Daily Horoscope
You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions. Shopping could cost more than you bargained for. Don't get involved in other people's private doings.
Use your energy wisely. Get involved in volunteer work that will bring you satisfaction, not an empty wallet. Romantic relationships should stabilize.
With the moon still lingering in your sign youÂ’ll probably feel as though your mood has yet to lift. It will, and by this evening you will notice the difference, but in the meantime some vigorous physical activity, such as a lunchtime session in the gym, will help restore your flagging energies!
Daily Horoscope
Spend time with friends and relatives. Travel for pleasure. Uncertainty about your relationship is prevalent. You can make money, but try not to let it slip through your fingers.
Things may not be as they sound. Mingle with those who can help you get ahead. Don't exaggerate.
Now that the moon has finally moved out of your sign you should feel the benefits almost immediately. You are likely to get at least a couple of invitations out for this evening, which could bode well for romance, but first youÂ’ll need to tackle a minor block or obstacle at work or school.
Daily Horoscope
Curb any jealous fits if your partner has been flirting with someone else. Resist any idle chatter. Money can be made if you use your ingenuity.
Your ability to talk circles around your colleagues will help you forge ahead in the workforce. Minor health problems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself or have been burning the candle at both ends. Don't make promises that you can't possibly keep.
It has to be said that youÂ’ve not had the easiest week, but all that looks set to change today, Virgo. With a welcome boost to your cash, and thanks to a certain sense of style and flair, courtesy of the harmonizing aspects, you should make time for a leisurely trip to the mall today!
Daily Horoscope
Your contributions will be valued and helpful. You will easily charm members of the opposite sex. Don't make any unreasonable promises.
Stay away from social unpleasantness. You need to concentrate on your business ventures more than on your relationship today. Find out more, if you want to start your own business.
Your mood should continue to be good today, as the influence of the sun and moon shine on. However your thoughts are likely to drift a little and you may feel less grounded than usual. A soothing massage will imbue you with a bit of much needed earth energy and restore the balance.
Daily Horoscope
Your communication skills will bring you popularity and increased self esteem. You can bet that someone in a higher position is watching to see how busy you are. Patience will be of utmost importance.
Your reputation will be affected. Take time to deal with legal documents and the affairs of people who you may be indebted to. You could have a change of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life.
Communication, in various forms, is likely to become important to you today and for the next few weeks. YouÂ’re likely to realize that youÂ’re being more intense in the way you converse with loved ones, so donÂ’t be too surprised if someone suggests that you may be reading too much into a chance comment.
Daily Horoscope
You can make professional decisions today that will affect your position Don't let your partner get away with spending too much of your money. This is not the best day to visit relatives who get on your nerves.
Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home. Your lover may cost you financially. You'll have great insight.
The need to book a new makeover to bring out your sultry, passionate side is likely to dominate your thoughts today. Maybe there’s a new face on the scene whose attention you want to attract, or maybe you want to surprise your partner, but one thing is for sure – you’ll be positively sizzling today!
Daily Horoscope
You should avoid getting involved in the personal problems of colleagues. Direct your energy wisely today. Anger will prevail if you expect help from others. Arguments with relatives may lead to a split in the family.
Difficulties with your mate may lead to estrangement. You may want to put your creative thinking cap on. Remain calm and you'll shine. Passion should be your goal.
Thanks to the huge amount of planets in Scorpio you are great at keeping secrets at the moment, so don’t be surprised if a couple of people start confiding in you. However, today is going to be one of those days where you need to offload a little yourself; don’t worry though – a family member is willing to listen.
Daily Horoscpe
Communicate with relatives who may need advice in order to find solutions to their existing problems. Get back to basics and reevaluate what is important in life. Relatives will be cordial.
Travel opportunities should be your first choice. You can learn a great deal if you listen to those who are older or more experienced. Try not to jump to conclusions.
You might find that your schedule has become a little stagnant lately and that youÂ’re walking through treacle. To banish this negative feeling let a couple of friends drag you to the mall. Even if you donÂ’t buy anything at least it will create a welcome diversion from the normal routine!
Daily Horoscope
You will be emotional with regard to your personal life. Try not to skirt issues if you think you'll hurt some one's feelings. You are ready to blow up and your stress level has gone into over drive.
Don't reveal information that is personal or confidential. This will not be the best day for communication or travel. Don't blow situations out of proportion.
Romance is looking good today, even though there are likely to be enough little mishaps to set your teeth on edge throughout the day. Just remember that things will improve, so if you find that your work load increases or that you have to work through your lunch-break just keep smiling!
Daily Horoscope
You have a real need to be vocal. Social events will lead to a strong and stable relationship. Property deals will pay big dividends.
Sit back and observe, regardless of how hard that might be. Things will be emotional with your mate. Friends from your past may come back into your life.
Your social life might take a bit of a U-turn, thanks to Mercury, which happens to be your ruling planet. From today it will start moving backwards, which will put extra strain on your communications. Today and for the next few weeks be clear about what you say!
Daily Horoscope
You will do well if you mingle with the brass today. You will find the perfect outfit if you shop today. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Love can be heightened if you sit down and discuss your future plans. Go directly to the source if you want to know exactly what's been going on. Be prepared to make compensations and adjustments.
Communications could go haywire today, but think silver linings, Virgo, because in the process of these irritating mistakes you are likely to learn something to your advantage! However, make sure that you double check times, dates, and venues of any arrangements you make today.
Daily Horoscope
You can pick up information that will give you an edge. Based on your excitement, serious-minded individuals will be more than interested in backing your ideas. You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted.
Refuse to get involved in idle chatter; it will only make you look bad. Opportunities for love will develop while traveling or while attending religious functions. You will find yourself tied to the phone.
There are some wonderful influences making everyoneÂ’s day pretty good; however a challenging aspect from Saturn suggests that you wonÂ’t be in the mood for a fun-filled evening tonight until youÂ’ve had words with someone whoÂ’s bugging you. Leave it for now, Virgo, because youÂ’ll be able to sort it out later in the week!
Daily Horoscope
Your partner will be emotionally unable to cope. You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Don't force your opinions on friends or relatives unless you are prepared to lose their favor. Don't let coworkers interfere with your objectives.
Romance has the potential to be rather wonderful today, but you might need to come out of your shell a little in order to demonstrate just what wonderful qualities you have. Saturn will continue to nag you with a few self doubts, but this testing influence will shift!
Daily Horoscope
You will be accident prone if you aren't careful today. Protect your interests legally if necessary. You can bet that situations will get out of hand if you allow others to interfere.
Invest wisely. Your personal life could have you tied up in knots. Take the day to relax and pamper yourself. Plan your day thoughtfully, but try not to rely on others.
If things seem to be becoming a little jaded or stagnant then liven things up with an impromptu evening of movies and potato- chips, or alternatively go to the mall to browse for some vibrant, colorful accessories. Anything that injects some spontaneous fun into your routine will lift your spirits like nothing else!
Daily Horoscope
Listening can be more valuable than being a chatterbox. Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Your boss may be on the rampage and you certainly don't want to be the one to take the brunt of a bad situation.
Your lover will cost you dearly if you let them. You can make or break your personal relationship today. Don't make those you live with feel unloved or unworthy.
You are likely to be called upon to save the day today today; whether itÂ’s someoneÂ’s surprise birthday party, or whether thereÂ’s some unexpected news you will find that the day will present the opportunity to impress everyone with your famed efficiency and organization skills. Nice going, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
Get involved in creative projects that will enhance your earning power. If you've been really busy, try to schedule some time to spend with loved ones. You may need to make a choice.
You may want to talk to your boss about your future goals. Don't try to deal with important issues or make changes that will upset the apple cart. Older family members may take advantage of you by making you feel guilty.
With a challenging aspect from Neptune you are not going to be very laid back today. Small things are likely to annoy you more than usual, especially those things that disrupt your routine. Get in touch with your calmer side by keeping some blue agate close.
Daily Horoscope
Social gatherings will be conducive to meeting new potential mates. Be careful not to consume too many spicy foods, or minor health problems could put you out of commission for the day. Discuss your problems and complaints if you wish to rectify them.
You can pick up wonderful buys if you really look hard today. You should follow through on educational endeavors you have wanted to pursue for some time. You should not get involved in joint ventures.
Hold onto your hat, Virgo, because any plans that you may have made for today are likely to go awry, thanks to the numerous aspects. It could even be that you realize youÂ’ve overlooked a crucial detail. Try not to overreact and remember that your plans can be salvaged!
Daily Horoscope
Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable. Someone you work with could try to undermine you. Don't get into heated discussions.
Try to control your irritability if you're experiencing emotional problems with your partner. Your need to put great detail into everything you do may cause you to miss the overall picture. You must look into your options.
Your first and second houses are of crucial importance today. These two houses are concerned with your identity and your position in the world and both these aspects of your life are due for review. There are many planets in these houses today and they all point to a major positive change on the horizon.
Daily Horoscope
Time to deal with institutional environments, government agencies, and matters of a private nature today. Tie up your personal papers or push to have legal settlements completed. Don't expect anything for nothing and you won't be disappointed.
Children will be of major concern if you haven't kept the lines of communication open. Someone you work with could try to undermine you. Don't allow colleagues to stand in your way.
If you can find some space today at lunchtime or even this evening you should take the time out to indulge yourself in a relaxing massage or an aromatherapy treatment. The influence of Mercury today is causing you to worry unnecessarily and so the key word for you right now is relaxation!
Daily Horoscope
Think twice before you speak. Children could cost you more than you can afford. You are best to stick to yourself today.
The knowledge you have will enhance your reputation. Your main concern will be to spend as little as possible of your own cash in the process. Find out all you can; secret enemies may lead you astray.
There will be lots of opportunities for you to have some fun today and this will be ideal as you are in a very playful mood right now. The influence of the planets is encouraging you to rediscover your inner child, if you open yourself up to this feeling you will be will rewarded.
Daily Horoscope
Put your thoughts into some trendy new ideas. You may have problems with skin, bones, or teeth if you haven't been taking proper care of yourself. Don't forget family obligations.
You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect. You will have the ability to capture the interest of others. You will be emotional about family matters.
Jupiter is smiling on you today and it may well be that there is some significant good luck coming your way right now. Other planets suggest that this may emerge from a letter or possibly even some form of legal proceedings. One way or another though, good news is on the way!
Daily Horoscope
You will gain valuable insight and knowledge through the experiences you have along the way. You must consider yourself for a change. Your family may be feeling neglected and unloved.
Don't overreact to someone's advances. Be aware of deception when it comes to your position, and be sure not to jump to conclusions. I Don't let siblings put pressure on you.
This will be a very relaxing day for you and you will find that any school assignments or issues in the workplace that have been looming over you for some time will be completed with relative ease. Fun will be very prominent in the evening and there is a good chance of a surprise invitation later today.
Daily Horoscope
Don't allow someone to do a job that was designated specifically for you. Delve into worthwhile causes that will show results if you put in the effort. Self-improvement could bring amazing results.
Your need to get away could lead you into greater debt. Don't overindulge in anyway. Trips will be exciting.
Shopping is high on the agenda for you today and an interesting letter in the mail this morning may well indicate that you have more available for fun spending than you might have thought. You have been feeling very homely of late, so now is a great time to find a new look for your living area.
Daily Horoscope
Put your efforts into your work or money making ventures rather than your emotional life. Deal with the needs of children and get into groups that deal with self awareness. Get out and, about.
Plan some family outings. You should be promoting your ideas. Travel will be favorable.
With the moon shifting into your sign, coupled with a challenging aspect from Chiron you really are going to be feeling extra sensitive today! A blast from the past might be the last thing you would want today, but it will allow you to move on from something thatÂ’s been holding you back!
Daily Horoscope
In-laws may cause difficulties. Travel should be considered. Accept the inevitable and continue to do your job. Empty promises are evident and deception probable.
Your mate will be pushing you to do things that you really don't want to do. Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. Don't blow situations out of proportion or you could find that others will misinterpret what really happened.
It will be a mixed day; on one hand youÂ’ll be a little sensitive and will be perceptive to any undercurrents at work or school. On the other hand youÂ’ll be in the mood for some cozy intimacy too! So come the evening push work or school from your mind and share some special moments with a certain someone!