Originally posted by LuNAtIcfArKeR:
[b]Dear uncle:
I'm born with what u can say is the most torturing sickness in the history of medical studies..... well u see I have a very very very very high sex drive... (no i'm not in my puberty age now, 27 this year) But my partner is opposite... Everytime I feel the urge... i get rejected so much so that i lost the interest with her. I've resort to pros... but found out thats not the solution(as i'll get very guilty after every session). Is there any club for ppl like me to join so can get free, unlimited sex?
LuNAtIcfArKeR AKA the crazy one
Ps: needs lots n lots of sex.
Thanks n regards.
Dear LuNAtIcfArKeR AKA the crazy,
Do not be too disturbed by your perceived sickness. Expert (uncle, me la) has found that 69% of the population have high sex drive too (including me). However, the remaining 31% do not. Hence, uncle think you are very suay to be paired up with the minority. However, do not be too disturbed by this suayness. I think someone by the name of murphy siad before that people will always be suay.
Please do not visit the prostitutes, as this is very unhealthy. This is because your significant other may bite off your testicles in a rage upon learning of your hobby. Only singles are advised to visit prostitutes (legal ones of course).
Do not worry. Uncle here is very efficient. I'm already in the midst of setting up a club for people like us, erm, I mean you, to join. As long as we have sufficient members, activities will commence immediately. Of course, the male to female ration must not be skewed, in particular the males. This is because Uncle do not want his beloved members to have a sore *erhem* you know what la.
Thank you for support. Please feel free to come to uncle for any agony that you may face in the future.
P.s. In case you did not notice, this is a forum. Kindly open a new thread in the forum for future posts. Uncle also want to see more activities in his forum you know. Thank you.
~This message is brought to you by the Ministry of Health~
-= Practice Safe Sex!!! Stop the spread of AIDS=-