Originally posted by dork3d:
Me did... When me sent in my phone for servicing while under warranty to a N**** Service Centre, the CSO threw my phone into the pigeon hole... Me saw and me shouted at that CSO for doing that... He gave me a snare and me warranted for the manager to answer and meet me...
Guess what the CSO told the manager? "The phone is already spoilt and needed servicing, it's okie for me to just throw lor".
Wah! Me jumped into a fury and told him off: "Look! Asshole! That phone is my property and the way you threw my phone, are you going to pay for all damages that the phone might substained as your neglience result?"
"If any of my phone data is lost due to your acts, you have to compensate me! You understand?"
The manager intervened and apologised... When me collected my phone, there was a dent and paintwork chipped off, me demanded the manager to answer my issues... In the end, they had my phone replaced with a brand new set and me never see that CSO again...
replaced with a new set?
its time to go there....