Originally posted by Troy437:
As a parent you must do what you can. Do let other people have the chance to talk behind your back saying your kids Bo Kar See...
My parents were very strict with me.
My mother never spare the rod until I stopped lying or creating trouble.
I then realised that, it was everyone's good that I use my common sense and behave well. Dun have to be a genuis......just dun be a jerk which everyone detest.
Well, Troy, mine is like that too. Probably worst. im the eldest and the only son. And not to mention, im the second male in the whole family. My only elder male cousin from my father's side is 12 yrs older than me.. before that i got almost 8 female cousins. Imagine all the excitement in my family when im born~ >.< Im always under pressure to do well in sch, books everything. My relatives like to compare everything de. Not to mention, all my cousins are degree holders and most of them do very well in lfie.. that make things worst~ =X Kana whacked everyday by my dad for almost everything. my dad and i ba zhi bu he when im younger. i liek to argue de. and my dad is always moody when he see me. =X im trained until no matter where i go, after greeting everyone, i just go one place and sit untill we go home.
my father is also under a lot of pressure from my relatives as they are all pretty well off. They are also the very bossy type where they scold u for everything and will not lend a finger to help out. There are times when food / money is a problem also.. Thus my father wants me to do well in my studies and go furthur than he have done..
Anyway i treat it as a very good experience learned. All of these make me a better guy. Also it teaches me the harsh reality in life. im very polite, courteous and guai when im younger. tat last until i get in army. =X
Currently and my dad are on pretty good terms now~ After all i have grow up~~
Despite all these, i like kids~ ^^ If i got mine someday, i teach them proper! make sure tehy learn all the good things first~ the hard way if necessary~