Originally posted by Fatum:woke up way too early .....
shared a few tuna and cheese sandwich with patches.
discovered an LTA letter in the letterbox ....
the road up to my house, would be closed till 2014 !!!!! ....
we'd have to detour through a loop that cut through what used to be patches' regular pooping ground.
why is it being closed?
at my estate, they're bashing another road through to the AYE because it's getting ridiculous when a whole estate + condo has to go through 1 little lane
but they're getting resistance from the people who live near where the new road is... i dunno, i'd be happy if my side of the neighbourhood has a road out... then i'd not have to drive around the entire estate just to get out
circle line .....
there's going to be an MRT station right down the road .....
folks are happy to endure cos they believe property value would go up .....
patches is pissed cos she liked her regular spots.
property value will go up...
lots easier for people to move about now.. "amenities" which is like a dirty word for some people trying to buy a place...
the amenities are taken into account during the valuation but the owners will still use that to rationalise their demands for an insane COV
well ... I'm lucky in that I got my BTO in the nick of time .....
another year I'd have to report income tax and we'd be really farked .....
Originally posted by Fatum:well ... I'm lucky in that I got my BTO in the nick of time .....
another year I'd have to report income tax and we'd be really farked .....
between zora and i, we don't qualify for the BTO
this is something we as citizens should all qualify for
well, like I said yesterday, they are going to review the income ceiling soon, to five figures.
this makes sense. with a lot of premium HDB flats being pushed out, the 8k ceiling is quite a farce.
Originally posted by Fatum:well, like I said yesterday, they are going to review the income ceiling soon, to five figures.
this makes sense. with a lot of premium HDB flats being pushed out, the 8k ceiling is quite a farce.
I'm starting to wonder how the poorer folks can afford property in singapore anymore.
hey look! it's the critter!!
anyway, the 8K ceiling has not been changed since one of the clerical officers here got married... her daughter is 22 this year...
like i said, mabok tongue needs to be waterboarded then thrown into a pit of bullet ants to be devoured by the insects
Originally posted by av98m:I'm starting to wonder how the poorer folks can afford property in singapore anymore.
soon, mabok tongue will build cardboard shelters under flyovers and sell them to the poorer folks...
and the poorer folks will demand COV for these things to sell to other poorer folks
Well, as you guys know, the FS and I can't even get housing loans because of our utter lack of CPF.... this in spite of our combined allowances of over $6k/month....
Anyway, her mom has bought a flat at Pasir Ris as a retirement home.... we'll be bunking over there for the next couple of years till we graduate. We've already started buying appliances and furniture for it, and we'll start moving in in December.
We figure that once we get proper employment, we can get a place of our own.... and if we really like her mom's place, we can just buy it from her....
Originally posted by av98m:I'm starting to wonder how the poorer folks can afford property in singapore anymore.
well, there's still a range of smaller flats being built to demand right now.
If I remember correctly, for 2 room flats and below, the income ceiling is only 2k.
These are reserved for the really poor folks.
Then there's the additonal housing grant if your income falls below 5k a month. The grant can go up to 40k
Considering that a two room flat costs around 70k and a 3 room 100+, it makes a lot of difference.
I think the class of folks that are really farked right now are the ones raking in more than 8k a month but can't really afford a sizeable condo just yet.
Originally posted by Fatum:
I think the class of folks that are really farked right now are the ones raking in more than 8k a month but can't really afford a sizeable condo just yet.
Yep, usually its the people who marry late.
Originally posted by fudgester:Well, as you guys know, the FS and I can't even get housing loans because of our utter lack of CPF.... this in spite of our combined allowances of over $6k/month....
Anyway, her mom has bought a flat at Pasir Ris as a retirement home.... we'll be bunking over there for the next couple of years till we graduate. We've already started buying appliances and furniture for it, and we'll start moving in in December.
We figure that once we get proper employment, we can get a place of our own.... and if we really like her mom's place, we can just buy it from her....
wait a minute, you can't get housing loans ? ..... cos of CPF ?
that doesn't sound proper ... I got no CPF either cos I'm self employed. My loan quantum is half a million straight off !
give me a call fudgie, I'll see if I can link you up with the bank loans people I know.
they should be able to do something for you.
Originally posted by av98m:Yep, usually its the people who marry late.
you're right.
It's a very good idea to save and save.
if you're gonna take on a mortgage at 35 or later that's a lot less years of productive life. and remember, CPF contributions go down with age.
And with cash premiums the way they are nowadays, without 100 plus k by this age, it's impossible to get a house and fit it out properly.
Originally posted by Fatum:wait a minute, you can't get housing loans ? ..... cos of CPF ?
that doesn't sound proper ... I got no CPF either cos I'm self employed. My loan quantum is half a million straight off !
give me a call fudgie, I'll see if I can link you up with the bank loans people I know.
they should be able to do something for you.
Nah.... it's not just CPF..... our study allowances don't count as proper official income as well, since we don't pay taxes on it. At least, that was what DBS told me when I called.
Oh well, we've already decided on moving in her mom's Pasir Ris flat. As for buying it over or getting a new flat.... that's a problem for two years down the road.
Originally posted by Fatum:you're right.
It's a very good idea to save and save.
if you're gonna take on a mortgage at 35 or later that's a lot less years of productive life. and remember, CPF contributions go down with age.
And with cash premiums the way they are nowadays, without 100 plus k by this age, it's impossible to get a house and fit it out properly.
I hope terrible things happen to marbok tongue. That he lives a long life with much suffering. I really do.
A lot of singles my age are pretty much fucked, the way things are going.
actually, the housing "crisis" won't be a crisis at all if the bastards in power put their foot down and outlaw the COV because all it does is inflate prices...
and letting public tenement houses which were supposedly subsidised to be used as an asset to make obscene profits from is just fucked up...
if they let them do that for private condos, no one would give a shit.. but HDB flats, where the "amenities" and other shit like location and stuff have been taken into account in the valuation, the COV is bullshit..
and the MIW know that...
however, to remove it now will create a shitstorm so we're stuck with it until someone with the balls to do the right thing comes in.. and looking at politicians who are pseudo-eunuchs, it's never going to happen
Originally posted by the Bear:actually, the housing "crisis" won't be a crisis at all if the bastards in power put their foot down and outlaw the COV because all it does is inflate prices...
and letting public tenement houses which were supposedly subsidised to be used as an asset to make obscene profits from is just fucked up...
if they let them do that for private condos, no one would give a shit.. but HDB flats, where the "amenities" and other shit like location and stuff have been taken into account in the valuation, the COV is bullshit..
and the MIW know that...
however, to remove it now will create a shitstorm so we're stuck with it until someone with the balls to do the right thing comes in.. and looking at politicians who are pseudo-eunuchs, it's never going to happen
yeah, they need to start jailing people for this.
COVs, whether for public or private properties, are a free market mechanism. It would never go away unless the market is no longer free. Without COVs flat values would never go up in valuation.
And because HDB flats make up more than 80% of the housing supply, they have to be managed in the context of the free market cos it's the only way the single biggest asset for the majority of singaporeans would appreciate. That's wealth creation for citizens.
Like I've always said, there are two sides to this coin. On one hand there are the sellers, on the other there are the buyers. Once a chap buys a flat, he instantly goes over to the other side. How would this chap take it if he's told he'll never get more, if not less, for what he got his flat for, regardless of inflation etc ?
The conundrum is that both sides vote.
morning guys
Originally posted by Fatum:COVs, whether for public or private properties, are a free market mechanism. It would never go away unless the market is no longer free. Without COVs flat values would never go up in valuation.
And because HDB flats make up more than 80% of the housing supply, they have to be managed in the context of the free market cos it's the only way the single biggest asset for the majority of singaporeans would appreciate. That's wealth creation for citizens.
Like I've always said, there are two sides to this coin. On one hand there are the sellers, on the other there are the buyers. Once a chap buys a flat, he instantly goes over to the other side. How would this chap take it if he's told he'll never get more, if not less, for what he got his flat for, regardless of inflation etc ?
The conundrum is that both sides vote.
here, you are dead wrong...
HDB flats are leases.. and if i move out i need to buy another place.. and i get hammered with the COV of the other place... borrowing from Peter to pay Paul...
if i want to upgrade to a condo, i better be ready to get hammered by the costs because it's private property..
btw.. HDB flats do not belong in the free market... they were not put up in free market circumstances and you can argue that until the cows come home, they are still not and should never be part of the free market...
talking about COV.., if i have to cough out 50V for a serangoon HDB flat, i would be nibbling on grass for the next few years.. and that 50V comes from 1 person..not from a couple ie 2person.
So single person if needed to buy hdb to stay (away from parents and married sibblings and their extended families) most likely to retire cashless...:(
good morning everyone~
COV only benefits speculators.
And HDB flats are supposed to be PUBLIC HOUSING ! pua cb.