Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:They are my favourite Marie Biscuits.. mebbe cos they have a slight Vanilla sweetness :D
OOh I support M&S too.. their almond biscuits especially
And Arnott's ginger snaps!
that's it! i'm heading down to wheelock place this weekend!!!!
morning everyone...
hmmm, shld I head down to daiso during lunchtime or after work...
Going there afterwork = alot of ppl...
what do you want to buy there?
i usually end up buying a truckload of crap there
ehhh... some jap food stuff
buying from yamazaki is much nearer to my house but the price is rather expensive >__>
I'll refrain from buying any other... eh... ... ... "stuff" at daiso this time... though most of the time I'll buy something then find no use for it -___-
i'm thinking of getting cold noodle sauce there... at $2, it's cheap as heck
wonder if they have cold noodles there too?
i end up with loads everytime i step into daiso but they make great xmas stocking fillers for my baby couzs
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm thinking of getting cold noodle sauce there... at $2, it's cheap as heck
wonder if they have cold noodles there too?
IIRC they do... but it got tat irritating cheap powdery taste >___>
You can find some of the most outrageous things there - like computer diskettes.
Originally posted by the Bear:i'm thinking of getting cold noodle sauce there... at $2, it's cheap as heck
wonder if they have cold noodles there too?
the noodle sauces are always out ......
I was just hunting for them at PS on sunday ....
i bought some stationery there yesterday.. some sticky pads and some sticky tape...
mostly, i buy their air-fresheners
I just realised that MPB's Dorado actually like fish pelelts
From what I know from other Dorado keepers they tend to just want live food
we were there looking for ribbons and such ......
doing arts and crafts for our wedding ..... I lingered for a bit at the fishing section looking at the squid lures but fatumnette growled and I quickly slinked away ....
Originally posted by elindra:I just realised that MPB's Dorado actually like fish pelelts
From what I know from other Dorado keepers they tend to just want live food
the critter needs to be temperature controlled ? .......
if it can live in tropical waters I think some anglers would have a wet dream and release a bunch of them into our reserviors ......
this critter would make a peacock bass look like a milkfish .....
Originally posted by Fatum:the critter needs to be temperature controlled ? .......
if it can live in tropical waters I think some anglers would have a wet dream and release a bunch of them into our reserviors ......
this critter would make a peacock bass look like a milkfish .....
these anglers should be dragged over broken glass, then over salt, then tortured slowly to death
Originally posted by the Bear:these anglers should be dragged over broken glass, then over salt, then tortured slowly to death
well .... the peacock bass is already entrenched in our local waters ..... and edging the toman out .....
eradication is impossible I think ..... that's why many of the native fishes that were common when I was young are now pretty rare .... like the sampan fish, aka gouramies ....
Originally posted by Fatum:the critter needs to be temperature controlled ? .......
if it can live in tropical waters I think some anglers would have a wet dream and release a bunch of them into our reserviors ......
this critter would make a peacock bass look like a milkfish .....
No need temperature control
Why you can get Arapaimas in our reserviors. That should put the Dorado to shame
I believe there are Alligator Gars and even the African Tiger Fish in our waters
which is why the assholes who release these fishes ought to be tortured to death...
same as those people who released the terror-pins and they have driven the local box tortoise to the edge of extinction
The problem about Peacock Bass is that they are like black holes
You can never satiate their appetite.
MPB bought one before and I made him sell it off because I will go broke feeding it.
It feeds non-stop and is also aggressive.
Anyway, I bet we can find giant alligator snappers in our waters too
Originally posted by elindra:
No need temperature controlWhy you can get Arapaimas in our reserviors. That should put the Dorado to shame
I believe there are Alligator Gars and even the African Tiger Fish in our waters
tiger fish ? ......
that would give me an angling wet dream ......
*squirts ....
I still maintain that AVA should actually ban sale of Red Earred Sliders and allow the import of more docile turtles and tortoises.
I think the only reason why the RES is allowed is because it’s from USA
Even if the CITESII protected species can be sold like the Radiated and Star tortoises, they are rare in the wild but captive bred ones are doing very well. Even if you don’t allow there are other species like Leopard tortoises which are not going extinct. All they need is a tagging program like the Asian Arowanas.
Originally posted by elindra:The problem about Peacock Bass is that they are like black holes
You can never satiate their appetite.
MPB bought one before and I made him sell it off because I will go broke feeding it.
It feeds non-stop and is also aggressive.
Anyway, I bet we can find giant alligator snappers in our waters too
black hole?
just send LF nor...
she'll nom nom nom all of them...
Err I think you need special equipment to catch the Goliath African Tiger Fish
If I’m not wrong their teeth will just shear off the line.
I think there are also giant African Lungfishes inside too and other giant catfish besides the Red Tail.
Strangely the colourful and relatively peaceful Earth Eaters actually do well in the reserviours
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
black hole?just send LF nor...
she'll nom nom nom all of them...
oh, the peacock bass has met a powerful predator in singapore waters .....
and like itself it's an alien invasive species too ......
the ah tiong ......
the fishing forums are full of rants about ah tiongs who fish illegally with live baits at the reserviors and culling everything they catch ...... and they use baits like fat eyed gold fish which is like cotton candy to the peacocks and they are slaughtering a lot of them .....
of course, naturally, the PUB and Nparks people concentrate only on fining the local sports anglers who strayed from the designated fishing jetties ...
Originally posted by elindra:Err I think you need special equipment to catch the Goliath African Tiger Fish
If I’m not wrong their teeth will just shear off the line.
I think there are also giant African Lungfishes inside too and other giant catfish besides the Red Tail.
Strangely the colourful and relatively peaceful Earth Eaters actually do well in the reserviours
put on a wire leader lor ...... and use metal spoon lures instead of a $40 dollar shiny japan imported plastic lure ....
Originally posted by Fatum:oh, the peacock bass has met a powerful predator in singapore waters .....
and like itself it's an alien invasive species too ......
the ah tiong ......
the fishing forums are full of rants about ah tiongs who fish illegally with live baits at the reserviors and culling everything they catch ...... and they use baits like fat eyed gold fish which is like cotton candy to the peacocks and they are slaughtering a lot of them .....
of course, naturally, the PUB and Nparks people concentrate only on fining the local sports anglers who strayed from the designated fishing jetties ...