Originally posted by wisely_xu:
hihi..me new to this forum.. also quite skinny.. 175 cm, 64 kg nia...
been hitting to the gym and doing some weight lifting etc for some time.
so how many times u all exercise a week huh?
mine plan is ..
me is 4 times a week:
day one : visit the gym plus doing some running and chin up, pullup, push up and dips in nearby park after that.
day two : rest
day three: do dumbell, bench press etc at home with my 2 dumb bells(10- 15 kg each, with removable plates) and situp, crunches, leg rise
day four : rest
day five : do running plus chinup,pullup, dips, push up and situp, crunches, leg rise in nearby park
day six : rest
day seven: go to gym or do dumbbell, bench press etc at home and situp, crunches, leg rise if no time..
i dun really like the idea of concentrating to 1 part of body but workout every major part of body during each session, 3-4 sets per exercise.
u even heavier than me...haha. u know when u do benchpress right when ur chest grows but ur arm muscles didn't grow much and not vice versa. dats why my chest is 'power' but my arms are small....if u use arm muscle to do benchpress then WTF waste time lie down and push, might as well go home do dumbbell, save time, save $ and save other people from queueing for the machine.
Remember.....Go hard or go home ! Go half-fark and you are farked !
always train major muscles before minor
chest, wings ,back = major
biceps, triceps = minor
when u train major u will work out the minor as well although normally not much (unless u do half-fark) so u don't wanna tire the 'reserve' muscles even b4 u start to pump your lats/pects. like when u do the backpull thingy, u need biceps...so if u tire them out prior to doing then you are farked.
back is important....it helps u prevent injuries to your back when u do benchpress (sometimes the last rep u need to arch your back abit although its 'illegal') or leg squats with weights. u need a strongback to bench heavy weights.
my humble pects