Please visit my website at and please tell me what the race of my dog is called. Im really curious to know. Please do not sabo me and deliberately or jokingly tell me the wrong race. I really want to know what his race is. Thank you.
dog have race meh? i tot only breed. where got such thing as indian or chinese dog
Danisdead101times mean breed?
Li Ka Shing
Yes, breed.
Help me tell me what his breed is. Thank you.
post the pic here lah. cnt log onto yr page
hmm...ive got no idea~ but my guess will be maltese~ anymore guesses?
ok face of a maltese but with yr description of the colr. it shd b a cross w a shitz tsu. got any pic of its tail or the entire side view?
ah nien
i simply believe that your dog is a mixed breed~ maybe you can ask the breeder out~