Try not to hurt your partner's feelings. Pleasure trips will bring you into contact with new and interesting people. Help children complete projects they're having difficulty with. Don't take your frustrations out on loved ones. Help with your aspirations is likely, and profits could follow. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way. The more you have to multitask, the more you will thrive today. You will find new ways to increase your income and a chance to do something that will put you in good standing. Don't let friends or relatives rain on your parade.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Stop telling others about your problems. False information from someone trying to start problems is likely. The morning focuses on job, health and appearance. If you can't get ahead in the company you're with, perhaps it's time to move on. New relationships could evolve through group activities. Don't shy away from potential mates they want to introduce you to. Your financial situation will change swiftly, so keep a close eye on what's happening with any money venture that you may be involved with. Your goals can be reached today if you state exactly what you need.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You may be dealing with a person who's opinionated, but otherwise it's a good day for travel, educational matters, and trips. You will be looking for creative ways to make a little extra cash. Try not to take others for granted. Don't get involved in other people's private doings. Don't get so wrapped up in being rich that you overlook the fact that your plan may not be as solid as you thought. Make those phone calls and pay your bills. Take a chance on love as well as on something that you've wanted to do for a long time. A residential move or just a few changes can make your personal life better. Lifestyle change will lead to a much better future.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Romance will be yours if you get out and do things in large groups. Don't hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home. Spend time getting to know each other. Unexpected changes in friendships could occur. Outdoor sports events should entice you. Opportunities will develop through those you encounter while attending organizational events. Talks will lead to resolution, so clear up whatever you can today. Be concise and don't let anyone put words in your mouth. Your strong convictions will attract someone who can make an interesting partner.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You may have difficulties with in-laws or family members. Restrictions may be difficult for you to live with, but try to do things by the book. Stay out of other people's affairs. Try not to hurt your partner's feelings. Don't deny yourself today. You can make personal changes that will enhance your appearance and bring you greater popularity. Pack your day full of things to do, places to go and people to see. Your energetic and enthusiastic presence will attract plenty of attention. You'll be admired for your go-getter attitude and sought after for your input.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
You'll feel inspired at your job today by your 101% original thinking. Loans will be attainable and legal matters easily taken care of. Be sure to question any detail that you feel could leave you in a precarious position at a later date. Changes in your home are apparent, and you must be willing to bend if you don't want to find yourself alone. You can dazzle members of the opposite sex with your quick wit and aggressive charm. Talk to someone you trust. Try to get along with everyone and focus on more challenging prospects. A chance to make some lifestyle changes will be based on how integrated you become in a philosophy you investigate. Open-mindedness will be the key to your success.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Short trips will prove to be more fruitful than you imagined. You can get others to do things for you but be sure not to overpay them or lend them money. You can elaborate on your creative ideas and get involved in groups that relate to the arts. Don't try to hide your true feelings from your mate. Avoid disputes with family; their complaints can't change anything anyway. Be mysterious. You may not like what you encounter today, but it will be the grand finale that will count. Be true to yourself and play by the rules. You will rise above the obstacles; stick to your beliefs.
Daily Horoscope
Promotions will be yours if you have acted professionally in times of crisis. You won't impress anyone by being overly generous. Think about the meaning of your life today. Get motivated and follow up on some self-improvement resolutions. You are best not to discuss your personal life with others. Use your quick wit to win points with friends. Check out the possibilities, but don't set yourself up for a fall. Change may be required in your personal life so you can follow your professional goals. Be clear about everything you do and don't settle for less.
Daily Horoscope
Stop telling others about your problems. False information from someone trying to start problems is likely. The morning focuses on job, health and appearance. An unusual financial opportunity will tempt you, but don't be too quick to make a move. Someone will be complimentary and eager to please. Take advantage of what's being offered, remembering that nothing will be straightforward today.
Daily Horoscope
Avoid friends or acquaintances who drink too much. Take time to catch up on overdue correspondence. Be careful while traveling. You may have the day off but your thoughts will be on your work and your cash situation. You can make major gains if you talk to your boss about your findings. A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air. Everything is falling into place. Travel or picking up information that will enable you to better understand the people you are working with will help you conduct yourself in a powerful way. You can receive the support you require.
Daily Horoscope
Uncertainties about your home may cause tension. You need to do more research before you make your final decision. Be cautious while traveling to foreign countries. Make sure that you have covered yourself legally and try not to let your temper get out of hand. Don't evade issues or twist the truth around. You'll find it easy to deal with government agencies or large institutions. A culture shock might be just what you need to get you thinking and moving in a new direction. Don't hesitate to speak up if you have something relevant to say. Your words may be exactly what someone you care about needs to hear.
Daily Horoscope
A new relationship can be yours if you get out with friends. Look into ways to make your home more comfortable. You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it, including yourself. Your energy will be high. You need to take some time out to decide what you want to do. You need to do something energetic and different. Look for ways to take better care of yourself. Proper diet, better lifestyle and sufficient exercise will pay off. Be smart and you will be a lot more efficient in the long run.
Daily Horoscope
You can make reasonable bids on real estate or large items for your home. You can become obsessed with detail and must be sure to divide your time appropriately. Minor fevers or infections will develop if you're over-stressed. Don't reveal anything about your personal life that could be used adversely. Dead end projects could plague you. Stick to your work and avoid emotional confrontations. Social events should be the highlight of your day. You may feel a little pressured today. Don't let anyone back you into a corner. Act now and you won't have any regrets later. Don't let your personal life interfere with your professional decisions.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. You can buy or sell if you're so inclined. Taking on too much won't help the situation. Try not to let your emotions interfere with the completion of your work. Property deals will pay big dividends. You can make money if you concentrate on producing services that will make domestic chores easier. Time is of the essence today. Your accuracy will astound everyone. Your willpower and determination will help you see matters through to the end. You can learn a valuable lesson by watching others.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Controversial subjects should be avoided at all costs. You will be moody and react poorly to issues concerning your mate. Be supportive in order to avoid confrontations. This may not be the day to get involved in risky joint financial ventures. Travel will promote new romantic connections. Work quietly on your own and you will forge ahead. Make this a day that counts. Do something that will help you get ahead professionally or increase your earning power. You will have an opportunity to take care of any pressing legal, financial or health matters.
Daily Horoscope
Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. You may find that others do not do things the way you want; however, if the job gets done, let it pass. Chances are you could get stuck with a colleague's job unexpectedly. You can make excellent investments if you are in the right place at the right time. Unexpected bills will leave you a little short. Be careful when dealing with investments. You will come into cash or a gift in an unusual way. Take care of a legal concern and resolve issues that have been holding you back. Don't let a personal problem get in the way.
poon cho tang
Daily Horoscope
Be honest if you wish to solve the problem. You could be drawn to events that concern children. Do not get involved in joint financial ventures. You may not be that popular at home but you should be able to shine at social gatherings. Be careful not to get roped into uncertain joint financial deals. Look for professional guidance if it will help unite the family. It doesn't hurt to ask questions or for advice. You can spare yourself a lot of anguish if you refrain from thinking you know it all. Don't let your emotions force you into making a poor decision.
Daily Horoscope
Go with the flow and don't let the unsettled atmosphere get on your nerves. Financial limitations may add to your depression. Opportunities to learn important information will surface through discussions with peers or seminars you attend. Use some diplomacy to get your point across delicately. You are best to do your research before taking on such a venture. Get out and get active. Be honest with yourself and others. Take any opportunity to do things with friends, relatives or neighbors. You can teach others what you know and learn something yourself.
Daily Horoscope
Family members will not be happy with the amount of time you are spending away from home. Don't let anyone take credit for a job you did. You'll be prone to tears if your mate is harsh with you today. You might want to spend some time by yourself in order to decide exactly how you feel. You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately. You are best to work at home, clearing up overdue projects. Take a moment to readjust yourself and your plans. Emotional matters will escalate as the day progresses. Brace yourself: Someone is likely to question you.
Daily Horoscope
They may cost you dearly. However, you may not attract the kind of interest you had in mind. Entertainment could be pleasing if it is of an energetic nature. Try to understand their point of view. Travel is evident, but be cautious while in transit. Tempers could boil if someone you work with has not been pulling their weight. Stop dwelling on the things you can't change. Do whatever you can to keep your feet on the ground and your head out of the clouds. It will be common sense that prevails in the end.
Daily Horoscope
Don't expect others to live up to their promises and you won't be disappointed or find yourself stuck with delays. Your high energy will enable you to take the role of leader in group functions. Be prepared to deal with groups and organizations of greater magnitude. Use your head and do things to your liking. Changes at home might come fast and furious. You may find that your documents are not in order. Avoid any squabbles with friends or family. Take care of your responsibilities without being asked. Money will come your way if your intentions and motives are good.
Originally posted by Lazylordz:
yo wuddup guez whos bak yo mothafuc'kas itz fity cent in da hoodt' git yo ass upp heer shet yo moth n see muh mothafuc'kin pics widd ma nigga homiez o ah'm bustin uh cap in ya. fo shizzle ma nizzle.
Daily Horoscope
Your lack of attention may have been a factor. Be careful not to let friends or peers make you look bad. You will have difficulties spreading yourself between your work and your home. Relatives will be cordial. You have your own family to consider as well. Go after your professional goals. You will find good buys and you will lift your spirits. Somewhere in the back of your mind, a little voice is telling you to step into the limelight. It's time to show what you are made of, to challenge whoever gets in your way and to take what's rightfully yours. You will make progress today.
Daily Horoscope
Female members of your family may be difficult to deal with. Tell it like it is. You must try to help. The sky is the limit today. You can do anything you put your mind to. Take on a competitive challenge. Your changing attitude may concern someone, but it will be just what you need to move forward. Advancement can be yours if you put your efforts into work related matters. Make the necessary changes that will enable you to advance financially. You may not be too pleased with the actions of those you live with.
Daily Horoscope
You will be emotional when dealing with coworkers or employers. You may find that romance will unfold through business connections. You'll find it easy to meet new people. Arguments with relatives may lead to a split in the family. You may be overreacting to a situation at hand. You can learn valuable information if you listen and observe what others are doing and saying. Don't just sit there -- make a decision and go after your dreams. Your ideas are right on target and your work is commendable. Don't neglect your personal responsibilities because you are too busy making money.