7-11 just sent pic of trishaw noodles he's eating
The PRCs actually eat the Peacock bass? I understand that for Peacock bass to even taste palatable, you have to remove the skin because the skin taste really bad. But the look of them just puts me off and I don’t think I can ever bring myself to eat a Peacock bass.
yeah... but type it as "la che" noodle...
but i tot trishaw noodles is "che zai" noodle???
Actually the PRCs should learn how to ID the peacock bass and other fishes they fish out.
Some cost a few hundred dollars in the pet market.
Originally posted by elindra:The PRCs actually eat the Peacock bass? I understand that for Peacock bass to even taste palatable, you have to remove the skin because the skin taste really bad. But the look of them just puts me off and I don’t think I can ever bring myself to eat a Peacock bass.
they tah bao and eat everything ..... if you go to bedok jetty nowadays you'll see hordes of ah tiongs jigging away at the tambans too .....which I use only as bait ...
it's not surprising really .... the ah tiongs in pluto like to fish too ..... and they too, cull everything they catch ..... when the fishery chaps see an asian face they'll check you thoroughly, and I don't blame them one bit ...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:yeah... but type it as "la che" noodle...
but i tot trishaw noodles is "che zai" noodle???
dunno leh.. i see the hawker centre signs and they say "trishaw noodles"
Originally posted by elindra:Actually the PRCs should learn how to ID the peacock bass and other fishes they fish out.
Some cost a few hundred dollars in the pet market.
hopefully not .......
else we'll see, coming to a reservior near you ........................... the ah tiong professional poacher ....
i'm hungry.. i'll go eat some cereal
back in a while
Originally posted by the Bear:dunno leh.. i see the hawker centre signs and they say "trishaw noodles"
maybe is trishaw noodle but chinese got different way of writing ba... maybe due to dialacts...
hmmm... maybe I go have lunch with boss today instead of going to daiso...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
maybe is trishaw noodle but chinese got different way of writing ba... maybe due to dialacts...
hmmm... maybe I go have lunch with boss today instead of going to daiso...
still think your boss is making a move on you
Let’s put it this way. It’s free food for them.
I know some people who lose their 5 digit Kois and 4 digit stingrays to foreign workers
ahhh.. those who put them in their outdoor ornamental ponds come home one day to see that they've disappeared and there's a smell of barbequed sambal in the air...
oh oh.. i was reading some movie reviewer and the guy was saying this is one of the best movies he's seen.. and although the title suggests it, it's not pr0n... ahahahahah!!
i had to download it.. i'll watch it soon
Originally posted by elindra:Let’s put it this way. It’s free food for them.
I know some people who lose their 5 digit Kois and 4 digit stingrays to foreign workers
nthing still beats 6 digit stingray eh...?
ho ho ho .....
you know, the boss of a com that I'm having some dealings with ..... he's got a honking big tank in the orpid lobby .... with a very nice dragon fish in it ...... something in the region of 5 figures .......
I went there last week to pick up a check .... the tank was empty .....
the fish's inside the office freezer, dead .......... some fellow who's been arrowed to feed the critter probably killed it, by emptying the half eaten cereal they used to feed the crickets with into the tank too ....
I asked if he planned to eat the fish ........... wrong question ....
Originally posted by the Bear:ahhh.. those who put them in their outdoor ornamental ponds come home one day to see that they've disappeared and there's a smell of barbequed sambal in the air...
oh oh.. i was reading some movie reviewer and the guy was saying this is one of the best movies he's seen.. and although the title suggests it, it's not pr0n... ahahahahah!!
i had to download it.. i'll watch it soon
konryuu dragon?
I also recommend it to AV sometime ago
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
maybe is trishaw noodle but chinese got different way of writing ba... maybe due to dialacts...
hmmm... maybe I go have lunch with boss today instead of going to daiso...
i'm still trying to figure out what noodles you guys are talking about
I think he got carrot head la or he really inflated the price very high
No ray is worth that much. There are 2 that may be worth that much but from the last check they are still with their owners and not for sale at all.
I wish there is a picture of the stingray. I think the Chinese papers had a picture of a ray but I highly doubt that is the ray in question because the ray featured is only worth 4 digits. Not even 5 digits.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
konryuu dragon?
I also recommend it to AV sometime ago
dunno the japanese title but the title is hilarious in itself...
the premise is that strippers had to battle zombies after some book of the dead is found... probably the same schlocky type of movie as Tokyo Gore Police, Machine Girl and Robo-Geisha
@Cassie: Soba... aka buckwheat noodle...
@ah bear: u forgot onne chanbara (or something like this de)... Some of these shows although they use AV stars, it's actually eh, not porn, but damn funny as heck (likely becoz it's kinda stupid that it became funny )...
I’ve been to houses with 6 digits worth of fishes swimming outside in the garden.
Even my current run of bad luck with my tank cost me losses of 4 digits -_-“
On Sunday, 2 of my friend’s fishes died and that cost him close to 1k
In conclusion, keeping an aquarium is a very expensive hobby compared to say a dog.
One of my friend’s complained that his brother paid $900 bucks for a toy poodle and that it’s so expensive. I told him to suck it up because $900 won’t pay for the fish I want.
for $900 I would get an Accurate Boss fishing reel like MPB and load it with varivas braided PE line and catch a boat load of fish instead ...
$900 would get me the bunny + extended cage and pen and still have enough left over for kitty litter and a couple of months' food for the fella
Good morning....
Some time back, ah long sent a letter (owe $ pay $ and photo showing paint splash at one unit) together with hell notes to my home, which is meant for 3rd floor (same unit number).
The hell notes scared the hell of my folks, they threw away and we made a police report.
This morning, the ah long vandalised every level with those "Owe $ Pay $ and write the floor and unit number and the person name" on EVERY floor...
Now we wonder, next step is it they will splash paint to each unit....
Originally posted by zoragirl:Good morning....
Some time back, ah long sent a letter (owe $ pay $ and photo showing paint splash at one unit) together with hell notes to my home, which is meant for 3rd floor (same unit number).
The hell notes scared the hell of my folks, they threw away and we made a police report.
This morning, the ah long vandalised every level with those "Owe $ Pay $ and write the floor and unit number and the person name" on EVERY floor...
Now we wonder, next step is it they will splash paint to each unit....
take pictures, and show them to your MP at the next meet-the-people .....
elections' coming .... they will certainly listen now ....
Got any pet that brings me income instead??