i gonna watch villa bolton later
hes dumb heck care abt him Laughing
where got?
ever TONNE Laughing
erm kk Laughing
wat happened to ah lav?
i got respond, it's she's
crazysuddenly get angry all of a sudden
i got apologise to her
err... sensitive? Laughing dun say crazy later she see she heart brake into pieces Laughing
err... becareful... Ah lav hubby attack u wif parang Laughing
yuan wang ah bao da ren
wa lao she say until like that i tot she joking around
[7:56 pm]
errr translate Laughing
eh her hubby is croco mah... everyone his wifey Laughing
wa kao why they never say anything about ratty?
erm they din cos she din mention Laughing
i think she joking around nia lah, throw tantrums
i tell her i'm joking only
why she say so bad about me? that was the first time i talk to her leh Crying or Very sad
[8:04 pm]
erm... she din think good of you Laughing
Very Happy
talking about me ah
ah lav u bully me lah Crying or Very sad
u also bully me mah
where got?
u say the v word about me
[8:10 pm]
erm Everton almost score Laughing place ur bets now Very Happy
a group of UNDER 20s , talking C o c k , at this site now .... and BORNLOSER also
still want to rub salt lah, Sad
no lah, i eat the salts ok i punish myself
All growing up to be BUS Drivers ...
wound haven heal , still want to say some more ,
ok lah i dun say anything
ok bb i go liao , dont want to talk too much with u , later zi xiao me again
[8:16 pm]
erm ani1?
[8:19 pm]
how come ah
ah death called me crazy wor
and i become croco wife?