my reply is kinda messy.. i'm never good with organising my words..

it all depends on the situation.. i have frenz who have gotten married at teh young age of 15, 18 cos of pregnancy.. their family is supportive, and it's so much easier to cope for them.
once, my sister popped the question to our mother.. "wat would u do if u realised that one of us is pregnant?" (*there are 3 daughters at home) My mother said, she could help look after the baby, provided that she doesn have to work, so the "mother" can go ahead to do wat she wants, she'll be there..
that is the kinda support u need from the family if u wanna give birth to the baby. u have to noe that u can go out to work or study while ur baby is in safe hands. u have to noe tat no matter wat happens, no matter how big the stress is, ur family will be there for u..
being a mother would mean that u lose the freedom to do things w/o considerin the pros n cons.. u have to start being responsible for ur action cos the moment u did the act w/o protection, u're already being very irresponsible, not to mention gettin urself pregnant. irresponsible to urself, n the baby u carry. my mother is still doin things w/o considerin the p&c.. thats y i can tell u its no good.. u dun wan ur kid to be the one tellin u wat's rite n wats wrong do u? when u're supposed to be teh one they turn to for advice nt the other way round
one more thing would be... when u were childless, u'd be thinkin.. 100 can last me for how many days.. at most, i'll eat instant noodles everyday.. but when u're with a child, u can't do that anymore... teh child/baby needs nutrients.. they need food

being a single mother isn't easy, but being in a marriage just becos of pregnancy isn't that good either.. I've seen it.. my family's like that.. My mother raised all of us single-handedly, we have a father, they're married but he doesn contribute at all. sch fees, livin expenses n everything were forked out by my mother..
n my mother blamed me for that... geez..