Daily Horoscope
You will be able to borrow money in order to invest. Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. You will be able to talk to your lover about future goals and perhaps make plans for the two of you to take a vacation.
Make sure that all your legal papers are in proper order. Your efforts won't go unnoticed; however, someone you work with may get jealous. You can clear up important legalities and sign contracts today.
Partnerships are looking good. Someone you work with may try to steer you in the wrong direction. Be smart and check things out for yourself before you take someone else's word for it.
Daily Horoscope
You can get good solid advice from relatives or close friends you trust. Travel for business purposes may bring the highest returns. Be careful that you aren't saddled with the responsibilities of others.
Do something special for them. Don't be too quick to respond to a plea for help. You are likely to be left alone if you aren't willing to bend just a little.
Open up new doors that will lead to a more challenging and interesting future. Learning something new will help you determine what you might enjoy doing. Don't mince words with someone who has far more knowledge.
Daily Horoscope
It's time to consider putting money into long-term investments. Don't avoid your true feelings. You're in a high cycle for romance.
You will easily capture the interest of those you talk to. You could have trouble persuading others to accept your ideas and opinions. You can't lose today unless you get involved in gossip or overwork to the point of exhaustion.
You will experience a burst of energy today, thanks to the influences affecting your ruling planet. However, you might find that too much company or too much socializing irritates you, especially if you become stressed. Any physical activities that you can do alone would be ideal for you.
Daily Horoscope
Spend some time with the one you love. Pleasure trips will be satisfying. Pleasure trips should be on your agenda. You will upset your partner if you have spent money on things that aren't necessary.
Try to curb your bad habits. Don't be afraid to lay your cards on the table. Calm down and take a step back.
Be prepared for a wacky day today: friends will be bubbly and there is something that might disturb the routine at work or school; not that youÂ’ll mind, because youÂ’ll be in the mood to enjoy the distraction. Later you might hear a bit of juicy gossip that has you investigating further, but keep it to yourself!
Daily Horoscope
You can accomplish a lot if you work out of your home today. Do your own thing. You can make profitable investments if you purchase an art object for your home.
Control those desires to cast your fate to the wind. Talk to those in a position of power about your intentions. Don't allow your personal problems to interfere with your professionalism.
ThereÂ’s a whole spread of aspects influencing your ruling planet today and they point to a very single minded pursuit of something. Be warned though, that you are likely to annoy people if you are too inflexible in your determination to do things your way. Be tactful.
Daily Horoscope
Self-deception about relation ships is a problem. Romance appears. Be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions.
Rewards, gifts, or money from investments or taxes can be expected. Stick to doing things that will make you a better person both physically and mentally. Don't make any drastic changes or begin new projects today.
ItÂ’s more than possible that youÂ’ll be torn between keeping your family happy, and doing something that you want to do with your friends. The truth is boredom will be your worst enemy today, so make sure that you do something new and challenging in order to feel invigorated again.
Daily Horoscope
Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. Don't divulge secret information. Exhaustion will lead to minor injury if you don't know when to quit.
Catch up on overdue paperwork. You will have a little more energy than usual. Things are looking up.
A fit of impatience is likely to overtake you today; if things are not done properly and you find that someone is cutting corners to save time you are likely to overreact. ThereÂ’s nothing wrong with being conscientious; your teachers or boss will be very happy, but donÂ’t let it control your day.
Daily Horoscope
You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. You can make money if you get involved in real estate deals. Don't think the worst if you hear something negative about your partner.
Take the day to relax and pamper yourself. You can raise your standard of living if you pick up some freelance work on the side. Your stability will aid you in getting support from your fellow workers.
You could receive a letter or an email from an old friend, but think before you respond, because while communication features strongly for you today you are likely to misunderstand or misinterpret what is being said. Seek the advice of a trusted friend if necessary.
Daily Horoscope
Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. It might be time for you to take a quantum leap from one career to another. Channel your energy into decorating or household chores.
Put your energy into behind the scenes activities. You can get the attention of important individuals but it might not be the time to get them to help or to back your ideas. Be prepared to take care of the issues at hand.
While you are likely to feel great today and although youÂ’ll exude a natural charm that has people eating out of your hands you need to ensure that you calm your tendency to control people. Just relax your grip a little and youÂ’ll be amazed at how pleasant the day can really be.
Daily Horoscope
Your lover will be extremely sensitive and now will not be a good time to make changes that they won't like. Your mate needs extra attention and is feeling rather insecure when you're not in sight. Your support and concern will help. You may want to take a look at the personal papers of elders in your family.
Raise your self esteem and your confidence if you want to get back into the mainstream again. Your ability to do detailed work will dazzle those who are less creative. You can get your point across if you don't beat around the bush.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is now in Pisces and in your seventh house. This bodes well for romance and relationships. So expect a period of time where intimate evenings and dating become important to you. YouÂ’ll also find that communications within your relationships are quite illuminating.
Daily Horoscope
Invest wisely. Your personal life could have you tied up in knots. Communication will be your best bet. Your dramatic approach to life has probably gotten to your mate.
You can't always have your own way. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. Concentrate on your career and on making money.
YouÂ’ll be one step ahead of everyone else today and consequently youÂ’ll be waiting for people to catch up with you! If you slow down and cut them some slack youÂ’ll still achieve what youÂ’re aiming to do, but without the tension and stress. It will also be beneficial to you to plan some relaxation time into your day.
Daily Horoscope
You haven't been totally honest with yourself and it's time to review your motives. Creative endeavors will give you somewhat of an outlet. Travel will be good if you are seeking knowledge.
Children will keep you busy. Try to keep any mood swings under control; they may result in alienation. Disharmony will result in a lowered vitality. Stress may result in minor illness.
If you find that youÂ’re feeling rather apathetic then blame a minor aspect influencing your ruling planet that is eating away at your energy and enthusiasm. This is likely to stress you out, particularly if youÂ’re feeling unappreciated. Pamper yourself in order to lift your mood.
Daily Horoscope
Today will be hectic. You may want to put your creative thinking cap on. You may find that you can be the recipient of valuable information if you're willing to be a good listener.
Don't blow situations out of proportion. Friends from your past may come back into your life. You can gain valuable cultural knowledge through dealing with foreigners.
The aspect that dented your energy levels yesterday is still present today: something or someone will be making you feel undervalued or you will feel that your efforts are being unappreciated. Work on improving your mood: going to the movie with friends or spending the evening dancing will make you feel much better.
Daily Horoscope
You can make personal changes that will enhance your appearance and bring about greater social activity. You are best to be discreet. You need an outlet that will help take your mind off any troubles at work.
You can make excellent career moves if you are open to the opportunities that exist. Past partners may try to come back into your life. You might find group functions tiring.
With the moon in your sign your focus will turn to your emotions; youÂ’ll be hyper-sensitive to any criticisms whilst expecting perfection yourself. DonÂ’t be surprised if you find that you need some time by yourself: company is something you wonÂ’t want much of today.
Daily Horoscope
Be sure to question any detail that you feel could leave you in a precarious position at a later date. You will feel tired and rundown if you have allowed yourself to get into a financial mess. Romance will develop through work.
Curl up with a good book or go for a drive in the country. Love can be yours if you get out and about. Older members of your family may try to take advantage of you.
A cozy evening with someone special seems like your ideal way to celebrate ValentineÂ’s Day tonight, although itÂ’s possible that there is something concerning you a little. Is it likely that someone youÂ’ve been admiring is turning out to be not as special as you first thought?
Daily Horoscope
You will both have to bend if you want this union to work. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals. It's time to reconnect with some of the people you used to know.
Do not get involved with individuals who are already committed to others. Concentrate on spending quality time with children. The knowledge you have will enhance your reputation.
DonÂ’t be surprised if someone close turns to you for comfort today, but donÂ’t be surprised or hurt if they reject your advice! They are just not ready to hear it yet, so be patient. Suggest an evening out where you can both relax and escape the demands of the everyday world.
Daily Horoscope
Try to keep your opinions to yourself. Make sure that you take time to remember those you love. You may have taken on a little too much, but you will enjoy every minute of it.
Don't let your jealousy be the reason for a decaying relationship. Try to communicate if you wish to help. Finish off old projects before starting something new.
With the moon now out of your sign you should be able to enjoy a more peaceful day. If you find that youÂ’re feeling a little run down or under the weather then plan to kick back and chill today. ItÂ’s possible that youÂ’ve been overdoing things. However itÂ’s also possible that youÂ’re feeling a bit too preoccupied with your health.
Daily Horoscope
Take advantage of your attributes and lure the mate of your choice. Rely on yourself and you will look good to superiors. You may want to take a look at courses offered at a local institute.
Your mind will be wandering to exotic destinations. Get down to business and do the work yourself. Lovers will be less than accommodating, and decisions regarding personal direction a necessity.
For you romance and close relationships will be the focus today. You will need to be on the ball, rather than drifting off into daydreams. Fantasizing about your perfect partner may be nice, but you need to accept the reality: no oneÂ’s perfect. Just learn to accept people for what they are.
Daily Horoscope
Be honest in your communication and don't lose your cool. You can get ahead if you play your cards right. Moneymaking ventures may just turn your life around.
Time to deal with institutional environments, government agencies, and matters of a private nature today. Tell them to get out of the mess they are in and then you'll consider getting together with them. Don't hesitate to present your unique ideas.
Although itÂ’s Saturday it looks like youÂ’ll be intent on having a very productive day. You could turn your attentions to the possibility of some creative outlet that will allow you to tap into that active mind of yours rather than wasting your energy on spring cleaning your room.
Daily Horoscope
Be sure to pay attention to your bank account. Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today. Be careful not to get involved in other people's personal affairs.
Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. Read between the lines before you sign your name. Make sure that you make reservations early.
It is likely that yesterday you shared some major and possibly helpful conversations so donÂ’t be surprised today if there is a general feeling of emotional intensity buzzing about. However use the day to relax with your loved ones and give them time to absorb whatÂ’s been said.
Daily Horoscope
Use your added discipline to get what you want. Follow through on some of the good ideas that come up, and you could have a real winner of a deal. Don't gamble unless you can afford to lose.
The emotional state of peers may cause a problem for you. Your input into their activities will help bring you closer together. Your suggestions for fund raising events will be well received.
With a very positive aspect between Mercury and your ruling planet expect a change in your romantic life. A cozy evening for two will light your fire, as will long, intimate chats. Single Virgos should make sure they get out this evening so as not to miss any exciting opportunities.
Daily Horoscope
Your mind is on moneymaking ventures. Problems with fire, gas, or oil may cause disruptions and annoyances. Be careful; you may say something you'll regret later.
You should be able to make major career gains if you plan your intentions carefully. Real estate investments could be prosperous. Abrupt changes in your home may send you for a loop.
ItÂ’s likely that something will really make you see red today, and whatever it is itÂ’s likely to spark off at home. The trouble is, however, that you wonÂ’t have all of the facts to hand, and when you finally realize this, boy will you feel silly. Open communication will be your strong point today, so use it.
Daily Horoscope
You are best to do something energetic with friends instead. You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn't been well. Love can be heightened if you sit down and discuss your future plans.
You will be emotional about your personal life. Your energetic nature and ability to initiate projects will add to your popularity. You may find it difficult to communicate with someone at work.
Matters of a material nature will become your focus today, but thanks to a challenging aspect between your ruling planet and the moon you will find that you canÂ’t get people, especially those closest to you, to understand what it is you need. Take some time out to relax; a papering session at your local spa will help!
Daily Horoscope
You could be tempted to overspend on unnecessary items. Over spending or unexpected bills could set you back. Talk to someone you trust in order to see the whole picture.
You can continue to make gains if you call a few people who can help you close an important deal. You should be looking into making changes around the house. Don't overindulge in anyway.
You might find that your mood could swing between feeling calm and peaceful, and feeling as though you need to organize everything. So spend the morning doing those household chores, which should allow you to relax, and use the evening to pamper yourself with a luxurious bath followed by a good movie!
Daily Horoscope
You may want to take a look at courses offered at a local institute. Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks. Use your quick wit to win points with friends.
You will be overly generous with children today. Organize your day well if you wish to accomplish all you set out to do. Try looking into new ways to make extra money.
Pluto is exerting a strong influence on a few signs today and yours is one of those affected. However, with your ruling planet firmly in Pisces you should be able to offset any of the negative effects, especially if you invest your energy into a creative interest that allows you to demonstrate your softer side.