Originally posted by Kuali Baba:
Someone recommend me a reliable phone please.
Quite difficult unless you can state what you find so bad/unreliable about your Sony/Ericsson. Lot's of people think they make great phones, so... need to know your problem with them before anyone can recommend, what you might consider, a "reliable phone".
Like personally, I don't like Siemens phones. 2 bad experiences with them. 1 -My friend had one that kept hanging and losing reception. 2 - I still bought one (SL55), also kept hanging and shutting itself off. Kept having to bring it back for repair every few months at first, then became every few weeks. Until, I asked them what would happen once the warrantee runs out and the same problem still persists after so many attempts to fix it, and they told me so matter-of-factly, "Then you must pay for the repair loh?".

No more Siemens for me!