Daily Horoscope
Problems with financial investments could make you nervous. Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with? Your partner may be reluctant to tell you how they feel.
Don't let others saddle you with guilt that isn't warranted. You won't be well received by superiors or by your spouse. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars.
It could be a tricky day in terms of romance, with someone delivering a few unexpected home-truths! DonÂ’t be too dismayed by this; letting them have their say will help clear the air, and will provide some useful insights into improving your flagging love-life!
Daily Horoscope
Do not give your heart to someone who may not live up to your standards. You could be attracting individuals who are anything but good for you. Don't allow colleagues to stand in your way.
Children could cost you more than you can afford. You must be careful not to trust just anyone. Changes in your home will be positive.
Money might be a bit of a sore subject today, especially if you’re in a ‘spend, spend, spend’ mood! If you’ve got your eye on something gorgeous, whether that’s something for the home, or a fabulous outfit you’d do best to hold off until the weekend, which isn’t so far away!
Daily Horoscope
You might find that coworkers will support your endeavors. You will be entertained and intrigued by the logic foreigners possess. You're on to something tangible and need to act fast
You might find that coworkers will support your endeavors. You will be entertained and intrigued by the logic foreigners possess. You're on to something tangible and need to act fast
If there have been any underlying tensions, however minor, at home then today heralds an all change situation, as Venus moves into Sagittarius and counteracts the more volcanic Pluto. This, then, will be a day to clear the air and resolve those minor niggles!
Daily Horoscope
You can make some favorable changes to your looks. Don't promise to deliver the goods if you aren't positive that you can meet the deadline. Get busy.
Limitations on the home front can be expected if you have been restricting your mate's freedom. Don't hesitate to take short trips. This will not be the time to give too much to your children.
Be prepared for a bit of a dramatic day, especially in terms of romance and friendships. YouÂ’ll be very much in tune with other peopleÂ’s feelings, so today is likely to present the perfect opportunity for singles to figure out exactly where they stand with a certain someone!
Daily horoscope
You may meet that special person if you attend fundraising functions. Listen to the complaints of others. Get on with business.
Sudden trips will take you by surprise. Passion will be your only answer. It will be all around you.
Communications are likely to play a large part in your day today, and while everything should flow smoothly in terms of journeys and trips you might find that things could get a little intense, thanks to the moon in Scorpio. Keep it light, Virgo, and donÂ’t be rushed into making an important decision!
Daily Horoscope
You can change your living arrangements. Opportunities to make advancements through good business sense are apparent. Use your inventiveness to find solutions.
Don't be afraid to push your beliefs and attitudes. Don't blame others for your own stubbornness. This could be a serious relation ship.
With up to five planets remaining in Scorpio, which happens to be your third house, you could find that your powers of discretion or your ability to keep a secret pay dividends today. Someone who matters in your life is likely to trust you with a piece of information! Keep this to yourself, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
It's time you let your true feelings out. Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest. Real estate investments will be profit able.
Get help to finish a project if you need it. Secret affairs may only cause complications in your life. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars.
Thanks to a couple of challenging aspects have you could read too much into what is being said; a flattering or flirty comment will be just that – flattering and flirty. Don’t take it too seriously, Virgo; just allow yourself to enjoy the moment, and then let it go again!
Daily Horoscope
You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm. You have to know what your boss wants if you expect to do your job correctly. Don't avoid your true feelings.
Watch your tendency to live for the day and to spend too much on entertainment and children; it could set you back. You may find that female colleagues will be more help than you anticipated. Interaction with colleagues will only be upsetting.
The arrangement of the planets suggests that there could be certain tensions developing between you and a close friend by this afternoon. These tensions could be alleviated by another friend or even a family member helping you both to appreciate the other personÂ’s point of view!
Daily Horoscope
Red tape could be impossible to clear up today. Be careful not to reveal private information. Take the time to do something nice for your friends and relatives.
You will find that joint ventures could easily turn out to be dead end projects. Relatives will want to get together. You need to put some trust in others.
Jupiter will move out of your communication house and into your family house today. Generally youÂ’re regarded as a down-to-earth sign, but this fresh influence of Jupiter is likely to introduce a little spontaneity and fun into your home-life, which means after a hard day there will always be a place to unwind!
Daily Horoscope
Investments will not be as they appear today. You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been well. Love could develop at social events that are work relate.
You may have difficulties with family members if you get involved in petty arguments. You will enjoy getting together with friends. Investments will cost more than you anticipated.
As a rule, those born under the sign of Virgo have a great fondness for order and organization. The energies today will be encouraging you to spend some time organizing your living environment. This sort of activity is the sort of thing you love so you should have a thoroughly enjoyable day!
Daily Horoscope
Children will keep you busy. Be precise in your communications to avoid any misunderstandings and arguments. Talk to someone you trust if you need advice about broaching the subject.
If possible, rely on coworkers to back your objectives, and talk to superiors in order to get approval. Read between the lines when signing contracts. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart.
Oh dear; for you, unfortunately, a couple of negative influences means a less than successful day. To begin with youÂ’ll need to avoid spending your hard earned cash: hold on to it. And if that wasnÂ’t enough your self confidence will dip today, which sounds grim, but this will pass, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
Try and avoid getting involved in idle chatter or gossip that might get you in trouble. You may be able to impart knowledge that's innovative to those searching for a new angle. Educational pursuits can bring interesting, helpful people.
You may find it necessary to confront a situation that has gotten out of hand. You will meet exciting new people through interest groups or functions that you attend with your children. Take time to deal with the concerns of children.
While your cash flow situation should settle today youÂ’ll find that your nearest and dearest are being a little demanding to the extent where youÂ’ll feel as though youÂ’re being pulled in all directions! However, some softening blue agate will help you say the right thing at the right time!
Daily Horoscope
Control your temper by getting immersed in your work. Enjoy a quiet dinner for two and discuss some of the plans you have for the future. You like to stay busy and now is your chance to do just that.
You can get ahead if you present your ideas to superiors. Ideas may sound good, but be careful if people are just looking for handouts. Overindulgence will mean poor health.
You will be feeling in a very reflective mood throughout the day. A useful aspect from the moon is guiding you to think of yourself and indulge yourself. You should allow yourself to do anything that makes you feel happy today although earth based activities will help restore the current lack of earth energy.
Daily Horoscope
Your lover may be annoyed if you have been flirtatious or not attentive to their needs. Stop those bad habits. You might be overly emotional when dealing with your partner.
Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters. Arguments with children or friends may leave you steaming. Face any emotional problems head-on to avoid situations getting out of hand.
A tendency to worry too much is likely to drain your energy today, and the continuing lack of earth energy youÂ’re likely to be feeling wonÂ’t help either! Arm yourself with a couple of morale boosting crystals: citrine and hematite should help combat the more negative effects of the planetary alignment.
Daily Horoscope
You'll find it easy to meet new people. Your emotional partner will push all the right buttons today. Concern yourself with legal matters and formulating contracts rather than finalizing your objectives.
Property deals will pay big dividends. You should not be concerned with coworkers who insist on spreading rumors. Try to curb overindulgence today.
Thanks to the three aspects in the fire-signs your finances will be looking excellent today, but no thanks to a couple of challenging influences your mood is likely to be low! Grab a friend and spend some time in the mall, where youÂ’ll easily find a nice pick-me-up!
Daily Horoscope
You will have to put those you live with in their place if they try to interfere with your work. Secret affairs will only lead to heartache. If you're feeling uncertain, spend some time alone and reevaluate your motives as well as your needs.
You will be able to make changes regarding your living arrangements. You're in the mood to party. Try to include friends and relatives in your activities.
After a rather challenging few days youÂ’ll be relieve to know that things ease up for today! With a couple of positive influences you are likely to be more spontaneous than usual, especially with your friends and you should use the weekend to relax and have fun!
Daily Horoscope
Find out all the facts before you jump to conclusions. Don't lend to people who have given you negative vibes. Don't go overboard; start small and work toward building it up slowly.
You should check out prestigious clubs or groups that have a cause you believe in. Your greatest gains will come through your creative ideas. Your high energy should be spent pleasing your mate.
You could find that youÂ’re in an uncharacteristically dithery mood today, thanks to the opposition from the moon! DonÂ’t worry too much though, and take any opportunity to kick back and relax. Try and postpone any important or pressing decisions until after midnight!
Daily Horoscope
Take that long overdue vacation if you can. A series of misunderstandings may be at fault. You are best to put in some overtime rather than get involved in family gatherings.
Go after your goals. Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined. Don't put all your cash in one place.
TodayÂ’s planetary influences are likely to put you in an uncharacteristically weird and wacky mood, which means that your sense of style will be out there! While you may have some great ideas for a couple of vibrant outfits you probably wonÂ’t want to wear them again once the planets shift!
Daily Horoscope
Be quiet about your intentions or ideas that might bring added cash. Don't be too quick to judge partners or those you work with. You can win if you're open and up front with your boss.
It may be a disappointing day emotionally. You can make profitable investments if you purchase an art object for your home. Rewards for past good deeds will be yours.
With the powerful opposition from the moon easing away you should start to feel more balanced in your outlook. However, with your mind firmly on the latest gossip and your social life youÂ’ll be less inclined to give work or school your undivided attention today.
Daily Horoscope
Try to curb your bad habits. Your interests could lead you down avenues you never realized existed. The talk you have may be eye-opening with regard to your present situation.
Financial difficulties may be worrying you. Enlist the aid of family members and consider the feelings of your mate. Talk to someone with experience about budgets or consolidating debts.
It is likely that you want or need to get something done at home, but that someone isnÂ’t quite playing ball. The transit of Mars into Sagittarius will mean that youÂ’re more go-getting than usual, but you will need to curb that streak of impatience and find more subtle ways to get someone motivated.
Daily Horoscope
Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over. You may need a good friend to lean on. Your interests could lead you down avenues you never realized existed.
With a couple of minor aspects between the planets you are likely to be somewhat easily distracted and a little air-headed today. The lack of earth energy at the moment wonÂ’t help, nor will the likely demands being made at work or school. However, having some amethyst or clear quartz will help you focus.
Look into ways to better yourself through improving your dietary habits and daily routines. Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. You must avoid gossip and focus on what you have to do.
Daily Horoscope
Don't ruffle the feathers of those you care about most. It's time to reevaluate your motives. Friends or groups that you're affiliated with may want you to contribute more cash than you can really afford.
You may want to make drastic changes concerning your personal partner. Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises. Go out with friends and avoid the situation on the home front.
With six planets in your fourth house donÂ’t be surprised if you find that family life gets a little chaotic from today, but today youÂ’re likely to be in need of some quiet time to yourself to think through an issue that is romance based, so donÂ’t over- commit your precious time today.
Daily Horoscope
Problems with financial investments could make you nervous. You'll be dropping friends for no apparent reason. Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters.
You can open up to your mate and let them know what you expect out of this relationship. You need to spend some time getting to know this person all over again. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
A couple of positive influences from two dynamic planets will recharge your depleted batteries nicely today! It will be an entirely different day from yesterday, with numerous chances to get out and about, and donÂ’t be surprised if you find that youÂ’re on the receiving end of a stroke of luck!
Daily Horoscope
Empty promises could be likely where work is concerned. Have a heart-to-heart talk with family and find out what the problems are. You are best to move quickly and to get in good with the boss.
You will be emotional about money matters. Talk to superiors about problems that you feel are getting out of hand. A little overtime may help you reduce the workload.
As one of the more practical and plainspoken signs you could find that you land yourself in a bit of a sticky situation. The moon will encourage you to exaggerate a matter or be a little boastful today, and much to your horror you could find that someone will take you up on your wild claims!
Daily Horoscope
Pleasure trips will be favorable and bring about possible romance. Be cautious while traveling to foreign countries. Keep your feet on the ground, if you can.
Accept the inevitable. Sudden good fortune will help you cover your debts. Find an outlet for any mounting frustration. Consider a creative hobby.
Thanks to the transit of Venus into earthy Capricorn your thoughts are likely to turn to the notion of fun and creativity. Your fifth house has been empty for a while, so it is possible that you might need to coax that inner creative streak into action with some gentle and none too taxing exercises at first.