lets see, av has been know to be into gayism (admiring and ogling guys), beastiality (sheep), tranny. hmmz still got others?
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:I wonder if it's going to rain again later.
sky is turning grey here... its like telling me to nap
Originally posted by hisoka:lets see, av has been know to be into gayism (admiring and ogling guys), beastiality (sheep), tranny. hmmz still got others?
hisk, the chinese character of death you don't know how to write ?
crap.. i was at house of mouse.. bought the little egg speaker for mom.. but forgot to buy the lens cloth i wanted...
maybe tomorrow..
Originally posted by zoragirl:hisk, the chinese character of death you don't know how to write ?
so long as AV not turning his sights on Hisk...should be ok
morning lah Club30s !
I just flipped through the Life! section of ST, and one particular tour package made me sit up.
10 days Best of Germany/France/Switzerland/Belgium/Holland? WTF are they going to see?!
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:I just flipped through the Life! section of ST, and one particular tour package made me sit up.
10 days Best of Germany/France/Switzerland/Belgium/Holland? WTF are they going to see?!
Originally posted by the Bear:this:
It's probably going to be the longest and most expensive roller coaster ride of their lives.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:I just flipped through the Life! section of ST, and one particular tour package made me sit up.
10 days Best of Germany/France/Switzerland/Belgium/Holland? WTF are they going to see?!
the inside of the coach?
Originally posted by Ferret:morning lah Club30s !
afternoon ferret. lunch?
cant wait to watch The Wrestler.. wooo NecroButcher ftfw!
hmmmmm feel like buying a drum set.
Originally posted by Master -_-:cant wait to watch The Wrestler.. wooo NecroButcher ftfw!
there's Necro Butcher in it?
must watch!!!
Originally posted by kopiosatu:hmmmmm feel like buying a drum set.
what did your neighbours do to you?
Originally posted by zoragirl:hisk, the chinese character of death you don't know how to write ?
can always refer to my avatar for reference...
hmm .. does anyone put a torchlight in the car? In case of emergency, you can also use it as a "weapon" ?
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:hmm .. does anyone put a torchlight in the car? In case of emergency, you can also use it as a "weapon" ?
golf club also works
just wondering if its useful to have a torch in the car or not ..
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:hmm .. does anyone put a torchlight in the car? In case of emergency, you can also use it as a "weapon" ?
i have lots of junk in my car which can be used as weapons.. that includes a waiter's friend corkscrew, a bunch of pens, a laser pointer.. blah blah..
if you really want something as a weapon, no need for torchlight, go buy a steering lock.. it'll not look out of place and it's practical too
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:just wondering if its useful to have a torch in the car or not ..
how big? how small?
you can also get a solar-cell one which is sold in Ikea
Originally posted by the Bear:how big? how small?
you can also get a solar-cell one which is sold in Ikea
torch cum weapon at the same time ..
haha ..
but then nah .. maybe just a normal torch ..
apart from ikea .. anywhere else got sell? Ikea is a bit out of the way ..
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:torch cum weapon at the same time ..
haha ..
but then nah .. maybe just a normal torch ..
apart from ikea .. anywhere else got sell? Ikea is a bit out of the way ..
solar one, dunno where else..
but there are others out there which work without batteries.. got hand-cranked ones.. all usually with a dynamo inside..
problem is .. duno where to get them ..
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:problem is .. duno where to get them ..
i go see my office storeroom have or not.. ahahaha