Was having supper break at boat quay late last night. 2 drunk chinese guys (A & B) started quarreling outside She Bangs n started fighting. B kenna pin down by A. Young ang moh went over n pulled away A. A's attention turn to ang moh. Started shouting at him. B suddenly got up from floor n said something to A. Then shockingly they tag team to whack ang moh. Ang moh tried to run but stumbled n fell hard couple of times. Got kicked n stomped on.
At that moment, yellow city cab drove past. Ang moh jump in. A and B open door n continue whacking. Don't know why TD never drive away. For some reason he got out n locked ang moh in taxi to protect him. TD also kenna whack and had cut on face. By this time police had already been called.
Strangely police only appeared a good 10-15 mins later. By this time, A and B had run away. Statements were being taken and I left. Not sure if ang moh and TD will see justice served.
Poor TD... Wrong place... Wrong time...
No photo? No video?
Knn give me I help to whack the AMDK. Anyhow hop on my taxi...
Got video from car cam for starting of fight. Rest happened behind my taxi. Later try see what I can post.