Mr. Trump was not swayed. "But maybe you're just too abrasive. And by the way, it's more than abrasive. It's also, there are a lot of stupid things you did. Ripping out toilets that were perfectly fine," he said. Brian stood by his decision to replace the toilets, but Chris stepped in with more criticism. "The point is this. It was not organized, and the organization comes from him. I think he did a horrible, horrible duty as a project manager," he said.
Chris' harsh words caused Angie to speak up against the 22-year old real estate investor: "My problem was, you made it clear that this was your expertise, that you had done this renovation, that you were all over it." As if a flip had been switched in his head, Chris retaliated with a vengeance. He erupted with furor, shouting, "This is what I said, if we're going to be honest here! I do refurbish homes! I do not personally go in there, hands-on, and touch everything! That's what I said verbatim! I never said I've got in hands-on construction time! I never said that!" Angie rolled her eyes at his outburst, saying, "Oh, Chris."
The flare-up caused Donald to ask, "Angie, should Chris be fired over Brian?" The gym franchise owner gave her opinion: "Absolutely. I think Brian has more leader potential than Chris." Donald stopped to comment on the state of affairs. "This team is a mess. You started off so good and now you're like a total disaster. Brian, you did not do much of a leadership job here. Brian, you're not a hell of a leader," he said.
In an attempt to turn the tables, Brian said, "Does a leader give up?" Donald jumped on the question: "Well, you gave up because you thought I should fire you." Brian replied that he never gave up. Dumbfounded, Carolyn exclaimed, "You gave up just now!" As Brian shouted back, Donald refused be shut out. "Excuse me! I sat down and you said that you were responsible for the loss. Is that right?" Trump demanded.
Brian backpedaled, saying that he was willing to take responsibility, but Donald saw a major contradiction. "You said that you should be fired. Now all of a sudden you've got your gumption back," he said. "I sat down, and you said you were responsible for the loss."
Brian still tried to claim otherwise. "All I'm saying is that I never gave up," he said. Donald called him out: "You gave up the first minute I sat down. I said, 'what are we doing here?'" With looks of agreement on the faces of Carolyn and George, Donald continued, "I sat down and you said, 'You should fire me Mr. Trump.' Isn't that right?" Brian couldn't deny the truth, "Yes it is." In Donald's mind there was nothing more to discuss. "Alright. Brian, you're fired!"
Donald sent the rest of Net Worth out with a warning. "Out! Everyone out. You better get it together, Net Worth," he commanded. With the remaining candidates in an elevator to the Suite, and Brian in an elevator to the street, Donald spoke to George and Carolyn. "I'll tell ya, he was arrogant, and he wasn't smart," he said. Carolyn suggested that the choice was too easy: "This was a waste of our time." George agreed, "If the project manager thinks he ought to be fired, how are you going to defend him?" Donald concurred. "A lack of judgment," he said. "Total lack of judgment."