Daily Horoscope
Take time to listen to children and help them with projects that seem impossible to them. Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with. Don't push your opinions on others today or you may find yourself in the doghouse.
Try not to be overly generous. Don't push your mate if you want to keep this union going. Pleasure trips will be emotionally favorable.
DonÂ’t be surprised if you find that youÂ’re overcome with a need to tackle your immediate environment. The transit of the sun into Libra means that youÂ’ll be drawn to all things beautiful, and if something doesnÂ’t look right in the home you wonÂ’t want it there! Just watch the budget, Virgo!
Daily Horoscope
Your attitudes are changing rapidly. You could be emotional if you didn't take care of problems with loved ones. Ferret out information that will hold them responsible.
Use your creative talent in order to accomplish your goals. A need to express yourself may come out in creative ways. Delve into your work if you can't make amends at home.
Money is a major focus for you today, and you will be keen to explore any new opportunities for increasing your cash. Mars is currently in your second house which means you are inclined to have a more dynamic attitude to gaining wealth, but it is important that you avoid becoming too tied up with money making matters.
Daily Horoscope
You could be disillusioned if you let relative in on your emotional thoughts. Your courage and willpower will enable you to get rid of destructive habits as well. You need to make changes that will raise your self esteem, such as a new hairstyle or a new image.
Do not trust others with important information. Don't be too quick to let friends and relatives know what you're up to. There could be disappointment regarding investments.
It has to be said that recently youÂ’ve been a little focused on the more material side of life, but that is likely to change, because the planets suggest that youÂ’ll have an opportunity to make a difference to someoneÂ’s life today! YouÂ’ll enjoy the warm glow that doing a good deed will bring!
Daily Horoscope
You will attract members of the opposite sex readily. False information from someone trying to start problems is likely. You can discuss your intentions and ideas with your colleagues or friends today.
Self-improvement projects will payoff in more ways than one. You may need the space, but you need the extra cash more. Check your project over carefully if you were not the only one contributing to the end result.
It is likely that youÂ’ll need to adopt a softly-softly approach with an ultra sensitive friend today. This probably wonÂ’t be the time for some no-nonsense home truths; just stock up on some ice- cream, because whatever the problem is your friend wonÂ’t want to face up to it yet!
Daily Horoscope
Alienation may be the result of a misunderstanding. Don't make unreasonable promises. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter.
Relatives will not agree with the way you are dealing with your personal problems. Avoid extravagance or risky financial schemes. However, you should be concerned about what they want in return.
You are likely to be too hard on yourself today and if you will need to take a step back in order to regain some objectivity. However, a sensitive and intuitive friend is likely to help you realize that it is impossible to try and please everyone all of the time.
Daily Horoscope
Find out exactly what's expected of you and you'll be surprised to find out how capable you are. Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. Unforeseen changes in your location are apparent.
Find out if they have other commitments. Finish overdue paperwork and catch up on letter writing and reading. Get busy doing all those things at home that you have been putting off for so long.
You are likely to have a rather frustrating day in terms of romance, but youÂ’ll find that a little patience and understanding can work wonders! Try taking a bath in ylang-ylang or jasmine oils to help you slip into a more suitable mood and help you to feel more positive and forward looking.
Daily Horoscope
You are likely to be left alone if you aren't willing to bend just a little. Someone you care about may not be too pleased with you. Don't evade issues or twist the truth around.
You can learn valuable information if you listen and observe what others are doing and saying. Do not overspend on entertainment. Refrain from arguing with your mate.
With an excellent aspect from Pluto youÂ’ll find that you have the opportunity to do something rather out of the ordinary today, which will be a welcome break from the routine. Activities that bring you closer to the great outdoors will appeal: from ice-skating to paint-balling you should embrace your adventurous side.
Daily Horoscope
Join groups of a humanitarian nature. Misunderstandings at work could easily lead to your demise. Confusion is apparent and you'll need some sound advice if you want to do the right thing.
New methods and innovative technology will make your job far easier than you anticipated. Ideas may sound good, but be careful if people are just looking for handouts. If they want help that's great, but if they try to take credit for your work, you will have to set them straight.
YouÂ’re in a very reflective mood today as the planets surrounding your sign indicate that you are approaching a point in your life when you will need to make some big decisions about your life goals. It is likely that you will be turning to your friends for some advice towards the evening.
Daily Horoscope
You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people's money or possessions today. Money problems will get worse if your partner hasn't been playing by the rules. Your lover will be annoyed with your participation.
Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like. Your tendency to vacillate will drive everyone crazy. Believe in yourself and so will those who count.
Planetary movements indicate that there are major lifestyle changes heading your way in the next month or so. These shifts look as though they will be broadly positive but there is also a need to ensure that you have your finances organized in order to avoid any complications later.
Daily Horoscope
Discord could be unnerving. You won't impress anyone by being overly generous. Direct your energy into physical exertion. Residential moves will be favorable.
Stop those bad habits. Take care of chores that have been hanging over your head. Try to do your job and then leave.
If you have to travel any distance today be sure that you check and double check anything that could possibly go wrong. The influence of Mercury serves to throw your journeys into confusion. However, there are also lots of opportunities to make some new friends as a result of the unforeseen disruptions.
Daily Horoscope
Your sensitive nature will allow others to read you well. Changes could be overwhelming. You can count on getting a pat on the back for your efforts.
Travel should be on your agenda. Don't overload your plate. Your leadership qualities will come in handy.
We all have ‘bad hair’ days, and today it’ll be your turn. An inexplicable slump in your self esteem can be blamed on the planets, but later in the day you’ll get a chance to lift your spirits at either work or school. No matter how badly the day seems to start just remember it will get much better!
Daily Horoscope
You are best to avoid joint ventures, and whatever you do, don't lend to friends or relatives. Don't rely on others to do your work. This will not be the best day to initiate change.
You are best to put in some overtime rather than get involved in family gatherings. Try not to donate to organizations if you can hardly afford to take care of yourself. You're in the mood to spend money.
Romance is likely to be the main focus of your day today, but not necessarily in a positive way. If youÂ’ve been neglecting your partner, or if youÂ’ve been a little dismissive about a recent date youÂ’ll probably hear the complaints today! YouÂ’ll need to take the comments on board if you want to move forwards!
Daily Horoscope
There are ways of making extra cash if you put your mind to it. Be careful; your ideas are good but make sure that you're realistic and start off on solid ground. Social events held in your home will be successful and entertaining for all.
Think twice before you pursue an unrealistic endeavor. You have to know what your boss wants if you expect to do your job correctly. Evasion is likely if you aren't direct about your feelings.
You are likely to be reflecting deeply, especially in terms of romance! The problems of yesterday could spill over into today, but you should postpone any heavy talks and start having some plain old fashioned fun! With a more light-hearted approach you will find you can deal with anything.
Daily Horoscope
You may be likely to have difficulties with females. Don't be too quick to judge your loved ones. You're on the right track and you can make money if you are willing to go out on a limb.
Include friends and family members in your redecorating plans. You can gain valuable cultural knowledge through dealing with foreigners. Hobbies will be good for your emotional well being.
The current fiery moon and airy sun opposition is likely to throw things a little out of balance today. You might feel tempted to ignore your duties at work or school in favor of a more fun day, but there will be some chores or assignments that just canÂ’t be ignored today!
Daily Horoscope
Your unique approach to life will interest others. Don't let your mate talk you into going somewhere you'd rather not go. This will be a very hectic day if you've made promises to too many people.
You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today. You can get ready to celebrate your new direction. Don't be too quick to judge.
A peaceful, quiet day is in the stars for you, but that doesnÂ’t mean a boring day! If you have been feeling a little stressed about romance recently you should put those worries out of your mind and resolve to enjoy whatever the day brings. Your friends are unlikely to let you stay at home on your own!
Daily Horoscope
Be aware that joint financial ventures could fall apart. Be careful if a friend asks you for advice. Channel your efforts into achieving your goals.
Overindulgence may be a problem. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions. If you're looking to do something worthwhile, consider volunteer work.
Sunday is often regarded as the day of rest; for you it will be a time to recharge your batteries. A challenging aspect from the moon suggests that youÂ’ll feel happiest spending some time by yourself to think things through; a gentle activity like yoga will help you gain a little clarity on a matter thatÂ’s been puzzling you.
Daily Horoscope
You need a day to rest and relax with the ones you love. Legal matters that have been pending may be alleviated through compromise. Try to stay calm, and whatever you do, don't nag.
Don't let your boss make you feel guilty enough to take work home with you. You can make extra cash by moonlighting. Your irritability may drive your loved ones crazy.
A difficult teacher, a demanding boss, an insurmountable workload and tight dead-lines are likely to trigger your stress today. Just try to remember that the planetary aspects causing this will shift by the afternoon, and even though the effects will linger youÂ’ll at least be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Daily Horoscope
Someone envious of your popularity may challenge you to a debate. Your diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need. Physical work or exercise should be part of your schedule.
Your ideas may be a little ahead of their time; don't push them, instead just continue working on development. Try to make arrangements with close friends or relatives to spend a few days away. Your attitudes are changing rapidly.
Work or school is likely to provide some interesting and very positive moments today. Some Virgos could find that events today get the ball rolling for a career move, promotion, or salary rise, but this wonÂ’t happen automatically; youÂ’ll need to grab the bull by the horns!
Daily Horoscope
Uncertainties regarding your home and family are evident. Channel your energy into passionate interludes with your lover. Talk to an older, established individual about your present situation.
Travel will be enjoyable but could be expensive. The distance may make you both appreciate each other more. Put your efforts into your work or money making ventures rather than your emotional life.
Money is looking absolutely fabulous today, which suggests that a trip to the mall should be incorporated into the day. You have a real eye for what looks good at the moment, so reserve a couple of hours this evening when you can go and browse to your heartÂ’s content!
Daily Horoscope
You will gain valuable insight and knowledge through the experiences you have along the way. Don't avoid situations that may deteriorate; try to mend them. Hard work will bring rewards.
Someone around you may not be trustworthy. Don't give out any personal information that you don't want spread around. Romantic opportunities will flourish through travel or communication.
Relationship conflicts look likely today thanks to oppositions to the planet Venus which is currently in your sign. There is a good chance that any tensions will arise out of misunderstanding or failures in communication. Before you make any rash decisions make sure you really understand what has happened.
Daily Horoscope
Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends. Your outgoing nature will surprise others today. Your talents are likely to be discovered.
Erratic behavior at home may be hard to handle. You can't win and they won't listen. You should expect to have changes in your home.
Glamour is very definitely the word of the day for you! The fashion bug has bitten you in a big way and the only sensible thing to do is to scratch that itch by going out to do some serious shopping. Make sure to take along a few friends who will be grateful for your spot on style tips!
Daily Horoscope
An older member of the family may need assistance. Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today. Work quietly behind the scenes.
Your fight for those less fortunate is not likely to end in sweet victory. Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind. Satisfy your passionate mood.
Normally you are an extremely sensible and grounded individual, sometimes even a little too sensible. Today the influence of Uranus is encouraging you to explore the more unusual side of reality that would usually pass you by. You may even find yourself investing in some tarot cards or some similar New Age items.
Daily Horoscope
Things aren't as they appear. Good friends will give you honest answers. Clear up domestic chores that have remained undone for some time.
You can easily impress others with your generous nature. You're on to something tangible and need to act fast Family members will not be happy with the amount of time you are spending away from home.
A couple of strong and rather taxing aspects could have you doubting yourself today, especially if someone comes to you for some advice or comforting words. However, deep down you will know what the right thing to say is, although it might not be what your friend wants to hear.
Daily Horoscope
Consider making pleasure trips or participating in entertainment that will require energy. Your communication skills will bring you popularity and increased self esteem. Be careful not to divulge secret information today.
Make sure that you have all the pertinent facts before taking action. Changes in your home are apparent, and you must be willing to bend if you don't want to find yourself alone. Your ability to put a deal together will surprise others.
With the moon moving into your sign and a negative aspect affecting your ruling planet you are likely to be feeling more emotional than usual. Little things are likely to upset you easily so avoid weepie movies. Go and see a rip-roaring comedy instead, and feel your spirits lift!
Daily Horoscope
Control your emotions and everything will fall into place. Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity. Do not expect too much from others.
You need an outlet that will help take your mind off any troubles at work. Don't expect the whole family to be overjoyed. Try to keep your cool; you may be a tad frazzled by all the rushing around.
You are likely to need some space for yourself today, so postpone any hot dates for another day and reserve some time where you can indulge yourself. Whether you decide to clear out your closet or reorganize your room is up to you, but make sure you schedule in a treat!