I was trying to ask you what the underlying bases of your "philosophy" are....Originally posted by Ferret:My meaning and your meaning differs, live and let live, i'd say
As if you can succeed in life all by yourself?Originally posted by Darkness_hacker99:I want to pursue the things which I like.
4 words to sum up my basic philosophy in life - Dang Wo Ze Si (Obstruct me and you shall die)
How do you reckon you can be of help to these people? Any suggestions?Originally posted by boka:My philosophy in life is to help the less fortunate ppl who are victims of human trafficking,protituition and slavery.
I do not want to lead the life of a normal person like marrying,settling down and worrying about money because instead of doing all this,the strenght i have can be dedicatedto serve justice to those who needs a voice.
Do no harm is negative ?Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:I was trying to ask you what the underlying bases of your "philosophy" are....
You see, your philosophy is "negative" when you say "Do no harm" and "Live and let Live".
Are there no positives in your life (other than Have Fun)? If fun is THE one positive in your life, will you find life meaningful? If you find it meaningful, I am interested what the basis/bases you say that is/are.
What I meant was "passive" and "negative" in the sense that it is not "positive" or "affirming" .Originally posted by Ferret:Do no harm is negative ?
Uh ?
live and let live also negative ?
What do u consider a positive ? and meaningful ?![]()
When you need to make decisions/relate in your daily living, relationships with friends colleagues family shopkeepers subordinates bosses... decisions regarding how you should do a certain task ... what are your philosophies in those areas?Originally posted by Short Ninja:BTW my philosophy is trying to go through my second BMT( berak makan tidur) without worrying too much about other people life.![]()
Do not harm is not passive !!Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:What I meant was "passive" and "negative" in the sense that it is not "positive" or "affirming" .
Like, "I will not hate" is "negative" when compared to "I will love" which is "positive".
Have fun is positive... you "do" something and that is, "have fun".
What is your philosophy that covers other aspects of life that does not involve "fun"?
Hello, you are vain again... I am not criticizing you or trying to know you! I am ONLY interested in your philosophyOriginally posted by Ferret:Do not harm is not passive !!
U have to make an effort there !!
why u wan to know me so well ?![]()
-preens-Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:Hello, you are vain again... I am not criticizing you or trying to know you! I am ONLY interested in your philosophy
How can "Do no Harm" be "active"? To "Do no Harm" all you need to "do" is nothing. How can doing nothing be doing something?
Now that is interesting... so your philosophy is not "Do no Harm" but "Prevent Harm"?Originally posted by Ferret:-preens-
by doing nothing, sometimes can be more harmful than taking an action. so sometimes, by not doing harm, i hafta take an action, so it aint passive.
I am careful when making a decision that involves others.I look at it at every angle before coming up with something that would be fair and satisfactory to all.I dont always follow procedures,beliefs can be altered but some set of principles cant be compromisedOriginally posted by AndrewPKYap:When you need to make decisions/relate in your daily living, relationships with friends colleagues family shopkeepers subordinates bosses... decisions regarding how you should do a certain task ... what are your philosophies in those areas?
Or do you not think about it? You just relate with others automatically and instinctively and react instinctively?
When you do a task, you do it instinctively and just get on with finishing the task or do you have a basic set of principles/beliefs/procedures that you consciously follow every time?
All.Originally posted by Ferret:Justice is. Law isnt.
what torment are we talking about here ?
physical, mential or emotional ?
Are you saying that there is a perfect set of principles and that is why you cannot compromise on them? Isn't that a little delusional? How can there be a prefect set of principles in an imperfect world? How can imperfect people come up with a perfect set of principles?Originally posted by Short Ninja:I am careful when making a decision that involves others. I look at it at every angle before coming up with something that would be fair and satisfactory to all. I dont always follow procedures,beliefs can be altered but some set of principles cant be compromised
Will you put yourself into an "endless abyss of pain and anguish" when you yourself fail or someone tells you that you have failed? Or is your opinion the only one that counts? If people tell you that you are an incorrigible idiot, what will you do? Will you simply write them off or will you kill yourself because you have failed to be perfect in their eyes?Originally posted by boka:All. To ensure they are forever falling in a endless abyss of pain and anguish
You asked me I tell you lah.With these set of fundamental Principles we try to make what is imperfect look more presentable.You like Dalai Lama or Tahan Lama or wat ? Making me flush my head in the toilet bowl just to think like you doOriginally posted by AndrewPKYap:Are you saying that there is a perfect set of principles and that is why you cannot compromise on them? Isn't that a little delusional? How can there be a prefect set of principles in an imperfect world? How can imperfect people come up with a perfect set of principles?
Just trying to clarify lah... I need to know what your philosophy is and WHY... hopefully we both gain from the discussion.Originally posted by Short Ninja:You asked me I tell you lah.With these set of fundamental Principles we try to make what is imperfect look more presentable.You like Dalai Lama or Tahan Lama or wat ? Making me flush my head in the toilet bowl just to think like you do![]()
hmmmmm...... interesting. Will post a response soonestOriginally posted by Short Ninja:Not all Principles have a win win situation.When I compromise on those principles some people are going to end up losing more than they already have and it sure aint gonna me but there is this thing called conscience (fark how do you spell this word?) that separates Man from Animal.Sure Animals can think some can even count but their survival instinct do not include conscience (correct spelling ar not?) and so to them, their World is "perfect" cuz no need to worry wat! take what you want, do as you please,no conscience no crime.We have lost that survival instinct and inherit pain for that we are in perpetual agony living in like what you might call an,"Imperfect" World. You see the irony?
I am having difficulty trying to understand what you are trying to say here.Originally posted by Short Ninja:Not all Principles have a win win situation. When I compromise on those principles some people are going to end up losing more than they already have and it sure aint gonna me but there is this thing called conscience (fark how do you spell this word?) that separates Man from Animal. Sure Animals can think some can even count but their survival instinct do not include conscience (correct spelling ar not?) and so to them, their World is "perfect" cuz no need to worry wat! take what you want, do as you please, no conscience no crime.We have lost that survival instinct and inherit pain for that we are in perpetual agony living in like what you might call an,"Imperfect" World. You see the irony?
Yes my little grasshopper now you can snatch the pebble from my hand>Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:I am having difficulty trying to understand what you are trying to say here.
Are you trying to say that you live by certain principles and you are already being "kind" and you "lose out a little" when you hold on to these principles and so if you "compromise" it will result in you losing out even more, so you will not "compromise"?
You then go on to talk about "conscience" to explain why you have Principles that are to your disadvantage and (a little is OK, but no compromising further because it will lead to too much disadvantage for you)?
If that is what you are trying to say, I have have a response for you.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:Yes my little grasshopper now you can snatch the pebble from my hand>![]()
I want to save 25k in 5years time and by then i'll be out of NS,together with my dad's saving,insurance and some small loan from the bank i want to go to AUS to pursue degree in criminal justice.Originally posted by Short Ninja:How do you reckon you can be of help to these people? Any suggestions?
BTW my philosophy is trying to go through my second BMT( berak makan tidur) without worrying too much about other people life.![]()
Human conscience is a good guide,can you hear that little voice in your head?Only thing is whether you want to listen to it or not.A Terrorist/Politician believes what he is doing is beneficial to himself & therefore correct so his conscience already overruled.As for Parenthood I feel the win-win or win -lose ideology could still apply because we want to teach Children about balance like for every winner there is surely a loser to counter balance or sometimes you lose and sometimes you win ,that sort of thing.How can you give and take if you dont know what is balance? I guess that is my basis.Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
Do you think that the human conscience is a good guide? Do you think that terrorist suicide bombers are acting against their conscience? Osam bin Laden? George Bush and Iraq?
Do you think (or why you think) you have to think in terms of win-win or win-lose? Parents surely do not think in terms of win-win and win-lose with their children do they? Is it possible to treat others like parents treat children and not think in terms of win-win or win-lose?
Why do you think in terms of win-win and win-lose? What is your basis for thinking like that?
Lu Kong Simi Lan....?Originally posted by pervertboi:wu tio hio....
bo tio chio....![]()