Social events held in your home will be successful and entertaining for all. You'll be quick to place the blame elsewhere. Be careful if you don't want to face repercussions. A lot can be accomplished if you are work-oriented.