so she's fast asleep...
hope she stays that way...
but shes got the sweetest face..
and she looks so innocent when she's asleep
its hard to imagine that when she's awake
shes the devil in sandals.
but love (or is dat lust?) does that to you
you miss the truth and instead only notice the feet..
and pretty soon you're a foot junkie and nothing
can save you..
n you're whole life is wasted, for what? for country? oh pleeease..
for love? no...
you're a goner becos of the feet..n d armpits of course...
toenails n armpits.. wat can i say...
the devil sent them to tempt
innocent Sinkaporeans like me n you....of course he also
sent the Study Mamas..but they are cool..
(when they go to the market in slinky shorts)
Time to feed d camels...will write again soon...
take care of rover n rovess..tell them i miss them n not to
eat me to the poorhouse....
lots of love n XXX