Originally posted by Keii:
I don't know how I'm gonna handle these people. I foresee myself checking into anger management classes because of these idiots.
my favourite option
Originally posted by kopiosatu:doesn't it make u all feel so much younger?
Life mellow down and gets boring? At 23???
WTF man
And I find life gets more hectic and stressful as I age
Originally posted by InnoHippo:dont worry ..... just turn to sgforums .....
Turn to SgF and also rage at alot of egotistical self-centered idiots who post senseless bullshit.
Originally posted by elindra:
Life mellow down and gets boring? At 23???WTF man
And I find life gets more hectic and stressful as I age
He, is a loser.
Originally posted by elindra:
Life mellow down and gets boring? At 23???WTF man
And I find life gets more hectic and stressful as I age
mommy and daddy are probably still giving him allowance
Originally posted by Keii:
Turn to SgF and also rage at alot of egotistical self-centered idiots who post senseless bullshit.
why rage when they are senselessly funny har?
I told him to get up from his seat and step outdoors for a change
This kind of ppl is what I call kiam pa
GST credits are so pathetic
they wanna win elections with that?
Originally posted by kopiosatu:GST credits are so pathetic
they wanna win elections with that?
The GST credits can only subsidise my fish food
Can't even fully pay for 1 month of fish food
Tsk tsk
Originally posted by InnoHippo:why rage when they are senselessly funny har?
I dunno if they think they're funny or not, they may provide entertainment online. But these are the people we will face/or work with in real life. These people who do not contribute/do nothing for society or for the better of mankind. Let alone contribute to human growth (to make oneself improve, mature mentally etc) or interaction.
Originally posted by Keii:
I dunno if they think they're funny or not, they may provide entertainment online. But these are the people we will face/or work with in real life. These people who do not contribute/do nothing for society or for the better of mankind. Let alone contribute to human growth (to make oneself improve, mature mentally etc) or interaction.
Trust me on this
You get morons like these EVERYWHERE
I mean just look at SGF. The number of idiots should give you an idea
Originally posted by elindra:
The GST credits can only subsidise my fish foodCan't even fully pay for 1 month of fish food
Tsk tsk
/me lub chin
it covers the hotel stay for my thai trip.
Originally posted by Keii:
I dunno if they think they're funny or not, they may provide entertainment online. But these are the people we will face/or work with in real life. These people who do not contribute/do nothing for society or for the better of mankind. Let alone contribute to human growth (to make oneself improve, mature mentally etc) or interaction.
ask bear about his boss
check with him in 10 years and see if his opinion still holds
Originally posted by Keii:
I dunno if they think they're funny or not, they may provide entertainment online. But these are the people we will face/or work with in real life. These people who do not contribute/do nothing for society or for the better of mankind. Let alone contribute to human growth (to make oneself improve, mature mentally etc) or interaction.
without stupid pple around, how can smart pple shine?
think positive
Actually this time the financial crisis really jialet
You get inflation and recession at the same time
But from what I see a lot of ppl still not affected like that
Originally posted by elindra:Actually this time the financial crisis really jialet
You get inflation and recession at the same time
But from what I see a lot of ppl still not affected like that
who not affected?
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:unfair ...
btw, ur payday is which date? and is it by giro? Or cheque?
payday 28th... by giro de...
Originally posted by InnoHippo:who not affected?
No leh I see alot of ppl still making big purchases
LV outside still long queue
like kopi says, i wonder about people like my boss...
her mother is losing her sight, she's taking some time off to ensure her mom's operation is okay and all that..
some.. like her mom is going for the eye operation on thursday.. she's taking time off until 2pm because she figures her mom should be out by then...
uhh.. wtf? mom in hospital doing an operation to save her sight.. and she's.. going back to work??
thing is, where she was from, there was this guy who kena cancer.. and he kept going back to work until like 10pm each day.. even weekends... eventually he died..
wtf is wrong with these people?
Originally posted by elindra:
No leh I see alot of ppl still making big purchasesLV outside still long queue
that is becos the more u buy the more u save mah .......
Originally posted by InnoHippo:who not affected?
Originally posted by tare:
payday 28th... by giro de...
Hmm .. they may still be in time to stop the february pay .....
u got ask ur HR if they are paying feb salary or not?
Originally posted by InnoHippo:that is becos the more u buy the more u save mah .......
So far MPB and I not affected la I can say
My work... business on the contrary is booming n super busy
MPB coz of all the grounded planes, his company also booming
my previous employer said they overpaid me by a month
but i don't give a shit
because i will show them my empty bank account. hur hur hur~