am out from lunch onwards. good change i guess
Gonna be a busy week and so is next week...
It's one of the busiest period of the year >___>
morning guys
I really have to wonder what's the worse of two evils:
Forgo my running program and lose my fitness, or just go running anyway and get poisoned by this choking haze?
I already had to forgo my session last night thanks to the PSI levels last night which hit 155.
to the fucking companies who own the plantations in Indonesia burning down the forests: FUCK YOU!
to the fucking companies who blame subsistence farmers who burn the forest down: FUCK YOU!
to the fucking gabraments whose military can do precision insertion of their armed forces into enemy-held territories and do all kinds of shit yet are unable to bring fire-fighters and equipment into the fire-zones: FUCK YOU!!
to those assholes in power who just talk about this shit in their air-filtered, air-conditioned ivory towers while their citizens choke on smog: FUCK YOU!!
in other news, the fucker K Jeyaratnam is proposing we repatriate ALL Indonesian workers back to Indonesia in retaliation for the haze...
what a stupid dumbass twat
To train for IPPT and end up with clogged lungs or flunk my IPPT and save my lungs?
In the meantime, the DJ Rosalyn Lee has mocked the SAF for cutting down on outdoor training as a result of the haze.
Sigh... what's wrong with her? As a frontline medic, I already have to handle respiratory distress casualties under good weather conditions. I see no real benefit in killing our servicemen with COPD and whatnot.
EDMW is slamming her to kingdom come. And with good reason.
I can only see the haze as good training for chemical warfare.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:I can only see the haze as good training for chemical warfare.
it's ok....i don't need that kinda training
well, there are many "celebrities" who shoot off their mouths because they're idiots
i wonder if i should go watch this
Originally posted by the Bear:well, there are many "celebrities" who shoot off their mouths because they're idiots
celebrities include mini-stars?
She seems to think that you can get acclimatized to the haze. Well, breaking news: you can't. Staying for long periods in unhealthy air conditions will simply mess up your lungs. The longer you stay in those conditions, the worse your lungs get. Your lungs will not become more efficient at air filtration the longer you stay in the haze.
If there's any acclimatization, it's all mental. Even then, mental acclimatization is suspect - it may just be the effect of carbon monoxide poisoning your brain and affecting your ability to think.
Besides, it's not as though all outdoor activities have been stopped. They only have been reduced in length and intensity. Maybe instead of a 6km fast march, the troops will do a 4km route march, for example.
Bottom line is this: as a DJ, I thought she would know better than to shoot her mouth off like this. All the more since one of our brothers recently died from respiratory failure due to exposure to smoke grenade fumes.
I hv reduced my physical activities due to the haze
MPB is very happy because now I actually tell him not to jog instead of asking him when he's going for his run.
which are the companies burning their lands now?
from there we can trace
Originally posted by the Bear:which are the companies burning their lands now?
from there we can trace
Shanmugam and Balakrishnan: 'Give us the names of the companies so that we can tekan them'.
Indonesian gahmen: 'Foreign parties should not be interfering with our domestic affairs.'
Eh hello Indonesia.... your domestic smoke is clogging up my Singaporean lungs, okay?
Lemme guess.... once you expose the companies, you say goodbye to your kopi money.... rite?
Originally posted by fudgester:
Shanmugam and Balakrishnan: 'Give us the names of the companies so that we can tekan them'.
Indonesian gahmen: 'Foreign parties should not be interfering with our domestic affairs.'
Eh hello Indonesia.... your domestic smoke is clogging up my Singaporean lungs, okay?
Lemme guess.... once you expose the companies, you say goodbye to your kopi money.... rite?
Actually can also guess which are the companies la
There are only a few companies who have control of the Palm oil trade. It's like a freaking cartel
Dear Reform Party,
Just breathing in the haze is hazardous enough. Please stop smoking your adulterated weed.
Oh wait, you weren't high on weed, you say? Oh dear.....
Originally posted by fudgester:
Dear Reform Party,
Just breathing in the haze is hazardous enough. Please stop smoking your adulterated weed.
Oh wait, you weren't high on weed, you say? Oh dear.....
anyone but these idiots and CSJ
morning guys. hiding indoors for the rest of the day!