well, greed will destroy singapore...
the prawning place just got hammered with a 250% increase in rent so the guy said fuck this shit and closed shop
Originally posted by the Bear:well, greed will destroy singapore...
the prawning place just got hammered with a 250% increase in rent so the guy said fuck this shit and closed shop
I like to hang out there sometimes at night... Best thing is cooking the prawns there in the morning after spending the night prawning...
but really, the price increase was omgwtfbbq...
I dont get it.. u pay to prawn.. n cook your own prawns.. mmmm seems like a lot of hard work.
Apparently, Haagen-Dazs has apologized....
..... in one tiny comment in one of their existing posts on their Facebook wall.
Gosh, their PR department needs a serious wake-up call.
And seriously, what's this I'm reading about banning guide dogs from public premises 'out of respect to our Muslim friends'? Drag us Muslims into this for what?
I have no issue with letting guide dogs in as long as reasonable precautions are taken. Say if the dog poo-poos or slobbers all over the place, then out he goes. Otherwise, let the blind fella have his guide dog, I say.
Originally posted by fudgester:Apparently, Haagen-Dazs has apologized....
..... in one tiny comment in one of their existing posts on their Facebook wall.
Gosh, their PR department needs a serious wake-up call.
And seriously, what's this I'm reading about banning guide dogs from public premises 'out of respect to our Muslim friends'? Drag us Muslims into this for what?
I have no issue with letting guide dogs in as long as reasonable precautions are taken. Say if the dog poo-poos or slobbers all over the place, then out he goes. Otherwise, let the blind fella have his guide dog, I say.
That is where general knowledge comes in... Not many ppl know that MUIS allows guide dog into halal premises...
I also just found out after this incident...
But one thing I do agree is that the ministry does need to promote the knowledge on guide dogs...
time to finish up for the day
The lowest-cost version of the 'stripped-down' iPhone 5C will cost.....
..... S$848.
Okay, Apple, I really don't see how this is supposed to fight Samsung.
Originally posted by fudgester:The lowest-cost version of the 'stripped-down' iPhone 5C will cost.....
..... S$848.
Okay, Apple, I really don't see how this is supposed to fight Samsung.
They are living in a denial state where they still think their fanboys could sustain them...
Originally posted by fudgester:The lowest-cost version of the 'stripped-down' iPhone 5C will cost.....
..... S$848.
Okay, Apple, I really don't see how this is supposed to fight Samsung.
and there was even a comment to say that "it's affordable"
there will still be suckers
My mid-range Sony Xperia V cost me just $525 off the shelf.... and it works extremely well without looking like crap.
And I have a solid 40GB of space after I stuck a 32GB microSD card ($24 at Sim Lim) in there. And I can just drag and drop files in there using any computer without using iTunes, and I can watch any video format I like without having to convert them first.
Oh, and it has shock and water resistance..... perfect for using Runkeeper on my runs.
Can the Apple fanboys please tell me why I should downgrade to the iPhone 5c?
Welcome to the Sony family
My Xperia S is due for an upgrade in few months time... Looking at the Xperia Z (not the ultra version)...
Funny news of the Day
Colorado man reined in for drunken horseback riding
Guy attempted a ride 600 mile to attend his brother's wedding... and oh, he had a small pug in his backpack too...
I had the first Xperia Arc when it was still Sony Ericsson.
Then when it was time to get rid of it, I didn't hesitate to go for Sony again.
FS urged me to go for Xperia Z or Galaxy Note II..... but like I told her, I only want a relatively small, lightweight and rugged phone that I can bring along to go running.
To me phablets are just weird. Too big and heavy to go running with, and too small to use effectively as an organizer and mobile video screen.
Yes, I agree the large size is abit turnoff actually...
Which is why I considered Xperia Z and not the Xperia Ultra Z...
Before my Xperia S, it was Sony Ericsson Vivaz... Extremely good camera and video capabilities during the time when it came out... The only problem it had was the symbian OS instead of android, which cause it to have lack of apps...
i hardly use the apps on my BB since i've the PC at work and home; just not the type that needs to be "online" 24/7"
ok, perhaps time to wrap things up and head to the park for a walk
Originally posted by fudgester:The lowest-cost version of the 'stripped-down' iPhone 5C will cost.....
..... S$848.
Okay, Apple, I really don't see how this is supposed to fight Samsung.
Furthermore, the $30 covers that it comes with look like the phone equivalent of Crocs.
Sigh..... Nokia. I remember when I bought my very first phone, the 3310, with hard-earned money from working at 7 Eleven.
And I remember you were the Big Man on Campus if you had the 8250.
Now Nokia doesn't even own its own company. How the mighty have fallen.
let's see what they come up with in the next year
Originally posted by fudgester:Sigh..... Nokia. I remember when I bought my very first phone, the 3310, with hard-earned money from working at 7 Eleven.
And I remember you were the Big Man on Campus if you had the 8250.
Now Nokia doesn't even own its own company. How the mighty have fallen.
Ah.... my 8210 was sweet back then... specially so when I personally modded my own phone like changing buzzer, adding LEDs of different color and sticking a neoprint behind the screen...
Heck, I even got parts and repaired the phone when it was faulty~
Windows 8 for phones is pretty much a dead end. Surface tablets aren't flying off the shelves either.
Whoever isn't using iOS is using Android. Simple as that. Had Nokia used Android from the start of the smartphone revolution they would be ahead of Samsung right now, considering the huge amount of goodwill they built up with their dumbphones.
Microsoft should really just give up trying to break into the smartphone and tablet market. They should just learn from the wreck that is Windows 8 and focus on making Windows 9 for PCs.
problem is for Microsoft, the higher ups believed that hardware companies (IE: phone makers) are not churning out good sets and thus Window mobile not getting much recognition... Furthermore with Surface, they believed that they need a team of experienced staff with good background, thus bought over nokia phone production...
And looking by international trends, with the declining sales of PC and the increase in mobile device, they want a piece of the pie too... Pretty acceptable thinking...
However, instead of taking things into their own hands like buying over nokia, they could jolly well spend the huge ammount of money for R&D and better colaboration with the hardware makers...