I took a walk to the post office, get a stamp booklet and came back...
That shld prevent me from dozing off >__>
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:I took a walk to the post office, get a stamp booklet and came back...
That shld prevent me from dozing off >__>
Craving for a snack
good idea elindra... that's wat I've been saving all my wasabi snacks for...
I'll activate the wasabi peanuts and wasabi seaweed...
that shld keep me awake...
KNS I mean snacks for me not u
finally work done.... tired..!!!
having my tea break/snack now
incidently it's wasabi peas!
Originally posted by elindra:KNS I mean snacks for me not u
well u quoted from me ma... I tot u refering to me...
hmm...wasabi peas.... i go find some later :D
ok...am about to strangle myself...or the client's staff. so so so so so dumb.
simple things like "give me the some numbers" so i could put together a big pic view for the boss and she comes back to ask me for numbers/nitty gritty stuff which is her stuff anyway.
dun angry dun angry...
i am making basil pesto pasta and compliment it with calamares in olive oil :)
weekend is here!
Bah, humbug.
eh? what happened?
cassie, just now i went to the asia pacific food expo... there is another event next to it.. about healthy lifestyle thingy.. featuring stan chart, sundown and loads of run-wears and accessories for sale.. u will like it very much.. i think all runners are there today! hehehe
got long Q anot? maybe i go tomorrow
Originally posted by cassie:got long Q anot? maybe i go tomorrow
bor Q ... but tmr sunday, should be pack bah..
i went for a free BMD test.. see my bones okay or not.. so far, normal and good for my age :)
Originally posted by LOTUSfairy:cassie, just now i went to the asia pacific food expo... there is another event next to it.. about healthy lifestyle thingy.. featuring stan chart, sundown and loads of run-wears and accessories for sale.. u will like it very much.. i think all runners are there today! hehehe
that's the stanchart race pack collection. Not that many people today.
but me quite lazy to go out today...some more now getting warm with the sun out
OMG! I forgot today is princess birthday and my 22nd anniversary!
Originally posted by SevenEleven:
OMG! I forgot today is princess birthday and my 22nd anniversary!
Normal for daddy to forget la
My dad even forgot my age -_-"
I almost bought a vibram but found my right small toe uncomfortable so didn't buy.
Oh yeah. Some sales person for some hair company tried to con me there. I asked "why your company and not all the others around" but she kept trying to talk about other things and saying to try it out for 30 bucks. + keep saying all kinds of things to scare pple.
Then when I asked so after the "special package" how much was the regular treatment and she throw smoke saying it all depends on what you need. Then went on to say if don't use the money on them, the money won't be used.
how can you forget such an important date!!!
anyway, can still salvage...it's only 5pm...go for din
Originally posted by hisoka:I almost bought a vibram but found my right small toe uncomfortable so didn't buy.
Oh yeah. Some sales person for some hair company tried to con me there. I asked "why your company and not all the others around" but she kept trying to talk about other things and saying to try it out for 30 bucks. + keep saying all kinds of things to scare pple.
Then when I asked so after the "special package" how much was the regular treatment and she throw smoke saying it all depends on what you need. Then went on to say if don't use the money on them, the money won't be used.
Just tell her you like your hair the way it is
Originally posted by elindra:
Normal for daddy to forget laMy dad even forgot my age -_-"
LF just woke up a sleeping idiot
Anyway if it's an consolation to you, usually I'm the one forgetting birthdays and anniversaries and not MPB