gute morgen!
bought a nice loaf of raisin + seed bread this morning
Originally posted by sbst275:Auntie Saw in the papers today… her share bonus in SMRT got forfeited…
but now she in Auric Pacific.. F&B…
next time the bread comes with cable ties as well...
Luckily if the factory grinds to a halt, we won't be plunged into a crisis.
KB in the house~~~
from europe?
^waves to KB^
Yup, I was in Brussels when I posted that. Now I'm in Berlin, via Ghent and Cologne. The past couple of days have been trying, but it's not because of the holiday.
Ohhhh~ Did u take a nice peekture of the cologne church!??!?!?
I always wanted to go visit the church...
On the side note, I'm craving for some grilled vegetables salad...
I have ate too much BBQ/grilled dinner these days... Need to eat more veg to balance out...
sure boh?
afterwards lunch...make sure you whack salad bowl
15 days into Ramadan.
Already lost 3.5 kg.
zzzz... afte rfood coma >___>
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Ohhhh~ Did u take a nice peekture of the cologne church!??!?!?
I always wanted to go visit the church...
Yup, go and check my Day 41 tweet (Monday morning or afternoon).
Cool, I'll have a look after my lessons...
So quiet here.
Still got me here leh
Tat said, I saw a very nice pillow from afar... at first it looked like a pack of potato chips (Lays)... when I go near, I found out it's actually a pillow instead, but it looked the same as a lay's BBQ chips...
So cuteeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It was rather irresistable till I saw the price of Lays... $6.10 for 1 packet... I dun remember Lay's being soooo much expensive
But ... A pillow which looked exactly like a pack of potato chips is seriously tempting... ... ...
i have that pillow
u want?
afternoon folks