Catchy title, eh?
This is going to be a thread for booklovers, of which there are plenty in Club 30.
This thread encourages us booklovers to stick together to talk about books, new releases, reviews, etc.
We've had our regular threads where we share what books we've been reading for the month. This is just an expansion on that idea.
Most importantly, although there are plenty of booklovers in here, most of us have slackened in our reading habits. Too few of us are still ardent readers, which is a shame because in our journey towards becoming full-fledged eggheads, , we DO need to keep reading.
To be a part of the league, state up-front your commitment to read a certain number of books by the end of 2009. I will do a tally list right here.
Readers & Their Commitments :
1) Rhonda - 4 / 10
2) av - 1 / 30
3) deathwish - 40
4) elindra - 4 / 12
5) tare - 1 / 5
6) Fatum - 12
7) Fudgester - 12
8) The man who was death - 15
9) rainee - 4 / 20
10) 7mins - 10
11) cassie - 3 / ?
12) shrodingerscat - 3 / ?
13) Keii - 1 / ?
14) CityHermit - 1 / ?
15) dvon - 1
Come on! Be bravehearts and join the league!
av and Ferret, since you are both so bored most of the time, can I commit the two of you to read 20 books each?
I read at least one book per fortnight, so 20 books isn't a challenge
I want to know how many books Jetta is going to read
Originally posted by av98m:I read at least one book per fortnight, so 20 books isn't a challenge
I want to know how many books Jetta is going to read
Wah... so, how many books are you going to commit to reading then? 30?
deathwish = 40 to 50?
Hmm... speaking of GOALS, I remember this corporate training that my HR Dept in an American MNC used to conduct.
The Director of HR was a very charismatic manager who was extremely glib-tongued and good in motivating and training his staff. He taught us that goals need to be SMART goals. SMART goals need to be :
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable (thanks to blooey for reminding me! )
R - Realistic
T - Time-Frame
OK... guess I have forgotten some of what he has taught!
Originally posted by Rhonda:
Wah... so, how many books are you going to commit to reading then? 30?
commit got prize issit?
30 it is!
Originally posted by deathwish:deathwish = 40 to 50?
Oi... be specific leh! 40 or 50?
Originally posted by av98m:
commit got prize issit?
30 it is!
Prize? Hmm... can also. Bookmark?
Depends on how addicted i am to WoW =X
Originally posted by Rhonda:Prize? Hmm... can also. Bookmark?
actually I really need those
A = Achievable
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:A = Achievable
BINGO!! Thanks, mate!!
Originally posted by av98m:
actually I really need those
OK! Deal! Achieve your goals by the end of the year, you'll get a bookmark!
Originally posted by deathwish:Depends on how addicted i am to WoW =X
HAHA deathy
Originally posted by Rhonda:OK! Deal! Achieve your goals by the end of the year, you'll get a bookmark!
only one?
Originally posted by deathwish:Depends on how addicted i am to WoW =X
Erm... you understand the meaning of 'commitment', right? It means, for better or for worse, you are going to read x no. of books.
Originally posted by av98m:
only one?
Biangz... how many bookmarks do you want? How many books do you read at the same time?
Originally posted by Rhonda:Biangz... how many bookmarks do you want?
How many books do you read at the same time?
sometimes I multitask and read 3 or 4 concurrently. and I keep losing my bookmarks
Originally posted by av98m:
sometimes I multitask and read 3 or 4 concurrently. and I keep losing my bookmarks
OK, OK...
I read somewhere donkey years ago that it's actually a brilliant idea to balance reading 5-6 books at any one time. It kinda trains your mind to handle different themes and trains your memory to recall where you left off the last time for each book.
Hmm... think it was a tip from some mind improvement kinda book or something. I read that when I was in Lower Sec so I can't recall the title. Might be Tony Buzan's "Make the Most of Your Mind"...
Originally posted by Rhonda:OK, OK...
I read somewhere donkey years ago that it's actually a brilliant idea to balance reading 5-6 books at any one time. It kinda trains your mind to handle different themes and trains your memory to recall where you left off the last time for each book.
Hmm... think it was a tip from some mind improvement kinda book or something. I read that when I was in Lower Sec so I can't recall the title.
Might be Tony Buzan's "Make the Most of Your Mind"...
issit? I'm just easily distracted
Originally posted by av98m:issit? I'm just easily distracted
Pinky, KB, the Bear, MooKu and tare want in or not? Who else are avid readers?
Originally posted by Rhonda:
sorry to burst your bubble
i love to read .. but i got not much time.. lol ..
the only books that i'm going to read this year will most probably be my notes/text ..