it's gonna be a tough day in the office
Fatigue is not going to stop me today~~~
Packed schedule is not going to stop me today~~~
bloody ineffiency is making things hard for me todaay >____>
I have a rather short tolerance when ppl do things inefficently... but of coz, efficiency is subjective...
during peak hours is one thing...
problem is where does the route run???
eh...? meaning...?
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:eh...? meaning...?
well, private bus to fuel those needs at private housing or hard to reach places like industrial parks, CBP (changi business) etc is still ok...
But if CBD then it's adding more vehicle into the thick load... It is about efficiency and not simply "adding more transport vehicle" to ease the load...
U add more vehicle to hog up the road, u dun call it easing >____>
Private bus company usually do not have those double deck de, thus their big bus are quite a road hogger in squeezy CBD...
Oh btw, here comes another building to join the achimedes death ray building at Las Vegas... but this time, the building in London
Parking bays under a £200m London skyscraper have been suspended - after motorists complained sunlight reflecting off the building is melting their cars.
City workers parking under 20 Fenchurch Street - dubbed 'the walkie talkie' - say the skyscraper's distinctive shape is reflecting intensely bright light onto the road below.
Martin Lindsay, the director of a tiling firm, said the bodywork on his Jaguar was left damaged and warped after he parked his vehicle under the 37-storey building last week.
He told City AM: 'They’re going to have to think of something. I’m gutted. How can they let this continue?'
Read more at the link...
Oh, this is how the building looks like...
add 榴莲壳 spikes like our assplanade
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Oh btw, here comes another building to join the achimedes death ray building at Las Vegas... but this time, the building in London
Parking bays under a £200m London skyscraper have been suspended - after motorists complained sunlight reflecting off the building is melting their cars.
City workers parking under 20 Fenchurch Street - dubbed 'the walkie talkie' - say the skyscraper's distinctive shape is reflecting intensely bright light onto the road below.
Martin Lindsay, the director of a tiling firm, said the bodywork on his Jaguar was left damaged and warped after he parked his vehicle under the 37-storey building last week.
He told City AM: 'They’re going to have to think of something. I’m gutted. How can they let this continue?'Read more at the link...
i'm still stunned by how the supposedly "highly regarded" architects forget something as simple as a concave mirrored surface will concentrate sunlight to become a death ray
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm still stunned by how the supposedly "highly regarded" architects forget something as simple as a concave mirrored surface will concentrate sunlight to become a death ray
and one of our local building is also built in such a way... heng is long distance away, but the laser it shoots into my cubicle is extremely glaring
Our own Nod's Obelisk of Light
One day Imma gonna take photo, use fotoshop and add into a few obelisk beside and post it on 9gag
gute morgen!
Goed morgen.
cold morning...
i shld have slept in at home...
i know what you mean! i was saying the same thing to myself when i went out for a run this morning.
going head off in 30min
Good morning - it's a wet one.
looks like a long one too
The story goes that there is 'ponding' at Clementi and Bukit Timah.
And a new waterfall at NUS.
Shucks man, how did we fall to this level?