you need to get a life outside of buses, transportation, groceries
Good morning
Been eating self-made pumpernickel bread sandwiches for breakfast and lunch over the past few days.
My very first bite nearly made me retch.
I quickly learnt that you should toast it first. After toasting, it was actually quite pleasant.
I guess you're not used to it. I don't usually toast my breads, not even those black breads, and sometimes they're served just the way they are with butter, worst or lard. But I'm strange like that.
I guess pumpernickel is an acquired taste, and I have yet to acquire it.
I'll just toast it for now. Luckily my workplace pantry has a toaster, compared to back when I was in NUS and had to eat all packed lunches as they are.
Lunch options around my workplace are dismal at best. Just one miserable nasi padang stall at the staff canteen and a 24-hour Indian Muslim restaurant nearby which has incredibly oily and greasy food.
Packed lunches are the only way for me to eat healthily.
all this talk about food and i'm going out in a while to forage...
and also to try not to get lost in AMK while looking for a photo studio to get my new staff ID pass made...
any suggestions for nosh in AMK?
AMK got the hidden gems in the industrial areas...
there's also that HotStone thingy western shop which I used to go with ah bak, ah lau and tini when it was at boat quay...
Originally posted by the Bear:all this talk about food and i'm going out in a while to forage...
and also to try not to get lost in AMK while looking for a photo studio to get my new staff ID pass made...
any suggestions for nosh in AMK?
Usually we eat at S-11 (Rasa Sayang western food, mutton soup) or at the market in Central (duck rick, kway chap, mee rebus)
Originally posted by sbst275:I go on.. the bus kids will moan…
... ... ...
By any chance, did u attempt to make it rhyme...?
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
... ... ...By any chance, did u attempt to make it rhyme...?
opposite path light?
kian seng?
Originally posted by FireIce:opposite path light?
kian seng?
I'm going down to Botanic Gardens later. Bukit Timah side.
Does the nasi lemak at Adam Road still live up to its hype?
i ended up just going on the CTE and coming home
anyway, i see a guy trying to sell a 16GB Nexus 7 (wifi & 3G) for $300
considering i got a new 32GB version for $360 and they gave me a crappy rubber cover free, he should rethink his price
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:I guess you're not used to it. I don't usually toast my breads, not even those black breads, and sometimes they're served just the way they are with butter, worst or lard. But I'm strange like that.
i'm the complete opposite...if there's a toaster or oven available, i'll toast my bread
Originally posted by cassie:you need to get a life outside of buses, transportation, groceries
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Usually we eat at S-11 (Rasa Sayang western food, mutton soup) or at the market in Central (duck rick, kway chap, mee rebus)
the duck noodles is my fav since 2 decades ago
had rasa sayang chicken chop 2 weeks ago
rber to check out tip top curry puff too
say food oni si fireice pop up anywhere
I ran from my workplace in Braddell to Botanic Gardens (Bukit Timah side) yesterday.
On the map it was only 7 clicks, but it was harder than I thought it would be. I had to carry my backpack carrying a change of clothes, and that weighed me down.
Also, I didn't realize that at Lornie Road, there would be a section that goes over the PIE with no pedestrian footpath. I had to cheat a little by taking a bus over the viaduct.
why not leave a week's of clothing, towel, toiletries in the office? you can drop it off on a sunday or weekend.
So many ppl into running these days. Even MPB.
As for bread, I don't like it toasted unless I have some strong craving for junk food then it be white toasted bread with lots of butter
and u are stalking me, rite.