Do remember all post that are posted here are to abide the following chapters :-
[1] Chapter 1 -
Prohibition of printing, sale, etc. , of documents and publications. 20. —(1) Where it appears to the Minister charged with the responsibility for printing presses and publications that any document or publication —
(a) Contains any incitement to violence;
(b) Counsels disobedience to the law or to any lawful order;
(c) Is calculated or likely to lead to a breach of the peace, or to promote feelings of hostility between different races or classes of the population; or
(d) Is prejudicial to the national interest, public order or security of Singapore
Wakaoz....NPCC also got secrets to keep one ah? Like what? Cannot tell people your OC is useless?
Originally posted by huaiwei:
Wakaoz....NPCC also got secrets to keep one ah? Like what? Cannot tell people your OC is useless?
why not? well, in fact. my ncos are useless only know how to eat snake one. didnt organise trainings during holidays.
You don't get it, don't you? NP cadets will not being getting to know any "classified information" in the 1st place...Unless if u consider the .22 technical handling as so...
And do u know where the statutes which the above paragraph is quoted from? Or are you just copying and pasting from another forum blindly?