*dials for legal counsel*Originally posted by littlestream:
Originally posted by laurence82:*dials for legal counsel*![]()
Dear LittlestreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
Is the moon round, square or triangular tonight?
*counsel sends a leter of legal demand*Originally posted by littlestream:
Dear Diary:Originally posted by laurence82:Dear Littlestream
Its all three
Round symbolises cash or coins
Square represents credit cards
Traingular refers to the Temple Street of London, incidentally, its the Fleet Street of lawyers
The moon is sending a message. Do not forget to pay the bill
Yours sincerely, Diary![]()
Dear LittlestreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
My engrish is not very good. I catch no balls what you wrote up there.
Since your service is not satisfaction guaranteed, do not expect a cheque in the mail.
Dear LittlstreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
I found this on my desktop. What should I do with it?
Dear DiaryOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
I am afraid that I may need to counter-sue.
Rumours have it that you have used my letters to practise your "letters responding skills". That being the case, I have no choice but to be your shifu and you, the tu di.
As I will be visiting Sg in the not too distant future, you may hold the funds in S$ till my arrival.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Diary:Originally posted by laurence82:Dear Littlstream
Its been diagnosed you have been receiving stress from needing to pay the bills. We recommend you log off your internet, go out and smell the fresh cow dung.
Yours sincerely, Diary![]()
night night Onee san.Originally posted by littlestream:Nite nite mc2 and a wonderful day ahead too.![]()
Dear Diary,Originally posted by laurence82:15 May 2006
Dear Diary
You know those alarm system they installed at the entry/exit of all stores and libraries? That one that goes off annoyingly if you pass through it with stuff you had innocently forgotten to pay or a highly magnetised card in your wallet? I had just discovered a way to make the annoying sounds, less annoying. This is done by stepping in and out of the system rhythmically....you've got to have the rhythm...in and out..in and out..its like lusting for someone..or something..you know..and those rhythm make a nice musical. I did it once, and everyone was looking at me. Their face told me they are in awe and impressed by my alarm system musical. Of course, I had only a few seconds before the burly security guard came over and asked what the hell am i doing. Sheesh, uncultured swine...
Dear LittlestreamOriginally posted by littlestream:Dear Diary:
I'm reporting in for my daily dosage of intellectual stimulation.
What's on the plate today?
dear linyuOriginally posted by LinYu:Dear Dairy,
What shall we do with the bananas? banana split ice-cream? goreng pisang? banana cake?![]()
Dear LinyuOriginally posted by LinYu:Dear Dairy,
What shall we do with the bananas? banana split ice-cream? goreng pisang? banana cake?![]()
Originally posted by laurence82:Dear Littlestream
Fish is brainfood. We suggest you eat the liver of the pufferfish. Nutritious.
Yours sincerely
Only on rainy daysOriginally posted by MosPyramid:Dear Diary,
how many people (mainly gals i mean) really used banana to musterbate?
It is too soft and have dirty layers.