Daily Horoscope
Avoid getting trapped in internal disputes. Try to be patient and understanding. If you can, try to work out of your home today.
Comfort is a necessity. Check your motives. Situations you can't change should be forgotten for the present. Work diligently and you will get ahead today.
A minor negative aspect influencing your ruling planet could be the cause of your restlessness, particularly this afternoon. Instead of ignoring it face it head on and youÂ’ll find that that you have become too preoccupied with the boring stuff recently. Take on a new interest, a new challenge or plan a short trip to enliven yourself again.
Daily Horoscope
Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable. Spend time by yourself to avoid any conflicts with family members. Be careful that you don't spend too much time with a person belonging to someone else.
A positive aspect between your ruling planet and the moon will knock that negative mood for six today, especially when you see that romantic matters are going your way! Make sure that youÂ’re wearing your best outfit and be ready to be taken by surprise!
Daily Horoscope
Don't try to twist things around so that they sound more enticing. You'll stay out of trouble if you pick projects that will benefit the whole family. Travel will promote new romantic en counters.
You are best to move quickly and to get in good with the boss. Don't overspend to impress others. If they're really interested, they'll wait.
A positive start to the weekend will have you feeling on top of the world. Today will be a good day for style too, so get yourself to the mall and get shopping, although watch the spending, because while thereÂ’s nothing to suggest a problem with cash the influence of Jupiter could make you careless!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities for romance will flourish through travel. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Look into alternate means of sup porting your financial burdens.
Get busy doing all those things at home that you have been putting off for so long. Try not to be too aggressive or judgmental when talking to your mate. Health problems may prevail if you don't take care of them immediately.
Romance could raise its head today, but in a less than positive way! A negative aspect between your ruling planet and the moon means that youÂ’re likely to be less inclined towards cozy chats and more preoccupied with what everyone else thinks! However, some blue agate will soften that tough exterior a little.
Daily Horoscope
Don't get talked into get rich quick schemes. Take advantage of your attributes and lure the mate of your choice. Curl up with a good book or go for a drive in the country.
Hassles with your boss are sure to erupt if you speak your mind. You can make alterations to your appearance that everyone will admire. Work quietly on your own.
As the negative influence from the moon shifts, so your mood will soften. By lunch-time you should be feeling more contented and more in control again, which bodes well for any romantic intentions you may have, so make sure that youÂ’re looking your best this evening!
Daily Horoscope
Romantic encounters are evident through travel or educational pursuits. Secret affairs will only lead to heartache. Do what you can but don't jeopardize your health trying to please everyone.
Try to channel your energy into professional endeavors. A long, quiet walk alone may help you sort out your thoughts. Any financial limitations will probably have to be dealt with on your own.
The aspect influencing Jupiter, which is moving backwards through your third house, may cause some communication issues for you. It may be that you feel suddenly lethargic or that nothing is going the way you want it to. But donÂ’t despair, for things will improve.
Daily Horoscope
Changes in your domestic scene are evident. You'll find you're detail oriented today. Don't gossip.
Put your efforts into physical fitness programs or competitive sports. You can make new friends who could turn into intimate connections if you join clubs or take creative courses. Plan some family outings.
With Venus moving into Pisces, which happens to be in your seventh house you can expect matters of the heart to become that little bit more intense for the next few weeks. Venus will definitely bring out your softer, more vulnerable side, but with Saturn like a backbone in your twelfth house youÂ’ll be no pushover!
Daily Horoscope
Avoid conflicts with in-laws or other family members. Try to visit a country that excites you. Travel could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined.
Visit friends who have not been well. You may want to talk to your boss about your future goals. You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm.
With the moon in Leo and the minor negative aspect influencing your ruling planet you are likely to experience a day of frustration today. Your levels of sensitivity will be up, and you would do well to spend at least some time today meditating or taking up some relaxation exercises.
Daily Horoscope
Don't blame others for your own stubbornness. You will meet a person who may turn out to be more than just a friend. Don't be too quick to blame others for your bad mood.
Try to take care of the needs of those you love. Your childlike quality may get you into big trouble today if you neglect your responsibilities. Don't take your frustrations out on the ones you love.
Prepare yourself for rather an emotional day, especially in terms of romance! ItÂ’s likely that youÂ’ll be faced with a tough choice, whether youÂ’re single or attached. Your judgment isnÂ’t at its best right now, so enlist the help and advice of trusted reliable friends!
Daily Horoscope
You can ask for favors but don't take them for granted. Ease the anguish by offering assistance. Your emotions are fluctuating, so be careful not to say things you'll regret.
Avoid lending or borrowing. You will need to take a look at the renovations that are necessary and try to find the cheapest way to get things done. Your ability to work with detail will bring recognition.
With the moon moving into your sign today it is likely to seem as the day will be split in half. Up until early afternoon you will probably feel quite irritable with work or school related matters, but when the obstructive aspect against the moon shifts you will feel much more like your old self again.
Daily Horoscope
Get out and have some fun. Travel may be confusing. Don't let the erratic behavior of someone you live with interfere with your professional performance.
You need to spend some time pampering yourself. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish. Calm down and take a step back.
A couple of negative aspects along with the sun/moon aspect suggest that an unexpected development in your love life will not be entirely to your satisfaction! However, if you take a step back you will see that any discord can be easily resolved with some straight talking.
Daily Horoscope
You must try to help. You will have to control the way you feel. Do whatever your mate wants; it really doesn't matter as long as you're together.
Don't believe everything you hear. It's a good time to make changes to your living quarters that will give you more space. You can gain distinction; however, it may be for the wrong reasons.
Watch the spending today, Virgo. The negative aspect between the sun and the moon is likely to either make you less cautious about spending your hard earned cash, or make you careless about your budget. Avoid the malls and wait for this to pass, which it will!
Daily Horoscope
You are best to move quickly and to get in good with the boss. You're not your usual self today. You will be extremely receptive to new and progressive methods at work.
Difficulties may be encountered while traveling in foreign countries. This will not be the best day to initiate change. Someone you care about may not be too pleased with you.
With Mars moving from your tenth (work) house to your eleventh (friendships) you could find that the whole focus of your life shifts in a more positive way. Instead of work or school eating into your time youÂ’ll be more inclined to enjoy an active social life, which should be a welcome change!
Daily Horoscope
Your doubt could lead to insecurity. Concentrate on work and on making money. Take care of any pressing medical problems that you or one of your parents may be suffering from.
You must lay down ground rules so that you can complete a job. Be aware that you might be at fault as well. You'll have problems with authority figures if you don't play by the rules.
With an obstructing aspect affecting your friendship house, where Mars currently resides, you will need to tone down an inclination towards bossiness. Chill out and go with the flow today. Someone being treated unfairly might outrage you, but donÂ’t overreact!
Daily Horoscope
You need to spend some time pampering yourself. You've been hurt before and could be again if you don't play hard to get. This is a great day to get out and enjoy an entertaining evening with friends or lovers.
You may find it necessary to confront a situation that has gotten out of hand. Find out if they have other commitments. Rather than making a scene, communicate quietly about the way you feel.
Try to relax today, Virgo, because while nearly everyone else will be chilling and enjoying the day your solemn mood will mean that youÂ’re more in the frame of mind for thorough clear-outs and intense heart-to-hearts! This may not be a bad thing, but youÂ’ll find that your timing is out!
Daily Horoscope
Don't make promises that you can't possibly keep. Arguments will flare up if you get backed into an emotional corner. Don't spend too much on products that promise amazing cosmetic results.
Try not to lend or borrow money today. Your lack of interest in your partner is a problem. Emotional up and downs have caused doubts in your personal life.
A challenging aspect affecting your ruling planet is likely to affect your objectivity today! In a struggle between whether you should follow your heart or your head youÂ’ll find that you tend to favor the heart, especially where friends are concerned! Be sure to ask advice from someone you trust!
Daily Horoscope
Passion is about the best way for you to relieve tension. Try not to overreact to the loss. You will have a blowup today if your partner does things that you feel are not aboveboard.
Do your work at home, if you can. Someone may be trying to make you look bad. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. You will feel compelled to do some traveling.
Just as a couple of obstructive aspects disappear another one moves in! This means that youÂ’ll probably carry on feeling indecisive today, thanks to the moon, which is more likely to affect family matters. Sometimes itÂ’s easier and quicker to go with your gut instinct!
Daily Horoscope
Your personal life will be disrupted if you have been too busy with business. Try to mix business with pleasure while traveling. Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement.
Insincere gestures of friendliness may be misleading. You can get ready to celebrate your new direction. Read some books on self awareness.
With Venus in your seventh house romance shouldnÂ’t pose too many problems, as long as you remember to be a little flexible. The placements of both Saturn and Mercury mean that you want to delve deep, but youÂ’ll need to back off and give someone some space today.
Daily Horoscope
Don't let coworkers get wind of your ideas or they might try to take credit for your hard work. Don't overspend to impress others. Get together with friends who like to participate in indoor sports.
You can have a great time if you go out with the one you love. Make creative changes to your living quarters. You are best to get out of the house today.
A couple of minor but challenging aspects could mean a stressful day today, mainly because your usually efficient approach wonÂ’t seem to work! Any problems that arise in the course of the day can be solved with a little creative thinking, especially if you enlist the help of friends!
Daily Horoscope
Romantic opportunities will flourish through travel or communication. Use your better judgment before you sign up for a costly venture. Losses are likely if you aren't careful where you leave your valuables.
Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with. Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership. Make arrangements to meet friends at your local dance club.
YouÂ’re likely to have a much better day today, thanks to a positive aspect between your ruling planet and the moon. YouÂ’re likely to feel more in control of an old situation that resurfaces, but keep your friends posted of the developments so that they donÂ’t feel excluded.
Daily Horoscope
You must try to lay your cards on the table. Talk to your mate and tell them how you feel. You must be careful not to reveal secrets or get involved in gossip. Opportunities will come through behind the scenes activities.
Don't let individuals with wild schemes talk you into a financial deal that is not likely to be successful. Don't do something silly just to get back at your mate. Try to spend time with those having similar interests.
It could be that you will feel a little picky today; certain people, especially those who disrupt your routine will irritate you, particularly if you feel the need for everything to be just right today. Any plans that you have should run smoothly though, thanks to a couple of very positive aspects to your ruling planet!
Daily Horoscope
You need a break from your daily routine. Be quiet about your intentions or ideas that might bring added cash. Financial difficulties may be worrying you.
Visit friends or relatives who have been confirmed. Put your thoughts into action. Promotions will be yours if you have acted professionally in times of crisis.
The rather oppressive opposition between your ruling planet and Mars finally shifts today, which means that youÂ’ll be a little more flexible with your friends. Unusually you might be feeling that you need to be physically active, so now would be a good time to take a jog in the park or spend a session in the gym!
Daily Horoscope
Look into alternatives that would better suit both your needs. Disharmony will result in a lowered vitality. Stress may result in minor illness. You can't live your life for others.
There are a number of challenges that you will have to try and deal with today. Transport may well be a problem and there may also be some unfinished matters at school or in the work place that you need to resolve. By the end of the day you may be quite exhausted, but you will also feel very pleased with your efforts.
Daily Horoscope
Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable and should lead to new and lasting friendships. Try to make your lover understand that you need to do things with your friends. Get back to the comforts of cottage or home.
Concentrate on work. Social activities or travel should be in your plans. Try not to overspend on friends or family.
After yesterdayÂ’s challenges you will feel like rewarding yourself. Travel is very well aspected for you today and your finances are looking up. Take some time this afternoon to look into the possibility of a short break. The rest will do you good and there may be an interesting meeting as an unexpected bonus.
Daily Horoscope
Sudden changes regarding your domestic scene are probable. Your personal partner may be less than willing to accommodate you today. You can pick up wonderful buys if you really look hard today.
Get ready to discover love, passion, and the desire to enjoy all that life has to offer. Don't be afraid to confront situations concerning loved ones in order to solve any problems that may exist. Try to keep your cool; you may be a tad frazzled by all the rushing around.
This is not a good day for making any progress on the work front or for getting any school assignments completed. The planets are combining to make you the focus of all social activity amongst your friends. The chances are that you will have a number of interesting invitations by the time the day is over.