Originally posted by SevenEleven:if paying mkt rates prevent corruption? could it be because they are also underpaid?
or maybe undertrained and overworked/understaffed as well.
Originally posted by SevenEleven:if paying mkt rates prevent corruption? could it be because they are also underpaid?
oh I totally support paying market rates, and even beyond that, for civil servants .......
but how performance is measured currently ......... I think that's a big part of the problem ....
Originally posted by Fatum:oh I totally support paying market rates, and even beyond that, for civil servants .......
but how performance is measured currently ......... I think that's a big part of the problem ....
I was just commenting to a colleague the other day. the AWS and annual bonus is pretty much the same rate for everyone.
And the difference between a C grader and A grader for the perfomance bonus? Very little.
oh yah... mat alamak?
he swam.. if you want to pay >50% taxes in order to have enough people to patrol the borders so much so that it becomes like a police state, then put your hand up...
section 55 was talked about so much by the bleeding hearts.. so much so that i think the branch was actually disbanded...
as for complacency, we have told people again and again that all it takes is one... civilians forget that when we refer everyone who has problems with passports to be checked thoroughly... and when we do, everyone rides the guys' ass about it.. from the goddamned CAS to the people who have problem passports.. that includes assholes who "lose" their passports, report it lost, find it again and continue to use the "lost" passport... at least 3 to 4 hours of everyone's time is wasted...
as for the "fake passport"... do you know that the people over on the other side actually sell real passports? i'm betting the PRC side found him.. and he admitted it.. and they reported it as a "fake passport"
we've seen way too many real passports held by people who have other identities.. because they "paid someone" to make one...
what i question is TR's agenda... it doesn't matter to them if they get just one side of the story, mudraking is the be all and end all
btw.. in order to handle the volume of travellers, the guys have been rostered about 2x the amount of OT this month... this is for all the people who kpkb about "why is this place that place not manned" and if it is, "why are the so many people when there is no traffic"
*rant over*
Originally posted by av98m:not enough money in the training budget?
no.. they just don't want to do it, and they don't want to change the system where they need not do anything
Originally posted by Fatum:oh I totally support paying market rates, and even beyond that, for civil servants .......
but how performance is measured currently ......... I think that's a big part of the problem ....
performance in higher places?
in many places, it's dependent on how well you kiss ass
Originally posted by av98m:I was just commenting to a colleague the other day. the AWS and annual bonus is pretty much the same rate for everyone.
And the difference between a C grader and A grader for the perfomance bonus? Very little.
it goes beyond that .....
I was just commenting about this article that appeared in the rag last wednesday I think .... one of the former teacher of one of the DTE slashers were commenting on the little prick's behaviour in school .... and he was a prick even then, tossing desks at teachers, challenging them, such that some teachers were afraid of him. And he could get away with it cos he knew the principal would avoid calling in the police at all cost .......
his PB at stake mah .....
and that's a big part of the problem .... problems get swept underneath the carpet, statistics get massaged ... right from the bottom upwards people are telling their higher ups what they wanted to hear, and so on up the chain .... and so we have the ironic situation of reported crimes going down while kids are slashing people on the streets, loan sharks run wild, and ah tiongs infest our country with impunity ....
a pigeonhole EC at Buangkok starts at $695k????
it's a $*#&^ EC for crying out loud!!
the normal units are over $1m????
WTF is going on????
Originally posted by Fatum:it goes beyond that .....
I was just commenting about this article that appeared in the rag last wednesday I think .... one of the former teacher of one of the DTE slashers were commenting on the little prick's behaviour in school .... and he was a prick even then, tossing desks at teachers, challenging them, such that some teachers were afraid of him. And he could get away with it cos he knew the principal would avoid calling in the police at all cost .......
his PB at stake mah .....
and that's a big part of the problem .... problems get swept underneath the carpet, statistics get massaged ... right from the bottom upwards people are telling their higher ups what they wanted to hear, and so on up the chain .... and so we have the ironic situation of reported crimes going down while kids are slashing people on the streets, loan sharks run wild, and ah tiongs infest our country with impunity ....
what needs to happen is that the people on top and in the middle need to stop shooting the bearers of bad news. we've been stopped from telling the whole truth more than once because management are pussies.
and that is the reason why you see so mainly brainless replies to the press that look like they were lifted off a standard template.
For example, I once drafted a 2 page reply to a query that addressed each question point by point......it got whitted down to a 3 line paragraph that totally didn't address the issues raised, by people above me.
I can’t say I like the PRCs but to be fair, considering the amount of them infesting our country, there have not been that many crimes allegedly committed by them in the news.
Either that or everything got swept under the carpet.
These festering social issues worry me, but almost every place on earth is in decline and has self-serving politicians. All I can do is bite the bullet and pray that shit doesn't happen to me.
Originally posted by the Bear:WTF???
a pigeonhole EC at Buangkok starts at $695k????
it's a $*#&^ EC for crying out loud!!
the normal units are over $1m????
WTF is going on????
rich foreigners/new citizens driving up property prices?
Originally posted by Fatum:
This is more facepalm... especially the comment near the end...
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:These festering social issues worry me, but almost every place on earth is in decline and has self-serving politicians. All I can do is bite the bullet and pray that shit doesn't happen to me.
my sentiments.
if this/life is what i'm handed with, i just make the best out of it...unless i can change things...won't do much just sitting here complaining
Back from NEX....the place is so cramped and crowded now.
Won't be back in a jiffy.
U'll get into trouble if u do this in singapore though...
Wow that is expensive for a EC in Buangkok. How do people afford the new HDBs these days with a combined income of 8k…. I mean seriously with 4 rooms starting at 400k
Originally posted by elindra:Wow that is expensive for a EC in Buangkok. How do people afford the new HDBs these days with a combined income of 8k…. I mean seriously with 4 rooms starting at 400k
maybe that is why more and more embezzlement/corruption cases are surfacing
Yeah.. work done for the day..!! at least can rest till 4pm... :)
haiz.....if combined 8K or even 10K&over cannot afford, then i think my friend and her hubby with their combined income of only 4K max, is very lucky liao wor .. they managed to secure a Seng Kang 4room flat.
Originally posted by 16/f/lonely:Back from NEX....the place is so cramped and crowded now.
Won't be back in a jiffy.
any worthwhile deals?
Originally posted by 16/f/lonely:Back from NEX....the place is so cramped and crowded now.
Won't be back in a jiffy.
i am going there again tonight... dinner with my friend...
Originally posted by elindra:Wow that is expensive for a EC in Buangkok. How do people afford the new HDBs these days with a combined income of 8k…. I mean seriously with 4 rooms starting at 400k
One of my friend's friend got rejected of selecting their NORMAL 4room HDB flat. Reason being her hubby got a promotion and their combine salary hit above the 8k ceiling.
They were told to queue for an EC under the DBSS at Buangkok.They opt for the 3 bedroom unit and was told the price is $1,000,000.
They went ahead and took the max 30years loan. Monthly need to fork out around $2k in cash after deducting CPF.
My eyes nearly pop out..... Whichmeans, they can't go out of job for the next 30 years.
And they said will have a problem if they ever have children...
Originally posted by zoragirl:One of my friend's friend got rejected of selecting their NORMAL 4room HDB flat. Reason being her hubby got a promotion and their combine salary hit above the 8k ceiling.
They were told to queue for an EC under the DBSS at Buangkok.They opt for the 3 bedroom unit and was told the price is $1,000,000.
They went ahead and took the max 30years loan. Monthly need to fork out around $2k in cash after deducting CPF.
My eyes nearly pop out..... Whichmeans, they can't go out of job for the next 30 years.
And they said will have a problem if they ever have children...=_______="
eh... does EC commands the same or better resale price when it is sold after a few years of stay?
My friend lost quite a lot of money when he sold his Bishan EC.. -.-"
Originally posted by zoragirl:One of my friend's friend got rejected of selecting their NORMAL 4room HDB flat. Reason being her hubby got a promotion and their combine salary hit above the 8k ceiling.
They were told to queue for an EC under the DBSS at Buangkok.They opt for the 3 bedroom unit and was told the price is $1,000,000.
They went ahead and took the max 30years loan. Monthly need to fork out around $2k in cash after deducting CPF.
My eyes nearly pop out..... Whichmeans, they can't go out of job for the next 30 years.
And they said will have a problem if they ever have children...=_______="
2k per month for THIRTY YEARS
that's a tough way to live -_-"
Originally posted by cassie:
any worthwhile deals?
There's just plenty of food.
zora> wtfffff.....2k for 30 years?!
That's not ownership of flat at all as much as the elites say.