i'm going to sleep after the night shift.. but first, i'm setting up the d/l of Sharknado
i'm super zzz. usual monday zzz no matter how much rest i get over the weekend
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm going to sleep after the night shift.. but first, i'm setting up the d/l of Sharknado
Does this sum up what you're doing?
Good evening from Antwerp. I still have about 10 minutes left of 'yesterday'.
how long will you be there?
Leaving for Brussels afterwards.
The muscle from brussels.
Well I ate mussels while I was in Antwerp. Delicious!
any interesting or outta ordianry fare you tried in the last few weeks?
Sharknado was hilarious when it wasn't supposed to be... today's d/l is Atlantic Rim.. as opposed to Pacific Rim
hmmm maybe i should take a peep
d/l'ed.. but going to work in a while so i'll leave Atlantic Rim until tonight...
in the meantime the lappie is pumping out the righteous blues and jazz of Yoko Kanno and the Seatbelts playing the wonderful music from Cowboy Bebop
people here have such short term memories or rather it's just a ruse to delay things...oh well, need to hit send on a sarky email
Eating chips/fries in this part of Europe at least once a day with mayonaise. They're amazing and I'm not thinking about what's happening inside me.
was too sleepy and tired to watch Atlantic Rim last night.. maybe tonight...
but.. i heard that there will be Sharknado 2!!
Back in office for 1st time in the week...
soooooo many things to catch up on >___>
btw, where can i buy like a couple of litres of isopropyl alcohol (no need to be so high in purity as i'm using it for cleaning)
or even methylated spirit will do
Club 30 Fear Factor challenge:
Listen to the NDP 2013 theme song from start to the end without cringing, facepalming, or banging your head against the desk.
I barely lasted through the whole song.
Originally posted by FireIce:guardian
thanks but i need about a litre of it and this is.. expensive and a bit too high quality and a litre would set me back about $60
Just finished 3 MacDonald happy meal...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Just finished 3 MacDonald happy meal...
are you depressed or something torturing yourself by eating the swill which is not fit for animal consumption, much less human?
poor acid mei mei... who broke your heart?
Originally posted by fudgester:Club 30 Fear Factor challenge:
Listen to the NDP 2013 theme song from start to the end without cringing, facepalming, or banging your head against the desk.
I barely lasted through the whole song.
btw.. i think this would be the 30th year which i've not watched the NDP..
i've always found the whole notion of choreographed "rejoicing" cringeworthy..