Why not ? There are many ways to die. Euthanasia is way to end ones life with dignity. Suicides can be quite messy depending on the methods used.Originally posted by HENG@:...
and does that change the end result?
yes. there is no joy in the both of themOriginally posted by phobic:Artificial insemination and having sex can both result in a pregnancy but are they the same ?
oh yesssss. this is my thing.Originally posted by phobic:Major Self Mutilation:
Major self-mutilation refers to acts that severely damage a significant amount of body tissue. These are usually injuries that can only be inflicted once, such as eye enucleation, facial skinning, amputation of the limbs, breasts or genitals. Major self-mutilation is usually inflicted upon the self while in a hallucinatory or "zombie-like" state. This can be caused by mental retardation, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, or the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Sometimes major self-mutilators are unable to explain their injuries. In a case reported by Goodhart and Savitsky in 1933, the subject was a 16 year-old girl who had suffered from chronic encephalitis for eight years prior to the described incident. She was found by her nurse holding her right eye in her hand and claimed that it had fallen out while she slept. Two hours later, her left eye also "fell out". She appeared to experience no pain and appeared unconcerned by her eye enucleation. Later, she would confess that she had felt "hypnotized" and gouged her eyes because of an "irresistible urge."
When patients can give explanations, they frequently deal with sexual themes including transsexualism, control of hypersexuality and homosexuality. In a 1931 article, Lewis describes a 28-year-old man who was hospitalized after a castration attempt resulted in significant loss of blood. Severely depressed and terrified of homosexuality, he had attempted castration several times in the past. Of one of his attempts he said, "I thought I was a terrible person....it seemed that it might prevent me from indulging in sodomy."
Another frequent motivation cited for major self-mutilation is religious guilt . Such reasons can include, commands from God or the devil, identification with Christ and punishing oneself for sin. In such cases, a bible verse shows up surprisingly frequently: Matthew 6:22-23: "What I say to you is: anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts. If your right eye is your trouble, gouge it out and throw it away! Better to lose part of your body than to have it all cast into Gehenna."
Interestingly, eye enucleation as described here has been found to "occur only in Christian cultural areas." Favazza searched for, but was unable to find, a single case of self-enucleation in China, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Japan, or in the aborigines of Australia or natives of Papua New Guinea.
no, i have never seen u guys as crazy, really..Originally posted by HENG@:ratinacage? ignorant? i'd say he's at the forefront of the self-cutting movement. it's more like, to him it's such an everyday thing that it seems hilarious when you "normal" people look at us and think we're "crazy" when to us you seem as "crazy" as we do to you.![]()
we don't suffer from it. we enjoy it. your thinking we're suffering already shows u think we r crazy. its not nice to think someone is crazy while they r disembowling you. u should say thank you and be graceful about it.Originally posted by somepersonlah:no, i have never seen u guys as crazy, really..
Ooo..im so sorry, i din knoe ratinacage suffers from this thing..
again..my apologies..
Originally posted by HENG@:we don't suffer from it. we enjoy it. your thinking we're suffering already shows u think we r crazy. its not nice to think someone is crazy while they r disembowling you. u should say thank you and be graceful about it.
crazy? from WHOSE point of view?Originally posted by somepersonlah:
i meant no offence or harm or anything..but u seem so defensive..
n i have never ever even 1 second think that these kinda things are crazy..
what u have just said was really speculative..![]()
Originally posted by somepersonlah:if ur trying to be funny, then FUCK U ASSHOLE..ITS NOT FUNNY..
what i have said was really true..
she was self mutilating herself..obviously..
but since cutiepixie said it wasnt serious, so i think it shouldnt be that serious as others think..
maybe i shud.muahahahahahahahaha.this guy is a fUcking riot!!!!muahahahahahahaOriginally posted by phobic:Maybe you ought to know more about bipolar disorder.
i m sorry for not being in the know,but what do u mean by us, especially those who have or are going through the self mutilation trauma???Originally posted by somepersonlah:yeah..its understandable how and y the public is not able to fully understand these kinda things..
i dont totally blame on ratinacage for his ignorance though..
but seriously, putting those smileys as a response may be quite offensive for some of us, especially those who have or are going through the self mutilation trauma..
these kinda things, to them, are just as serious to someone having cancer and whatnots..really, although its hard for a lot of us to understand its depth of seriousness..
as an example..if someone were to explain how cancer affects people's lives and so on..
and as a response, u put all those smileys..what would the cancer-stricken people think?
the answer is obvious right..they will also feel offended..
yah, same goes here..
anyways, i dont really blame u..
Originally posted by ratinacage:i m sorry for not being in the know,but what do u mean by us, especially those who have or are going through the self mutilation trauma???
so whos is this US??and why is it a trauma?if its a trauma,pls stop cutting yaself.it hurts like hell,u know.
like i said to the original writer,if all u do is see and and read about it,why question the people who actually put a blade to their flesh?
so what if the cancered patients feel offendFuckinded.
and yes, u can blame me.