Daily Horoscope
The emotional state of peers may cause a problem for you. Talk to an older family member you have helped in the past. Sudden changes regarding work and colleagues are apparent.
Try not to lose your cool, and make your point known. Question your mate if you must. Put your energy into learning new skills or picking up valuable information.
With a couple of excellent aspects influencing your ruling planet you are in for a very positive start to the weekend. An excess of fire energy might mean that youÂ’re a little over the top today, but both Venus and the moon will make sure that you have people eating out of your hands today!
Daily Horoscope
Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion. You will have a greater involvement in groups; however, they may not be to your advantage. Travel for pleasure will be enticing.
Don't make large purchases unless you have discussed your choices with your mate. Focus on your domestic scene. Get together with friends or relatives. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter.
Unfortunately for you the strong positive aspect from Venus has gone while a challenging aspect from Mercury has moved in. This is more likely to affect your mood rather than how your day goes, but donÂ’t be surprised if you find that youÂ’re feeling more sensitive than usual.
Daily Horoscope
Don't make a move; your confusion has caused this dilemma and you are best to back away and reassess the situation. You may find that doing odd jobs around the house will be successful and appreciated by loved ones. Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts.
Don't confide in anyone for the time being. Resist secret affairs that could be detrimental to your reputation. Today is not the day to try to comer people by giving them ultimatums.
Your feelings of hyper sensitivity are likely to continue affecting your mood through-out the day. Indulging these moods will make you feel better than trying to ignore them, so spoil yourself as much as you like: scented baths, massages and weepie movies are the way to go.
Daily Horoscope
Your romantic inclination should lead to a committed relation ship. Be prepared to meet new lovers through colleagues. You will have a great deal of insight when dealing with others.
Educational pursuits can bring interesting, helpful people. Get out and enjoy some entertainment. Organizations may cost you more than you can afford.
While you may be feeling in a great mood today the negative aspect between the sun and the moon is likely to apply a little too much pressure on matters of the heart. Whether youÂ’re attached or single you are going to be faced with a straight choice between what you want and what someone else wants.
Daily Horoscope
Disharmony in your relationship may cause minor ailments. Sign up for courses that will bring you more skills. Pleasure trips will be most enjoyable if you take them with that special person in your life.
Don't expect the whole family to be overjoyed. Make changes regarding your status in society. Changes regarding your image will bring you greater confidence.
A rather significant change in the planets will have an impact on your life for the next few weeks: Mars, your ruling planet, has moved into Cancer, and your fourth house! Family matters will become more prominent and youÂ’ll find that youÂ’re a little more eager to get things properly organized at home.
Daily Horoscope
Get help to finish a project if you need it. Children may be on your mind. You may cause a fuss if you come on too strongly in public.
Travel will stimulate your need to experience exciting new things. It's time to let loose. You are best not to confide in anyone right now.
With a slightly obstructive aspect between your ruling planet and the moon in Scorpio you are likely to be feeling more emotional than usual. The excess of water energy can be counterbalanced with activities that restore your fire energy: some kind of sporting activity would be ideal!
Daily Horoscope
Travel for business will not only bring you valuable information but also profits as well. You will find the perfect outfit if you shop today. Find a way to consolidate.
You may find that children are not as accepting as you have been. You may find that someone you live with is not too happy, but you can't really do anything about that right now. Take that long overdue vacation if you can.
With a fair bit of planetary activity today you can expect a positively glowing day, especially in terms of romance, where youÂ’ll instinctively know what to say to wow them. Make sure that youÂ’re looking your best, although you could easily get away with wearing a cloth sack today and still manage to radiate charisma!
Daily Horoscope
Be sure to look into travel opportunities that will provide you with mental stimulation. Set a limit, or you'll wind up on a tight budget. Insincere gestures of friendliness are likely to occur.
Your concern with older family members and those less fortunate than yourself will only add to your attractiveness. Don't let others try to create unwarranted guilt if you can't meet their demands. Take care of chores that have been hanging over your head.
If you find that every fiber in your body is crying out for some independence and space today youÂ’ll need to take a deep breath now, because itÂ’s unlikely that youÂ’re going to find much time for yourself today, thanks to a needy friend! DonÂ’t worry though because midweek looks much better!
Daily Horoscope
Don't be too quick to judge others. You need to look into ways to change your self-image. You can elaborate on your creative ideas and get involved in groups that relate to the arts.
If you put your mind to it, you could entertain or host a multitude of social events. You may want to take a look at your direction in life. Your own small business on the side could ease your financial stress.
If friends were demanding your time yesterday youÂ’ll find that today itÂ’s work or school eating into your hours. You might find the need to let off some steam in order to keep stress at bay. A punishing session down the gym will not only make you feel calmer, itÂ’ll make you feel quite virtuous too!
Daily Horoscope
Passion is inevitable and commitments can be made during the heat of the night. You may find your self a bit frazzled if you allow someone to goad you into an unsavory debate. Take care of yourself or you can expect to suffer from minor illness.
It's a great day to attend social functions. You need a change of pace. Family members may want you at home, when your heart is telling you to spend time with someone you recently met.
If you have had a bit of a grim start to the week you can finally breathe a sigh of relief today, because things should improve drastically, thanks to a couple of aspects. Any problems at work or school should fade completely by lunchtime, leaving you feeling more relaxed and ready for some fun this evening.
Daily Horoscope
Efforts made to improve yourself will turn out to your satisfaction. Question your mate if you must. Visitors may be likely to drop by.
Uncertainties about your home may cause tension. Your input into their activities will help bring you closer together. Travel will stimulate your need to experience exciting new things.
With the sun moving into Taurus today and into your second house you should expect two major changes, one of which will be on your finances, which today is excellent, thanks to a positive aspect. Your attitude to spending is likely to become more geared towards those little luxuries that make life great!
Daily Horoscope
Problems with relatives and friends could surface. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. Your mate may be distressed if you refuse to make a commitment.
Problems with financial investments could make you nervous. If you haven't already, don't be afraid to start your own small business on the side. You can find out important information if you listen to friends and relatives.
It is likely to be one of those days that canÂ’t quite decide whether itÂ’s a good day or a bad one. A friend is likely to exasperate you today, but money is looking very strong, and while youÂ’ll be feeling as though youÂ’re walking through treacle today youÂ’ll actually achieve a great deal! Go figure!
Daily Horoscope
You should want to feel good about yourself and your goals. Rid yourself of that which is old and no longer of use. Draw up contracts regarding your personal situation.
Plan to get together with someone special later in the day. Let your boss know your goals. You need to spend some time reflecting on past experiences and involvement's.
Money is still looking strong today; whether thatÂ’s a small lottery win or in the form of an unexpected gift something will certainly brighten your day. You should make the most of the day and visit your local mall for a new outfit to give your mood that extra boost!
Daily Horoscope
Be sure to spend time helping children with projects that are too difficult for them to accomplish alone. You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been well. You may have a problem dealing with elders.
Help those incapable of taking care of their personal affairs. Try not to hurt your partner's feelings. Don't confront the situation if you don't feel you can keep your cool.
The good news is that the pesky aspect from Mercury finally moves away today, leaving you feeling sharper as your judgment returns. This means that youÂ’ll be able to deal fairly and quickly with a recent problem that, thanks to Neptune, has been bubbling to the surface!
Daily Horoscope
You can make money if you pursue your own business. You can discuss your findings behind closed doors with your boss. Your emotional partner will push all the right buttons today.
YouÂ’re in a very thoughtful mood today and your friends may be a little surprised that you are far from your normal chatty self. The key word for the day is destiny and if you do find some time for yourself you will be able to do some serious thinking about where you want to be going in your life.
Daily Horoscope
Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all. Your anger may be impossible to contain if you get into debates with family members. You'll feel much better when your slate is clean again.
You need to get involved in groups that offer physical activities. You can persuade even the toughest opponents to think your way. Get back to the comforts of cottage or home.
After a few days of feeling thoughtful today will bring back your usual feisty approach to the world. Someone has been less than friendly lately and may have been interfering with a romance or close relationship. Today is the day to broach this with them and let them know that it needs to stop.
Daily Horoscope
You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately. Avoid overloading your plate. You will be popular with acquaintances; however, loved ones could feel left out and insecure.
Don't let domestic problems interfere with your objectives. The battle continues. Try not to get involved in other people's problems.
The Moon moves out of your sign today and this brings with it a real desire to be more independent. You are hungry for some kind of adventure and the planets are smiling on this desire. Find some time today to plan an exciting weekend with your friends trying some kind of outdoor activity youÂ’ve always wanted to try.
Daily Horoscope
Past partners are likely to reappear. Lending and borrowing may be a problem. You can complete any projects efficiently, especially if you put the effort in yourself.
Your financial situation may be draining and it's time to make some serious changes. You will be in an overly generous mood today. Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs.
With a couple of excellent aspects influencing your ruling planet you can look forward to a good day both in terms of romance and friendship. Invitations out will be plenty, but do put aside some time for a friend who will need your shoulder to cry on today.
Daily Horoscope
Your involvement with children will be most rewarding. You might find that coworkers will support your endeavors. You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
Your lover probably won't put up with your behavior. Rewards for past good deeds will be yours. You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending.
A trio of trine aspects guarantees an emotional day for many of the signs, and certainly for you. For you this is likely to impact on how others see you, because today youÂ’re going to be a source of inspiration for someone, which will leave you feeling on top of the world!
Daily Horoscope
Cultural activities will prove to be quite enlightening for everyone. Don't donate more than you can afford in order to impress others. You can meet potential new mates, but make sure that they aren't already committed to someone else.
You're not your usual self today. Don't be too hard on your mate. Your ability to put a deal together will surprise others.
Thanks to the influence of Chiron, the healing planet, youÂ’ll experience a level of compassion and sensitivity that you usually keep hidden. Someone will come to you for support regarding an emotional matter but will end up helping you with something that is worrying you! All in all, a beneficial day!
Daily Horoscope
Your mate needs extra attention and is feeling rather insecure when you're not in sight. Your support and concern will help. Your emotional stability may influence the changes taking place in your personal life. Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart.
You can mix business with pleasure to get favorable results. Show what a dedicated person you can be. Listen to the advice given by those with experience.
Thanks to some positive influences you should continue to feel emotionally secure; friends, family and romance shouldnÂ’t pose any problems. However, focusing on the more material things in life will make you feel even better: a new hairstyle, a make- over or a luxurious pampering session will make you feel great!
Daily Horoscope
You should teach children some of your unique creative talents. Travel and social activity will bring about interesting talks, not to mention contacts. Don't let someone try to bully you into doing things their way.
Chances are you could get stuck with a colleague's job unexpectedly. Don't spend too much in order to impress others. Verbal abuse could lead to carelessness.
With Venus moving into your sign today you will find that your attitudes to romance shift a little: for you the thrill of the chase will often be more exciting than the actual result! Single Aries people are likely to become outrageously flirty, whilst those with partners will be keen to spice things up!
Daily Horoscope
Changes in your residence will be favorable in the long haul. You can make financial deals that will bring you extra cash. Elders may get you going today.
Take a break; you can finally mend any disputes on the home front. Investments will cost more than you anticipated. You are best to keep your cash in a safe place.
With Mercury moving into Taurus, and into your second house of money today you are likely to cultivate a much more sensible approach to money. Opening a regular savings account, if you donÂ’t already have one, will give you the security that youÂ’re seeking right now.
Daily Horoscope
Someone may try to damage your reputation. You may have a problem with coworkers if you try to tell them what to do. You should consider getting your whole family involved in a project at home.
Your unique contribution to the organization will enhance your reputation. You should be traveling to that exotic destination you've been dreaming about. Losses are likely if you have left your financial affairs in other people's hands.
A minor but negative aspect from the moon indicates that youÂ’re feeling a little bored at the moment. You might even be feeling that life is all work or school and no play, but this can be easily overcome; itÂ’s the weekend, so plan something fun and exciting that will appeal to your fiery nature!
Daiy Horoscope
Get out and get active. It's time to let loose. Read some books on self awareness.
You must use discretion when talking to others. Gambling should not be an option. Avoid scandals of any sort. Travel will be in your best interest regardless of whether it is business or pleasure.
Although itÂ’s Monday and you are probably back at work or school you will be positively sizzling today thanks to Jupiter. DonÂ’t be surprised if youÂ’re on the receiving end of some flirty comments; for you the ego boost will be enough to keep you on a high all day.