Daily Horoscope
Use your intellectual approach to get the best results. You need an energetic outlet that will help you dissipate your anxiety. Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members.
Travel will lead you in new directions. Your emotions may get the better of you. You don't need to pay out in order to have fun.
Whether youÂ’re single or attached the planetary line-up, involving the moon in Virgo, suggests that youÂ’ll be inclined to be a little unfair to your partner, date, or someone close. The truth is youÂ’re probably behaving less than selflessly, and need a quick rethink!
Daily Horoscope
A little overtime may help you reduce the workload. You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn't been well. You should spend your day trying to get things completed at work.
You can make changes to your living quarters that should please family members. Don't let your mate force you into making a decision that you aren't ready to make. Coworkers may not be on your side.
Not only is money looking absolutely fabulous today, but so is your sense of style. If youÂ’re invited to go to the mall with a friend then donÂ’t be too shy about making some style suggestions to them; youÂ’ll find that with an eye for what looks good you canÂ’t go wrong today!
Daily Horoscope
You can make a serious attempt at quitting those bad habits that you've picked up over the years. You have made an accurate assessment of the situation and have come up with ideas that will save money. Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid.
Look into alternatives that would better suit both your needs. Get the red tape and the unwanted paperwork out of the way. You may be frazzled today.
It is possible that you could bite off more than you can chew, or overstretch yourself today in a bid to tackle a practical problem at home. It might be best to avoid those hands-on chores, or if thatÂ’s not possible, seek the advice of someone who will be able to channel your enthusiasm more constructively!
Daily Horoscope
Property investments should payoff. Avoid getting involved with married individuals. Stay mellow.
Deception is probable if you don't use discrimination. Family outings or a quiet stroll through the park will lead to stimulating conversation and a closer bond. Your creative ideas must be put to good use.
Your finances and money matters arenÂ’t looking too healthy today! WhatÂ’s more there is a chance that if you do decide to visit the mall youÂ’ll be more likely to fritter away your cash on things that you could do without! The ever-dependable green adventurine, said to boost luck, might help!
Any money worries that you may have experienced yesterday should ease up today, and with the moon in Scorpio you should be feeling in a rather sociable mood! Just bear in mind that a trip to the movies to watch the latest chiller will be more to your taste today!
You may not be happy if members of your family are not pulling their weight. Underhandedness regarding legal matters or contracts must be counteracted. Plan a nice evening for two.
Confusion is apparent and you'll need some sound advice if you want to do the right thing. Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. You can expect to feel confused about your personal prospects.
Whatever difficulties the day may throw at you, just remember that itÂ’s the couple of negative influences that are causing the unhelpful self-doubts and slight over-reactions! Your love-life is likely to cause a minor headache today, but keep your cool and youÂ’ll figure a way around the problem!
Don't be afraid to make additions to your house. You may get some opposition. Personal changes will be to your benefit. Family members may feel anxious if you make promises you don't deliver.
Don't go overboard; start small and work toward building it up slowly. You need an outlet. You may find that your plans will cost a little more than you had expected.
Restless is the only way to describe how you are feeling right now. You feel most at home when there is a lot of Earth energy around and at the moment this is at an annual low. You may find yourself considering all sorts of major life style changes today, but wait at least a week before making any big decisions.
Any capricious behavior will confuse loved ones and your mood swings will result in loneliness. You may be overly emotional when dealing with your mate. Curb the impulse to make lavish purchases and maybe spend some time with good friends.
Travel for business purposes may bring the highest returns. Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home. Get involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet new friends.
Practical concerns will be at the forefront of your mind today as you wrestle with the list of things that have to be organized before the holidays. Thankfully the planetary influences will be very helpful as you will find yourself at your methodical best today when it comes to any organizational issues.
Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy. You're in the mood to party. Your health may suffer if you don't control your present situation.
Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. You may want to try your hand at a little creative writing. Don't let your boss get the better of you. Get out and get active.
Call a good friend. Your charm will attract someone special. Property deals will pay big dividends.
You can enjoy entertainment if you join in and follow the crowd for a change. Look into the cost factor, but don't try to get backing yet. Control those desires to cast your fate to the wind.
Travel will be significant for you today and there is a good chance that you will need to take quite a long journey that you have been planning for some time. The influence of Mercury is a little pesky though and there may be unexpected delays. However, these will bring the opportunity to make an interesting new friend!
Now is the time to concentrate on building a strong financial future for your family. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. Take advantage of moneymaking ventures.
Love could develop at social events that are work relate. Try to channel your energy into professional endeavors. Not everyone will be pleased with your plans.
Emotional partnerships may develop through projects you initiate. Communication must be open, precise, and honest. You may want to have a heart-to-heart talk with a close and trusted friend.
Be careful how you handle friends and relatives, they may take things the wrong way. You may find travel to be most rewarding. Don't be too quick to voice your opinion. Listen to others carefully.
Daily Horoscope
You can expect changes at your work place. Residential moves will be in your best interest. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers.
Minor health problems will flare up if you don't take care of yourself. Communication will be your strong point and you should be able to persuade others to see things your way. Changes in your home will be positive. Property in vestments should payoff.
A quiet morning will give you time to gather your thoughts before you find yourself being whisked around to a whirlwind of neighborsÂ’ houses and relatives. You will find yourself feeling unusually sociable and will be happy to throw yourself into the role of both guest and host with equal gusto.
Daily Horoscope
Try to keep a low profile. Spend a quiet day with the one you love. Try to satisfy both of your needs.
Don't be too eager to give a piece of your mind or even your opinion today. Be careful when using machinery or electrical equipment. You need to keep busy doing things that you both enjoy.
The planets are suggesting that, as one of the most practical signs in the Zodiac, youÂ’ll be inclined to take your Christmas duties a little too seriously. Whether youÂ’re preparing a lavish lunch or are just in charge of clearing the wrapping paper you can afford to chill, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. Try making some changes to your appearance and your attitude that will reinforce just that. Stick to your own projects and by the end of the day you'll shine.
There could be opposition or temper tantrums on the home front. You will be prone to carelessness that could result in accidents. You are best to be accommodating for the time being. Sudden romantic infatuations won't be lasting.
If you find that youÂ’re absolutely exhausted from keeping everything perfect for the past couple of days then avoid turning to a close friend or partner for the pick-me-up you need! Communications arenÂ’t at their strongest right now. Instead pamper yourself a little: reading your favorite book in a scented bath will appeal!
Daily Horoscope
Take a long look at your present direction and consider your professional options. You can sort out any differences you have in an amiable manner. Be careful if a friend asks you for advice.
If everyone wants to do their own thing, let them. You will do well with clients today. Remain calm and you'll shine. Passion should be your goal.
It seems that today could hold one or two surprises in the form of visiting relatives or close friends. Take the opportunity to catch up on their news and spend some time with them. Even if youÂ’re unfortunate enough to be working through this holiday period the planets suggest that youÂ’ll get some free time!
Daily Horoscope
Not everything you hear will be legitimate. Your communication skills will bring you popularity and increased self esteem. Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you get out and mingle.
Frustrations and limitations could cause anxiety today. Find ways to mellow out. You will meet potential new mates through friends or relatives.
Journeys and trips look favorably aspected today, and like a couple of other signs you too are in need of a break! After what has been a hectic Christmas what better way is there to recharge your batteries than to head off somewhere different for the day? Nurture your adventurous side today, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
Don't make excuses. Try to be precise in your communications. You will be tempted to shop till you drop.
Direct your energy into physical entertainment. You may have difficulties finishing projects you start. You're in need of love.
Balance will be the key. You might feel tempted to slump in front of the TV, given the numerous draining planetary aspects, but aiming to go through the day in a healthy way will actually clear your mind nicely. Slot some exercises into your daily routine today!
Daily Horoscope
Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Take a look at yourself and prepare to make those changes you've been contemplating. Realize that you don't have to do everything yourself.
Invite friends over. Get down to business and do the work yourself. Your mate will appreciate your honesty.
Your famed efficiency and dependability may put you at a slight disadvantage today, in that you could be asked to work overtime or asked to do some baby-sitting. If you want to make some extra bucks then this will be a great opportunity; if you want to party then think up your good excuses now!
Daily horoscope
Those close to your heart may be difficult to reason with. Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. Your home may be in an uproar and you are best to stay out of the line of fire if at all possible.
Use your inventiveness to find solutions. Unforeseen changes in your location are apparent. Changes in your residence will be favorable in the long haul.
Most people tend to look forward on New YearÂ’s Day, but thanks to Saturn youÂ’ll be inclined to look back! This moment of nostalgia or even regret could be holding you back! Let go, Virgo! Your New YearÂ’s resolution: to focus on being a little more flexible when it comes to matters of the heart!
Daily Horoscope
Hard work will bring rewards. Direct your energy into physical entertainment. You may be looking through rose colored glasses.
You must make them stand on their own two feet regardless of how much you want to make things better for them. Don't let any money slip through your fingers today. Real estate investments could be prosperous.
Chances are that youÂ’re back to work or school today, but duties or assignments are the last thing on your mind! A chance to catch up on all the latest gossip is always tempting, but youÂ’re likely to hear something that isnÂ’t true or has been taken out of context today!
Daily Horoscope
Be careful not to hurt someone's feelings. Things will be emotional with your mate. Communicate with relatives who may need advice in order to find solutions to their existing problems.
You may not get your facts correct today; double-check before making any statements. You'll find it difficult to control your emotions. Be professional, and you will advance much more quickly.
Wow; if nothing else goes quite according to plan today you can be sure that romance will! Whether youÂ’re single or attached youÂ’re bound to be on the receiving end of some flattering attention, so start the day with a scented bath to bring out your more sensual side!
Daily Horoscope
Romantic encounters will be full of excitement. Involvement in groups will be favorable. Business partnerships will prove lucrative. Don't overreact to someone's advances.
Plan to get together with someone special later in the day. You can make major gains professionally by completing projects on time. You're on to something tangible and need to act fast
Thanks to the transit of Venus into Aquarius you could find that you become quite the diplomat when it comes to work or school related issues and problems. Not only will you be skilled at smoothing things over but youÂ’ll find that problem solving ideas come easily too! Just remember to give yourself a break today
Daily Horoscope
Don't let your emotions get out of hand. Stop telling others about your problems. If they're too demanding, reconsider this union.
Stick to travel or do things in conjunction with groups. Your courage and willpower will enable you to get rid of destructive habits as well. Your obviously unique way of doing things has caught the eye of someone in a higher position.
A demanding day looks likely and you will need to be on your best form when it comes to the ability to multi task with ease! You need not worry though since the planetary energies are providing you with a definite sense of purpose along with the ability to concentrate intently on your chosen activity.
Daily Horoscope
Be tactful if you see flaws in someone else's work. Think about your priorities. Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious.
Hassles with in-laws could put a damper on your day. You will do well with clients today. Your personal life is going through a state of confusion.
Closure will be important to you today as a particular issue comes to a head and needs to be properly resolved. Although this may relate to a conflict with another person, it is most likely to refer to an emotionally significant memory that you have still not yet fully dealt with.
Daily Horoscope
Traffic will be busier than you anticipated, so try to get a head start if you have made plans to travel. Do not trust others with important information. Dealing with in-laws or relatives will not be in your best interest.
You may find that you're being used. Channel your energy into projects that will enhance your home. Get involved in creative groups.
Beware of getting trapped into old arguments with an older authority figure today. There is a good chance that this tension relates to your relationship with your mother and repeating conflicts of habit will not help. Once the current aspect of the Moon and Uranus begins to fade you will feel much more settled about these issues.