Daily Horoscope
Romance could develop through social activities or short trips. You can make money if you put your mind to it. Travel will be favorable. You can gain knowledge from dealing with foreigners.
You can make life easier for an older member of your family. Club memberships or donations could be expensive and prove unnecessary. You'll find travel or involvement in large groups gratifying.
A friend in need is a friend indeed: someone will be looking to you for some advice or for reassurance, which you will be able to deliver in abundance. Rely on your intuition, which will serve you well, until the evening when the moon shifts over into the sign of the crab.
Daily Horoscope
Unexpected events may upset your routine. Your mate will enjoy helping out. You'll find you're detail oriented today.
Compromise may be necessary. Plan your social events carefully. Travel will be favorable and bring you the greatest rewards.
The effects of Uranus on your ruling planet could have you behaving a little rebelliously today. The enduring aspect between them indicates some unresolved tensions that you need to address. Do this in a constructive way and you will feel as though a weight has been lifted.
Daily Horoscope
Your dramatic nature may be too much to handle. Be sure to take time for old friends or relatives you don't get to see that often. Take care of any paperwork concerning institutional or governmental agencies.
You will find yourself tied to the phone. Family trips or projects should be on your mind. Children may be demanding, and entertainment could cost a lot more than you can really afford.
Irritability and family tensions could blight what might otherwise be a pleasant day. It might be that someone will try to prevent you from doing something: youÂ’d be wise to listen to them. DonÂ’t despair, though, because things pick up in terms of romance today!
Daily Horoscope
Look into ways that you can make extra cash. Your need to obtain additional details will lead you into strange topics of conversation. You can expect insincere gestures of friendliness today.
Uncertain get rich quick schemes will not be as lucrative as you anticipate. Social activity with friends and relatives will be most successful. Direct your energy into physical exertion. Residential moves will be favorable.
With Venus and Mars, your ruling planet, in perfect harmony today, expect the day to be full of warm feelings of well being and happiness in all aspects of your life, from family to work. But as wonderful as this is try to keep that simmering energy under control with some physical activity!
Daily Horoscope
Try to bend but by no means should you give in completely. Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends. Try to address the real issues in order to turn things around.
This will not be the best day to try to push your ideas or concerns. Romance will come through involvement with fundraising organizations. You might just as well let others do their own thing.
With a positive aspect moving in between your ruling planet and Neptune will heighten any musical or creative talents that you have for the next few weeks. You should take advantage of this by signing up for a new interest that uses these talents, and preferably with a friend.
Daily Horoscope
Be careful disclosing information. Don't ignore any emotional issues that could be causing problems. Do your work at home, if you can. Someone may be trying to make you look bad.
Be careful not to let friends or peers make you look bad. You can make personal changes that will enhance your reputation and give you greater self confidence. It won't take much to upset your lover.
The double whammy of a sense of boredom and what you see as everyone elseÂ’s inefficiency could create certain feelings of irritation today. Blame the moon and Jupiter for this, but in the meantime a brisk run will help lessen your bad mood and give you some much needed time by yourself.
Daily Horoscope
Your ideas may be a little ahead of their time; don't push them, instead just continue working on development. Opportunities to get together with friends will be enlightening and entertaining. Rest and relaxation will be more favorable than you think.
Don't blame every thing on your mate. Take care that arrangements to spend quality time together are made in advance. Don't back down but don't ignite the situation.
The moon will continue to exert its negative influence today. You may think that youÂ’re in the right over an argument with a friend, but rethink and youÂ’ll find youÂ’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Some Blue Lace Agate will help bring out your softer side and chamomile tea will soothe the stress!
Daily Horoscope
Set aside any decisions regarding your personal life today. Avoid letting family get involved in your personal life. If you're in the mood, go out and socialize, or get involved in sports activities.
You may find your nights sleepless due to bad dreams. Refuse to let others make unrealistic demands of you. Don't make large purchases unless you have discussed your choices with your mate.
A strong and challenging influence from Mercury will scatter both your thoughts and your energies today. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it will temper your more assertive side, which will prove useful this evening when a development in your love life takes a turn for the better!
Daily Horoscope
Sudden romantic infatuations could lead to a significant and prosperous connection. Social events held in your home will be successful and entertaining for all. You'll be tempted to spend extravagantly today.
You are best to listen for the time being. Romantic encounters will develop through group activity. Sign up for courses that will help you understand yourself better.
An unusual collection of trines (positive aspects) are affecting your ruling planet, and will have some impact on your day today. Expect to be vibrant and talkative as the ideas will flow today. In terms of romance you might need to be a little less demanding, though
Daily Horoscope
Get out and get active. You need an outlet that will help take your mind off any troubles at work. Property investments should payoff.
Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when you're finished. You can write beautiful love letters today. Group endeavors will provide you with entertainment.
With the sun now out of Pisces and firmly in your sign you should feel a new burst of confidence, but thanks to the influence of Venus and Neptune your tendency to be irritable should be tempered nicely today. Doing a good deed will make you feel surprisingly good today!
Daily Horoscope
Use your quick wit to win points and friends. Plan to do things with your faithful pet or with youngsters who have interesting hobbies. Uncertainty about your relationship is prevalent.
You don't want to give anyone fuel for the fire. Exhaustion will lead to minor injury if you don't know when to quit. Don't let your partner get away with spending too much of your money.
It is possible that you will feel torn in two opposing directions today, thanks to a challenging aspect between the sun and the moon. This internal conflict is likely to become apparent at work or school. What you want and whatÂ’s expected of you might be too entirely different things.
Daily Horoscope
Get together with friends who like to participate in indoor sports. You can make alterations to your appearance that everyone will admire. Love relationships will flourish.
Mingle with those who can further your goals. Think be fore you act. Unforeseen circumstances will disrupt your daily routine. Opportunities for new friendships are apparent.
It is likely that you will tend towards nervous tension today, especially towards the afternoon, which will last well into the evening. It may be that work or school is demanding too much at the moment, so make sure you book a therapeutic pampering session to ease those knotted muscles.
Daily Horoscope
Sign up for tours or courses that will enlighten you. Try to be reasonable. Complete those hobbies you started a long time ago.
You will be uncertain of your feelings. You may find that your generosity has been taken for granted. Don't torment yourself. Disharmony in the home will be extremely stressful.
With a minor but negative aspect between your ruling planet and Saturn it is looking as though you are in serious need of some fun. If you have had little opportunity over the past few days to let your hair down you can relax a little now and start planning something unusual for your weekend!
Daily Horoscope
Someone you work with may be trying to make you look bad. You will have excellent ideas and you should be able to help your partner get ahead. You can accomplish a lot if you deal with other people's money or possessions today.
You will find yourself tied to the phone. You will have a greater involvement in groups; however, they may not be to your advantage. Romantic opportunities are evident if you get involved in large groups or organizations.
The weekend will continue to offer some good opportunities in your intrepid pursuit of fun, although the energy levels of you, and possibly your friends, will begin to fall. Use the afternoon to engage in more gentle activities. If you decide to go shopping beware overspending!
Daily Horoscope
Sudden romantic encounters will set your head spinning. Don't make those you live with feel unloved or unworthy. Let them know what your intentions are.
You could be disillusioned if you let relative in on your emotional thoughts. You will attract members of the opposite sex readily. Make changes that will enhance your appearance and entice potential partners.
A challenging aspect between your ruling planet and the moon, which is now in Pisces, you will be feeling more prone to emotional upsets than normal. Attached Aries people should take comfort from their partners today, while single Aries people will be able to rely on a close friend for support.
Daily Horoscope
Your outgoing nature might work against you today. Your time, not your cash, will do a lot more for your relationship. This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive.
Someone close to you will get upset easily if you are insensitive to their needs. Get busy doing all those things at home that you have been putting off for so long. Don't get into heated discussions.
A harmonious aspect between the sun and the moon is likely to lessen the negative aspect ruling your ruling planet. Things may start off on a sour note but by the afternoon you can expect some dramatic changes in your mood when the moon enters your sign.
Daily Horoscope
Difficulties with female members of your family may result in estrangement's. Changes involving your domestic scene may be unpleasant. Do what you can to help them but don't neglect your own family.
Think about starting your own small business, You may have difficulties finishing projects you start. You need to mingle with people who can spark enthusiasm and confidence in you.
Wow! A solar eclipse in your sign means some dramatic changes for you. It could mean a change of image or style, or it could mean a change in direction! Ask your loved ones to be a little patient with you around this time, because after this some good things are on the way!
Daily Horoscope
Residential moves will be favorable. Sudden romantic encounters will set your head spinning. Your creative ability will surface, giving you good ideas for ways of making money.
Do you really want to start something with someone you can't reason with? Try to satisfy both of your needs. Your depressed mood has been hard to shake.
Generally youÂ’ve got a bunch of positive aspects influencing your ruling planet, which bode well for your overall mood and relationships in general. If anything is holding you back it is the opposition affecting Pluto, which might be making you feel bored. Plan something exciting this evening to counteract this.
Daily Horoscope
You need to put some trust in others. Put something away in case of an emergency. You may be overreacting to a situation at hand.
With a minor negative aspect between your ruling planet and the moon, which is in your second house, you will need to take care with your cash today. Keep temptation at bay and avoid the malls. DonÂ’t make any impulsive purchases and be reassured that this will pass!
Daily Horoscope
Opportunities to get involved in investment groups will payoff. You must get out and mingle. A change in position could be better than you thought.
You could pick up valuable knowledge through conversations with experienced individuals. Your talent will be recognized. Get involved in worthwhile endeavors and meet new friends.
A brief but positive aspect between your ruling planet and the moon should set you up nicely for the weekend. You might find that youÂ’re feeling in a more sedate mood today and you should indulge your softer side. Music, dancing, and cozy chats will appeal today.
Daily Horoscope
You can stabilize your personal relationship if you're willing to communicate honestly. You will find that social activities will be enjoyable and will promote new connections. Avoid confrontations with coworkers who aren't pulling their weight.
You will have to be careful not to let others find out about your intentions. New relationships will surface through work related events. Make plans to attend group discussions or get together with friends who like to talk as much as you do.
You should be able to enjoy a quieter Sunday, but with plenty of romantic opportunities coming your way you are unlikely to waste the day. Be prepared for the unusual today, especially where your friends are concerned, and you will be guaranteed to have a great time!
Daily Horoscope
Make sure that new mates live up to your high standards. Money problems will be difficult to deal with if you have a partner. Property deals will pay big dividends.
Your intellectual charm will entice new love interests. Be prepared to deal with groups and organizations of greater magnitude. Your ability to be practical in business will help.
A conjunction with the moon, which is still in Gemini, means that while youÂ’ll be in a dynamic and go-getting mood (great for work or school) you are more than likely to put your foot well and truly in it! Tone down your humor for the more sensitive souls around you!
Daily Horoscope
Go with the flow and don't be concerned about your own job. If you're willing to cut loose you will find yourself in the midst of an exciting encounter. Friendships will be ruined if you let too many people get involved in any disputes.
It might be best to spend time fixing up your premises and making changes that will be appreciated. Set a limit on the amount you're willing to spend, and be sure to stick to it. Children may pose a problem if they don't like suggestions.
A change of mood might have you feeling slightly bewildered today, especially if you find that youÂ’ve become unusually sensitive and easily hurt. This will be thanks to the moon, and will bring out your softer side, but some sporting activity will soon get you in touch with your fire side again!
Daily Horoscope
You may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation if you have overloaded your plate unintentionally. You will have a greater involvement in groups; however, they may not be to your advantage. Your personal life is going through a state of confusion.
Try to get out and socialize. This will not be the best day to try to push your ideas or concerns. Try to calm down and listen to your partner's complaints. Compromise may be necessary.
An exciting day! With Saturn no longer moving backwards will mean youÂ’ll no longer feel that itÂ’s all work or school, and youÂ’ll want to incorporate new and exciting interests into your life! However, with Venus moving into Pisces romantic developments are likely to become a little more challenging!
Daily Horoscope
Trips should be your choice. Secret enemies may be holding a grudge that you're not even aware of. Be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions.
Avoid letting children and friends borrow. Put in some extra hours and finish those careful jobs before you move on to some fun and games. You need to reevaluate your situation.
With a positive aspect between your ruling planet and Venus, which is in your twelfth house, any thoughts that have been pushed to the back of your mind will move forwards today. DonÂ’t ignore them, because they will guide you towards the things you want to do, rather than the things you think you ought to do.