With all the plastic and metal we see encasing computers and accessories, it's refreshing to see a few that utilize wood. The soft grains, warmth, and earthy colors make computers a little less harsh. But it's not like wood computers are a new concept. According to Macadoodle, this Apple computer was put together around 1976 by Steve Wozniak. Only 200 like this were made, and today Macophiliacs will have to shell out at least $50,000 to own one.
Luckily, wood computers aren't old and rare. They're actually getting quite popular and while there aren't a whole lot on the market, designers are messing around more and more with wood casings in their concepts. This Fujitsu FMV-BIBLO NX95Y/D notebook (yeah, we didn't name it...) boasts a forest-thinned cedar shell, and as a whole it is a prototype design called the "WoodShell," exhibited at the Japan Design 2008 - Innovation exposition.
One computer that is on the market and has grabbed the attention of TreeHugger is the ASUS bamboo notebook. In fact, bamboo casings are starting to become quite the rage for "eco" computers. This ASUS notebook was played up at the company's booth at CES 2009 and it feels as good as it looks. Bamboo was the material of choice because of its high rate of renewal and sustainability, and ASUS wanted to make a point that “it's easy being green."
Beautiful wood choices can also be made for PC towers. This tower is made from Myrtle and displays a beautiful grain texture. Myrtle is a northwestern wood and can be found FSC, so it's a great choice for a decorative casing.
Wood computer cases can get pretty elaborate, so that they're more art than anything else. Suissa is one company doing just this. This is their "Englighten" model with a limited edition of 10 pieces. Art, for sure.
Like Suissa, Holz Kontor produces beautiful wood-cased computer devices, including monitor, mouse and keyboard. They offer a variety of wood choices, though you'd have to double check on the sustainability of the materials. Also, you have to be ready to shell out quite a bit of money. The mouse alone is $150. But if you're looking for unique elegance for an office space, beautiful wooden computer parts would do the trick.
Custom computer towers from wood can be made at home and many DIYers take up the task and create some cool cases like this one.
Custom cases can be super simple for those who want a minimalist look, or just want to put as little money and time into a case as possible. Simple still turns out looking pretty great, showing it's hard to go wrong with wood. This particular beautifully simple case has a minimalist and modern look a Mac user would love.
Even if you go for a simple cube, you can dress it up a bit with some finish and varnish. The shine on this DIY case gives it some extra polished oomph.
DIY projects can look just as polished and sleek as any super-expensive custom job. Take this project done in redwood. The creator took store-bought computer accessories and custom built wood veneers to go over them. Though it takes quite a bit of time and lots of measuring, the finished product looks beautiful.
For your custom job, you might just want to look around the house for supplies. This Mac keyboard was built from Scrabble pieces. Time and patience, and attention to detail, pays off!
The more creative the better. This art deco-style "Skyscraper Photo PC" was inspired by a similar looking clock casing. The finished product looks nothing like a computer, but sure runs like one. The USB ports and other components are hidden underneath. Watching the step-by-step creation of something like this makes you even more appreciative of the final, beautiful product.
While the Skyscraper Photo PC seems pretty elaborate, this Japanese case mod will make you do a double take. This piece is a combination of the creator's dual love for furniture and computers - and it definitely looks like it could be a piece of furniture. The case makes the computer part of a room's decor.
Rather than a piece of furniture, this carved case looks like an heirloom jewelry box. The monitor, keyboard and mouse are pretty basic, but the computer case itself is something to stare at. And with the work that goes into something like this, it is sure to encourage the upgrading, and not tossing of the computer.
Weet weet
I could use one of those... it'll fit nicely under the TV console....
won't they overheat easily ? ....
omg cool wor some of them
for eg. the asus one and the PC tower
this thread last time hao xiang post b4 right??
why sek sek de?
Originally posted by kopiosatu:
Rather than a piece of furniture, this carved case looks like an heirloom jewelry box. The monitor, keyboard and mouse are pretty basic, but the computer case itself is something to stare at. And with the work that goes into something like this, it is sure to encourage the upgrading, and not tossing of the computer.
This one actually appeals to me.
not wise to overheat ur computer....