this is cool..
i actually have a pic of me holding one of these things in FB...
its claim to fame is its blue tongue.. that's why it's called a Blue Tongued Skink
How about these cute garden eels? Here's a close up!
Originally posted by the Bear:awww.. but the gila monster is so cute... bright orange and black..
shy creature but with a nasty venomous bite..
sounds like my boss
Originally posted by Master -_-:sounds like my boss
your boss is orange and black?
anyway, i'm off.. back later tonight to post more weird creatures
Originally posted by the Bear:
your boss is orange and black?anyway, i'm off.. back later tonight to post more weird creatures
seriously he is
he is those lightly skinned black american who goes tanning too much
Originally posted by Master -_-:seriously he is
he is those lightly skinned black american who goes tanning too much
That made me ROFL.
Weaver ants building nests. Weaver ants have amongst the most advanced cooperations between individuals.
I would think Ferret would fit in this thread perfectly well.
And at least another 3000 other species of Nudibranchs!
More pictures from NG -
Angora Rabbit
The nightmare of every new boyfriend, this fluffy creature looks like a science experiment crossing a Sasquatch and a kitten gone wrong. It’s just a rabbit, however. They were exceptionally popular in the 17th and 18th centuries among European nobility as lap pets, and many different hybrids were bred to suit changing tastes of different royalty. The angora rabbit is still popular to this day.
Star Nosed Mole
Pucker up. The star nosed mole is a tenacious creature, able to withstand severe cold and burrow easily through ice to make its home and find food. It lives in Canada and the East Coast of the United States. It favors a high protein diet of clams, snails, small rodents, mollusks and worms. It’s not a very big creature – about the size of a hand. But its 22 nose tentacles are hard to miss. They help the mole find food.
Bell-Bearer Leaf Hopper
The Bell bearer leafhopper (Bocydium globulare) probably has the strangest thorax among insects. It appears to be a leafhopper carrying a 1950's modernist sculpture on it's back. This 4mm leaf hopper is from South America (most of the pictures I found were taken in Brazil) and is a member of the Membracidae family which are known for their strange shapes. Many members of the Membracidae family would make lovely organic modernist pieces. The growth on its thorax breaks easily and might be carried off instead of the leafhopper by a predator. It is also theorized that the growth on this leafhopper's thorax may mimic an insect's head from the front.
Stalk-Eyed Fly
those are not the antennae, those are the eyes at the end of the stalks...
the males of the species compare how wide their eyes are in bouts of superiority instead of fighting
Tiger Fish
ferocious fish in the Congo River... look at the bloody teeth!!
here's another..
the Patagonian Mara... it's a rodent with legs like a small deer and a head which looks like.. i dunno..
but cute..
Originally posted by the Bear:here's another..
the Patagonian Mara... it's a rodent with legs like a small deer and a head which looks like.. i dunno..
but cute..
One of guinea pig or capybara weird relatives.
Atlas moths are 30cm across, and the tips of their wings resemble cobra heads...and yes, they're in Singapore too:
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Atlas moths are 30cm across, and the tips of their wings resemble cobra heads...and yes, they're in Singapore too:
Used to be very common in the old days. Some times thousands or hundreds for a few days. Quite spectacular once I saw them by the thousands in on Mandarin Hotel night light back in the 70s.
Narwhals are whales. They were once hunted so that the tusks could be sold as unicorn horns.
here's another..
Basking Shark
huge huge gaping mouth... the thing grows up to over 12m long and weighs in at around 8 tonnes.. harmless plankton feeder... thank goodness for that!!
here's another.. a little fish..
Hand Fish
cute little fella "walks" around at the sea bed with its extended fins
oh yeah.. there's one of these at Kallang Leisure Mall...
Flemish Giant
big big cutie of a bunny...
Originally posted by the Bear:oh yeah.. there's one of these at Kallang Leisure Mall...
Flemish Giant
big big cutie of a bunny...
Giant bunny.
Originally posted by the Bear:oh yeah.. there's one of these at Kallang Leisure Mall...
Flemish Giant
big big cutie of a bunny...
tat's huge!!! o.O
erm... so must put it on lash when walking it daily?
too bad there are no giant chinchillas
now.. another weird creature...
looking like an unholy union of a zebra, a horse and a giraffe, this is an actual animal and not some kind of cross-bred animal..
related to the giraffe, it shares that long rubbery tongue which it uses to grasp leaves which it eats and also to clean its muzzle, ears and its face
Originally posted by ShrodingersCat:
How about these cute garden eels? Here's a close up!
this type of garden eel i kept before in my coral tank
think can check them out in those marine fish shops
pretty cute little stuff
interesting! keep it coming!