Daily Horoscope
You may want to put everyone to work on a project that will keep them all too busy to complain. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars. Be prepared to lose friends or alienate other people if you insist on being stub born.
With a positive aspect between your ruling planet and Mercury, currently in your second house, not only does money look favorable again, but a money making scheme or two could be within reach. Mercury will increase your ability to think and act quickly, so take advantage of it.
Daily Horoscope
Do your job and then spend some time with family; you'll be glad you did. Make arrangements to spend quality time together. Pleasure trips will bring you into contact with new and interesting people.
Work quietly on your own and you will forge ahead. Travel will promote romantic connections. Stay calm and focus on things that will help you understand the situation better.
The negative influence of Neptune calls for caution today. Be careful what you promise to a friend today, because youÂ’re unlikely to be able to deliver the goods! If you feel obligated by someoneÂ’s request for help be both realistic and clear in what you can actually do.
Daily Horoscope
You can make progress if you deal with the right individuals. Talk to others about your plans. Get out and rub shoulders with people in high positions if possible.
Don't let your partner get you going. You are best to travel or attend lectures or seminars. Heed the advice given by family or old reliable friends. You may be tempted to spend too much on entertainment or luxury items.
A negative influence from Venus could bring out all that is fickle in an Aries today, especially since Venus is in your fiery sign. This means that youÂ’ll be inclined to flirt outrageously; youÂ’ll love the thrill of the chase, but will get bored easily, which could send confusing mixed signals for someone!
Daily Horoscope
They will not be in the right frame of mind to put up with tactless comments. You can bet officials will be waiting for you when you do. Be sure to get involved with those who can introduce you to unusual forms of entertainment.
You need time to rejuvenate. Don't blame every thing on your mate. Be extra careful with your valuables; loss and theft are evident today.
Oh dear; itÂ’s going to be a day of two halves, and thanks to a negative aspect from the moon the old Monday morning blues are likely to hit with a vengeance today. Boredom, restlessness and a general feeling that you need to develop your potential will kick in, but this will ease by the afternoon.
Daily Horoscope
Disappointments are likely if your mate embarrasses you in front of friends. It's a great day to attend social functions. Don't jump too quickly regarding an investment that appears to be good.
Your ability to see other people's points of view will allow you to come to reasonable agreements. Try to take care of the needs of those you love. Your temper could get the better of you if you confront personal situations.
The positive influence from Mercury, which has been boosting your finances for the past few days, will disappear today, so youÂ’ll need to be more cautious in terms of cash and spending. Beware Neptune, because itÂ’s likely to imbue you with a little too much optimism, making a sensible approach a little tricky.
Daily Horoscope
Your self confidence will attract members of the opposite sex Loss or theft may occur if you are careless with your belongings. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter.
Don't get involved in other people's private doings. You mustn't give too much to your children. Try to mix business with pleasure while traveling.
You are likely to have a challenging day today, thanks to a negative influence from the moon, which has moved into your tenth (work or school) house. Tensions and frictions could develop if you start feeling that you donÂ’t have control, but the best way to release these frustrations is through some high energy sports activity!
Daily Horoscope
Everything is moving quickly, just the way you like it. Don't let coworkers interfere with your objectives. Spend time with friends or family.
Plan a day of enjoyment with them. Take time to help children with projects that may be too hard for them to do on their own. Take a long look at your present direction and consider your professional options.
With the transit of the moon into Aquarius you should find that the recent pressures of work or school will ease significantly today. Unfortunately the beneficial Uranus influence will also disappear today, which will lessen the reliability of your intuition, although a piece of amethyst will help you through this.
Daily Horoscope
Go out shopping today. Older family members may try to put unreasonable demands on you. Your mate is going to want and need some attention.
Get on with business. Talk to someone you trust if you need advice about broaching the subject. You will find that valuable knowledge can be gained if you are willing to listen.
The transit of Mercury into Gemini, and into your communication house, will see a weakening of your money house, and a boost in terms of charm and charisma (not that you need it!) YouÂ’ll be wittier, funnier and wonderful company when the aspects are good; conversely youÂ’ll tend towards being manipulative when theyÂ’re not so good!
Daily Horoscope
Don't let anyone take credit for a job you did. Travel will be most enticing. Consider a cruise. New emotional connections can be made through business contacts.
Do not let lovers cost you money or take advantage of you. Take the time to do something nice for your friends and relatives. Don't let your partner put you down.
A positive influence from the moon will give you that boost of energy and enthusiasm that was so lacking yesterday, so itÂ’s out with those weepie movies and in with the fun and games! Take advantage of the day and go out with friends for lunch, bowling, the movies or dancing; whatever takes your fancy.
Daily Horoscope
Try to include friends and relatives in your activities. However, you must not neglect your family. Your versatile mind and common sense will allow you to come up with various solutions.
Pamper yourself for a change. You will find that you can work progressively at improving yourself today. Control your anger.
With the moon moving into your sign filling up your first house there is a danger of feeling rather irritable today. On top of that there could be money issues preying on your mind, thanks to Mercury. So it is an ideal time to invite some close friends round this evening. They can offer that well needed moral support.
Daily Horoscope
Look to a close friend for advice. In-laws or relatives may oppose your personal intentions. You can stabilize your situation if you compromise.
Don't play on your partner's emotions. Avoid too much discourse with colleagues today. Expect to have problems with the ones you love.
The negative influences affecting your ruling planet suggest that you need some space to yourself today. You definitely need something to absorb that surplus of fire energy to stop you feeling restless and bored. Anything from dancing the night away to a grueling session in the gym will lift your mood.
Daily Horoscope
Try to calm down emotionally about personal financial matters. Short trips to visit others will do the whole family a world of good. You should include children in your activities.
You will be able to make financial gains. Work quietly behind the scenes for best results. You can have a working relationship with children if you exercise patience and understanding of the dilemmas they face.
With the moon moving into your second (money) house youÂ’ll be in the mood for some spending. Although cash matters are looking stable youÂ’d be well advised to take a trusted friend to the mall, someone whoÂ’ll be happy to stop you buying something that youÂ’ll only want to return at a later date!
Daily Horoscope
Your personal life will still be experiencing difficulties and you are best to avoid the issues for the time being. You should get into some of those creative hobbies that you always said you wanted to do. Major moves will be emotional and not necessarily to your benefit.
Thankfully you lose a couple of those minor, but annoying aspects that have stopped life being as sweet as it could. So things should seem to run that little bit smoother today. However, in terms of romance your flirty behavior is likely to send out mixed signals to someone.
You may find that family members may not be too easy to get along with. Try not to hang out with coworkers if you wish to avoid problems later. Don't take advantage of your expense account.
Daily Horoscope
Social gatherings will be conducive to meeting new potential mates. Travel opportunities must be taken advantage of. Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone.
Take positive action. Love and romance are evident. You can make new friends who could turn into intimate connections if you join clubs or take creative courses.
A piece of good news relating to an emotional issue is likely to come your way today. In terms of work or school, however, youÂ’re likely to push yourself too hard. Not only will this be tiring for you, but it will be pretty exhausting for your mates or colleagues. Chill a little and relax!
Daily Horoscope
You can benefit financially if you put money or maintenance into your living quarters. Do not sign contracts or get involved in any uncertain financial deals. Partnerships will be successful.
Opportunities to show your worth will enhance your reputation and bring possible advancement. You can make excellent career moves if you are open to the opportunities that exist. Don't let someone take the credit for a job you did.
Astrologically itÂ’s a big day for nearly everyone, given all the changes, including for you. The key areas that will affect you are money and romance. With money youÂ’re more likely to be sensible, and in romance youÂ’ll be less flighty and fickle whether youÂ’re single or attached.
Daily Horoscope
Your diplomacy will be of utmost importance today. Rewards for past good deeds will highlight your day. Be careful while traveling.
You must take care not to over exert yourself if involved in sports. You are best to avoid such unsavory circumstances, especially if you're in a group situation. It's time to get yourself back on track.
The old saying: money doesnÂ’t grow on trees, has never been truer for you. ThereÂ’s definitely a cash flow problem souring your mood, but itÂ’s within your reach to reverse this, not by appealing to a family member, but by a little bit of hard work and forward thinking!
Daily Horoscope
Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with. You should avoid getting involved in the personal problems of colleagues. Don't give them the use of your credit card.
Matters pertaining to work must be completed before you leave. You can make moves, but they won't be settling. Concentrate on work and on making money.
Even though itÂ’s not yet the weekend you are likely to find that today is a fun day, thanks to the moon in Leo. However, a minor influence from the sun suggests youÂ’re likely to neglect something quite important, so make sure you keep on top of work or school in the process of having that fun!
Daily Horoscope
The locks, stove, gas, or electric wires may not be secure. Friends and relatives can give you good advice. Get involved in creative projects that could turn into moneymaking ventures.
You could receive a letter or an email from an old friend, but think before you respond, because while communication features strongly for you today you are likely to misunderstand or misinterpret what is being said, thanks to the sun. Seek the advice of a trusted friend if necessary.
Arguments with children or friends may leave you steaming. Your ability to be practical in business will help. You will meet new and exciting people if you attend social activities or sporting events.
Daily Horoscope
Don't lament to a friend about any grievance regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify your relationship. They will not have the patience to wait for you to complete things that they've asked you to do. Family responsibilities are escalating.
There might be a problem with a will or with an insurance policy. Don't turn down offers that include sports activities or children. Don't let your personal dilemmas interfere with your goals.
Your ruling planet, Mars, has moved into Leo, which will be quite significant for all Aries folk. YouÂ’ll be more driven than you have been and far less emotional. That boost of confidence may feel welcome, but watch for overly confident behavior that can be misunderstood by friends and colleagues!
Daily Horoscope
Be aware that you might be at fault as well. Don't hesitate to voice your ideas and opinions. You should sign up for creative courses. Concentrate on your work.
You can make the most headway if you put in some overtime. Your talents are likely to be discovered. Ask others to help, or you may feel that a burden is weighing you down.
Challenges are abound for everyone today, including you. This should be regarded as a positive way forward, although it will take some work. If youÂ’ve been neglecting your friends now is the time to smooth things over; be guided by someone you trust and all will be well with the world.
Daily Horoscope
Nothing can be resolved if you don't want to talk about it. Don't let friends convince you that you should contribute to something you don't believe in. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart.
Take a look at investment opportunities. Change will be required to make your life more harmonious. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier.
You should thank the planets for that surplus of fire energy disrupting you yesterday, because later in the day it will shield you from the watery influence of the moon in Pisces. However, if you start to feel a little over-emotional or a little blue just blame the moon and be reassured that it will ease by tomorrow morning.
Daily Horoscope
New partnerships will develop if you join investment groups. You must not make unnecessary changes today. Don't lament to a friend about any grievance regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify your relationship.
A nice, peaceful start to the weekend is just what you need after the last few days. No unpleasant surprises seem to be lurking around the corner today, but in terms of romance youÂ’ll make more progress by holding back a little, or by respecting the fact that someone needs a little time.
Your high energy will enable you to enlist the help of those in a position to back you. A change in position could be better than you thought. Don't tell others of your plans.
Daily Horoscope
Someone you work with may be withholding valuable information. A lot has changed and so have you. People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do today.
You should follow through on educational endeavors you have wanted to pursue for some time. Relatives may play an important role in your social activities. Talk to your mate about a vacation and discuss the expectations of your relationship.
The moon moving into your sign today will give you a more dynamic and go getting day today. Keep yourself occupied throughout the day to avoid boredom, and there is one word of warning to offer: watch what you say, especially to friends, because you could be a little tactless.
Daily Horoscope
You may be tempted to get involved in secret affairs or love triangles. Show what a dedicated person you can be. Your outgoing charm and obvious talent will be admired.
Entertainment should include your whole family. Your ideas are good and career moves can be realized. You will have an inaccurate assessment of your status in society.
It may be difficult to keep on track today. YouÂ’re back at work or school today, but youÂ’re likely to feel restless and edgy. The moon in Aries continues to imbue you with a burst of energy, but youÂ’ll find it hard to control. Try drinking some calming chamomile tea in the morning to offset your fiery nature.
Daily Horoscope
You can enjoy doing things that include children. Travel will promote romantic connections. You are able to make changes in your home that will be favorable to all involved.
Don't be critical or overly opinionated with dislikes; it could cause disapproval and unwanted opposition. Changes in your home will be positive. Property in vestments should payoff. Take a look at investment opportunities.
Romance will need a careful eye today: the combination of both Saturn and Jupiter will have you behaving rashly and getting nowhere fast! Rethink your strategies and plans. Think moonlight and candles for any possible dates and you shouldnÂ’t go far wrong!